1.After his father died, he was declared Augustus at Eboracum, England. While absent from the East, he had his wife Fausta and his son Crispus slain. This ruler defeated his co-emperor Licinius at the Battle of Hellespont and the Battle of Chrysopolis, thus ending the Tetrarchy period. His namesake arch was constructed after a battle in which Maxentius drowned in the Tiber, the battle of Milvian Bridge. Regarding that battle, Eusebius describes a vision of a flaming cross coming to this ruler. FTP, name this Roman emperor whose mother was St. Helena, who issued the mandate for Christian tolerance in the Edict of Milan, and was the first Roman ruler to convert to Christianity.

A: Flavius Valerius Constantine I the Great [or Constantine the Great; or Constantinus I; or Constantinus the Great; Prompt on Constantine]

2.This man wrote a short story in which the title character's wife Margot shoots him while on a big game hunt and another in which Harry contemplates his life while dying from an infected wound. In addition to The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber and The Snows of Kilimanjaro, this man wrote a novel about Robert Jordan, an American fighting in the Spanish Civil War. His other novels include one about Frederic Henry, who serves in the Italian army in WWI, as well as one about Jake Barnes. FTP name this author of For Whom the Bell Tolls, A Farewell to Arms, and The Sun Also Rises.

A: Ernest Hemingway

3.In the Aeneid, this god scolds the winds for infringing on his territory. After offending Zeus, he and Apollo were forced to work for King Laomedon, building the walls of Troy. Medusa was changed into a Gorgon for sleeping with this god in a temple of Athena, and his children include Orion and Triton. This god invented horses to please his wife Amphitrite and is also the god of earthquakes. This god lost a contest for control of a city when his saltwater spring was deemed less useful than Athena's olive tree by the people of Athens. FTP name this Greco-Roman god of the sea.

A: Poseidon or Neptune

4.One of this leader’s officers, José Varela, defeated José Miaja near the capital city in the Battle of Brunete. This man defeated rebels in the Rif during the Second Moroccan War and was a member of the party of Primo de Rivera. The Falange and Carlist parties were satisfied with this leader’s choice of his designated successor, Juan Carlos I. He called on the Condor Legion to bomb the Basque town depicted by Picasso known as Guernica. FTP, name this Spanish leader who led the Nationalist forces to victory against the Republicans or Loyalists in the Spanish Civil War.

A: Francisco Paulino Hermenegildo Teódulo Franco Bahamonde [or Bahamonde; prompt on El Caudillo]

5.In the last two of these, Cupid is robbed of his weapons, which are quenched in a well, where the speaker wishes to go. However, the well does not cure him of his love for a woman whose breath reeks and whose hairs are like black wires. The narrator of some of them says that they will outlast marble monuments. Many are dedicated to a Fair Youth, and number 130 says that “my mistress’ eyes are nothing like the sun,” describing the Dark Lady. FTP, name this collection of 154 sonnets, one of which begins “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day,” by the author of Hamlet.

A: Shakespeare’s sonnets [accept equivalents]

6.On the cellular level, one version of this process forms a molecule of GTP and converts pyruvate into acetyl CoA. Before that second half of this process, the three-carbon pyruvate is created via the breakdown of six-carbon glucose in glycolysis. On the organism level, this process takes place in the form of an exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen in the sacs within the lungs, alveoli. FTP, name this biological process, which takes place in the cell in a series of reactions including the citric acid, or Krebs, cycle and in the body in the form of breathing.

A: Respiration [Accept word forms, Accept Krebs Cycle until “dioxide”]

7.This philosopher’s lesser known works include his History of King Richard III, and he may have helped Henry VIII write the Defense of the Seven Sacraments. After falling out of favor with Henry, he wrote his final work, A Dialogue of Comfort Against Tribulation, while imprisoned in the Tower of London awaiting execution for his ardent Catholicism. The dedicatee of Erasmus’s The Praise of Folly, this man’s most famous work concerns the travel of Raphael Hythloday to a city state situated on a crescent shaped island with a name meaning “not a place”. FTP, name this English saint and author of Utopia.

A: Thomas More

8.Four engravings are visible across of the bottom of this painting, which adorns the opposite wall from La Disputa in the Stanza della Segnatura. A statue of the goddess Athena appears in one of the alcoves it depicts, while Apollo stands in an opposite one holding a lyre. Four arches are visible above the crowd of figures. Pythagoras can be seen writing in a notebook and Diogenes is lounging on the steps while Michelangelo is depicted as Heraclitus. At the vanishing point stand Aristotle and Plato pointing in opposite directions in their disagreement. FTP name this fresco by Raphael depicting scholars, most of them Greeks, in the title location.

A: The School of Athens Accept Scuola di Atene

9.This man regained the territories lost by his predecessor, who had been deposed by Sher Shah, and conquered Gujarat and Bengal. He also created a system of diwans to ensure there was no abuse of finances. After a hermit predicted the birth of his son, he built the city of Fatehpur Sikri at the hermit's auspicious home. He created a religion centered around himself, although he also encouraged inter-faith discussions among his court.The father of Jahangir, this emperor succeeded Humayun. FTP, name this tolerant Mughal emperor.

A: Abu al-Fath Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Akbar

10.One character in this work is known as the “Explosive Lieutenant” for his temper, and another character terrifies the protagonist by hinting at what is in his closet, which is later revealed to be an old man. The protagonist is upset by a letter from his mother announcing his sister’s engagement to a man who wishes to marry her for her poverty, Pyotr Luzhin. Through the drunkard Marmeladov he meets a religious prostitute named Sonia, who is the first character to whom he confesses his murder of Alyona Ivanovna. FTP, name this novel about Rodion Raskolnikov by Fyodor Dostoevsky.

A: Crime and Punishment

11.The story “The Crossing” revealed him as a traitor controlled by Kang the Conquerer. A military pilot would take over in this role after a relapse caused by the manipulations of a business rival, before parting ways after the revelation that this character had faked his own death. That first man to bear this title suffered a heart injury during a kidnapping and was forced to build a weapon, instead building his suit and escaping, at the cost of Yinsen, the man who had saved his life. FTP, name this formerly alcoholic superhero, currently the disgraced former head of SHIELD, whose previous cover was as bodyguard to Tony Stark.

A: Iron Man [prompt on Tony Stark before mention; accept Tony Stark before "this role"]

12.The Balbina Reservoir lies to the northeast of the largest city on this river, whose western tributaries include the Marañón and the Apurímac. Marajó Island is at the mouth of this river, whose length was first sailed by Francisco de Orellana. The city of Manaus is located at the confluence of the Rio Negro and this river, which often floods rainforests in its gigantic basin. FTP, name this huge South American river.

A: Amazon River [or Río Amazonas or Solimões]

13.This tribe's leaders included one who led the Alma Massacre, as well as another who was tracked down by both General Crook and General Miles. Like the Navajo, they speak an Athabaskan language, and their divisions include the Mescalero, Jicarilla, and Chiricahua. Their leaders Mangas Coloradas and Cochise joined in an alliance to drive the white man from their lands. FTP, name this southwestern Native American tribe whose other leaders included Geronimo and whose name is used for a type of helicopter.

A: Apache [accept Chiricahua Apache until "Mescalero"]

14.A physical model of one of these objects yields a term for angular frequency proportional to the square root of the product of mass and the distance between its center of gravity and the pivot, approximating harmonic motion. A simple model of its motion holds that the square root of the gravitational constant over its length is equal to the wavelength. One type of this apparatus was set up by its namesake to demonstrate the rotation of the earth. FTP, name this physical device consisting of a weight on a string, an example of which is named for Foucault.

A: Pendulum

15.This man’s underrated works for piano include Rondo Capriccioso and his first Piano Concerto in G Minor. He drew from Cervantes and Goethe for the opera Camacho’s Wedding and The First Walpurgis Night, respectively. Spring Song and Spinning Song are two of his Songs Without Words, and a visit to Scotland inspired his Hebrides Overture and Third Symphony. He is better known for a symphony featuring tarantella and saltarello styles and incidental music featuring a Scherzo and Wedding March. FTP, name this German composer of the “Italian” Symphony and music for A Midsummer Night’s Dream.

A: Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy

16.The Sumerian god of this doubled as the god of wisdom, and rode a winged bull. In addition to Nanna, the Egyptian god of this entity, Khonsu, had 5 days of light gambled away from him by Thoth, making the year 365 days. The Japanese god of this was banished by his sister after killing Uke Mochi, the goddess of food, and the Greek goddess of this object kidnapped Endymion before being supplanted by Artemis. FTP, name this celestial object represented in Greek myth by Selene and in Roman myth by Luna.

A: Earth's Moon [accept Luna before mention]

17. A vector space employing a namesake bracket is called a Lie one. Integral domains, groups and rings are structures central to one variety of this discipline. Logic circuits employ functions like “not” in the Boolean variety. Matrices and vectors are important to the branch of mathematics known as the linear variety, related to the abstract variety. The theorem relating the order of a polynomial to the number of its roots is fundamental to this discipline. FTP, give this term that names two common courses in high school involving variables like x and y.

A: Algebras [Accept Lie Algebras until “variety”]

18.This man tried to boost capitalist investment in his country with the infitah, outlined in the October Paper. Just before his death he jailed many of his opponents, who were displeased with a treaty he had signed two years earlier, and he expelled Soviet advisors from his country in 1972. He fought Israel in the Yom Kippur War, but eventually signed the Camp David Accords with Begin. Assassinated in 1981, this is, FTP, what successor of Nasser as leader of Egypt?

A: Muhammad Anwar al-Sadat

19.This document originally included a complicated plan for apportionment of representatives as well as a section, later ratified as the 27th Amendment, forbidding Congressional pay raises to take effect before an election. Federalist Paper #84 defended the lack of this in the government, saying its absence actually protected the people. It was influenced by a similar document created by George Mason of Virginia in 1776, and it was first presented by James Madison. Including parts such as the Confrontation Clause, the Establishment Clause, and the Free Exercise Clause, this is, FTP, what document added on to the Constitution which contains the first ten amendments?

A: U.S. Bill of Rights

20.This author’s works include a Newdigate Prize-winning poem called Ravenna. Another of his poems claims “each man kills the thing he loves” and one of his plays written in French climaxes with a Judean princess making love to the head of Jokanaan. In addition to The Ballad of Reading Gaol and Salome, he wrote a play in which Mrs. Erlynne claims that she took the titular object to cover the protagonist’s escape from Lord Darlington’s apartment and in his only novel the protagonist stabs Basil Hallward, the painter of the the titular portrait. FTP, name this Irish author of Lady Windermere’s Fan and The Picture of Dorian Gray.

A: Oscar Wilde

EXTRA TOSS-UP; only read if there is a tie

21.This metal’s ores include brookite, anatase and rutile, as well as iron compounds like pseudobrookite and ilmenite. This element’s tetrachloride, besides bonding with an aluminum compound in Ziegler-Natta catalysts, is reduced with magnesium to separate pure metal from those ores in the Kroll process. The dioxide of this element is a common white dye, while this element’s alloy with vanadium is a useful building material. FTP, name this durable and lightweight metallic element found in airplane wings, with atomic number 22 and symbol Ti. A: Titanium (Accept Ti until mentioned)

1.This author of Hope is the thing with feathers also wrote I heard a fly buzz when I died. FTPE:

[10] Name this poet of Because I could not stop for death, among many other short poems entitled by their first line.

A: Emily Dickinson

[10] Another American female poet is this author, born in West Africa, of To His Excellency George Washington and Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral.