Monthly Meeting

May 25, 2017

Meeting calledto order at 7:00 p.m.

Present: Everett Sawyer, III, Wayne Fortier, Michael Bruce, Fred Garofalo and Evelyn Elms

Guest: Jo Lacaillade

Minutes from April meeting reviewed and accepted.

Treasurer’s Report: Money has now been moved to a checking account from a savings account and as of 5/23/2017 there is $3,945.87 in the checking account.

Railroad Park: Jo Lacaillade updated Haverhill Heritage Commission on current work to prepare for a “Walking Tour”. Some of the projects include determining ownership of the coal bins on Mill Street, recreate the former archway as a walk way into Railroad Park and discussion about widening the drive into Railroad Park for two car width and this would need State DOT approval.

Mill Street Bridge: The granite blocks and timber/beams the Town can obtain but the Town has to make suggestions in writing to the State as to possible projects for the beams. The State cannot grant a private citizen the beams, but if we do not take them, a private citizen would have to work any purchase with the contractor who is awarded the bid. The new bridge on Mill Street will have a marker stamped into the bridge.

Everett reported he has tried to contact Norman Ingalls about the two box cars on his property in Woodsville – discussion. Railroad passenger car was also discussed.

Fred inquired about the beams, creosote – age of beams, probably 1920’s so there should not be a problem. Maybe use the beams to update the coal bins. What was the name of the crossing as most crossings had a name?

Hazen Park: Everett has mowed the grass. It was suggested to clean up the burn pile and seed it over, but there may be more brush to burn so best to wait until next year. Possible functions under discussion might be a BBQ as a Heritage Commission Fund raiser. Wayne made a motion to buy a gas can, seconded by Mike and approved.

Powder House Hill: There is a small pink flag put in around first of May for signage. We will need to get a Petition with twenty (20) names, addresses for the sign. Wayne reported that this sign would be posted on the State DOT right-of-way. Surveying – the Haverhill Historical Society has shown some interest in surveying and might help. Wayne will check with a surveyor as to cost. Wayne updated the Board his conversation with Mike Lavoie.

Blocks: Discussion as to number of blocks and if they all had been paid for. Unknown as any deposits into the savings account would not show a name. Blocks are currently in the Caboose. Evelyn Elms will meet with Jim Hobbs to determine if he has any old Treasurer records.

Also, we own a 12 foot extension ladder.

Motion made to adjourn – approved Time 8:06 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Evelyn Elms, Sec.