Kyson A 1 Melton A 0

A far post header from Hayden Brown secured Kyson a narrow 1-0 victory over Melton in a Friday evening encounter on the 25th April.

Brown, who had only just been re-introduced as a substitute by Mr Gunson rose strongly to nod home a fine curling corner from captain Elliot Basket. The goal came late into a tightly contested match; which in truth Melton were very unlucky to lose.

Kyson made two changes to their squad for the match, with the impressive Louis Francis-Smith and Andy Taylor moving up from the B team. In a light shower, Melton started the stronger and for the first five minutes Kyson struggled to get into the game. KadirCavga made two fine saves and, alongside the back two of Ian Moodie and James Leech, kept Kyson in the match.

At half-time, Kyson switched Elliot Baskett into the midfield in order to add composure and push the more attacking minded Francis-Smith and Brown forward more. This seemed to work wonders and Kyson began to look more threatening and only the cross bar and some fine saves kept them out. Rafferty Daw also made an excellent impression down the left wing; working hard throughout the half.

With five minutes remaining, Kadir made a superb one-handed save from a corner and Kyson were soon at the other end to score their killer goal. Well done everyone!

Men of the Match: Kadir, Ian and James whose superb defensive performance kept Kyson in the match.

Squad: Elliot Basket (c), Ian Moodie, James Leech, KadirCavga, Hayden Brown, Jamie Taplin, Rafferty Daw, Andy Taylor, Louis F-Smith.

Kyson B 9 Melton B 1

In the second game Kyson ran out comfortable winners against a much less experienced Melton B team. Early goals from Daniel Howard and Sam Wainer set the tone for a good victory.

Nathan Gooch-Postma was the unluckiest man on the pitch – seeing each of his attempts (including a penalty) saved, deflected on to posts or dragged agonisingly wide. At one stage it seemed he would never score; much to his own and his team mates amusement! Then finally in the final minutes, Daniel Howard stuck a fine effort from long range which flicked off Nathan’s boot and into the bottom corner!

Ethan Boswell made his debut for the team and scored two excellent early second half goals. Amelia Vincent and Felix Church provided a strong backline although Jack Norman enjoyed more action than the previous match against Sandlings.

Another excellent all-round performance from the B team.

Man of the Match: Daniel Howard – Daniel came into the B team with a fantastic attitude; controlling, passing and defending confidently as well as scoring some good goals.

Squad: Jack Norman (c), Daniel Howard, Sam Wainer, Amelia Vincent, Felix Church, Zac Daynes, Nathan Gooch-Postma, Ethan Boswell.