Dear Friend,

Have you heard about Florida Prosperity Partnership’s conference? As a proud FPP Member, I wanted to share this opportunity with you.

I really think it will pertain to the work you do, especially with speakers such as Pam Dorr (CBS News called her Greensboro, Alabama’s “one woman stimulus package”), Steve and Annette Economides (Good Morning America’s Charlie Gibson affectionately dubbed them America's Cheapest Family),Ted Granger (President of United Way of Florida), and Nathaniel Smith (Partnership for Southern Equity). There is also a session from National Disability Institute “Oh the Places We Can Go When We Have a Vision Board”. Also, many of the sessions will show how we can work together (in so many various fields) to help build the prosperity of Floridians.

Some additional background…

The Florida Prosperity Partnership (FPP), evolved from a number of parallel and earlier efforts to create a statewide coalition dedicated to building financial assets for low-to-moderate income residents. In the fall of 2008, the FPP became a formal entity and adopted the mission to “Establish a statewide collaboration of organizations holistically focused on providing life-enhancing services to Floridians.”

The Seventh Annual FPP State Training Conference, “Oh, The Places We’ll Go!” will be held May 27 – 29, 2015 in Orlando at the Portofino Bay Hotel. The FPP's goal is to convene individuals and organizations with the desire to leverage their talent, resources, and passion to improve the prosperity of Florida's families. Our vision is that all Floridians will have equal opportunities to obtain financial stability.

The conference will:

•Disseminate state of the art information on asset building and asset preservation tools and education related to the diverse population of Florida, including the presentation of proven programs from across the country.

•Create a forum for facilitating the exchange of information among individuals, groups and institutions, as cut across all professional disciplines through dialogue and break-out sessions.

•Enlighten the attendees on multi-dimensional programs that address a spectrum of family issues, resulting in a more prosperous family.

The conference is extremely affordable (starting at $229) as well as really low hotel rates (starting at $119). But, the information and networking is invaluable! So, look over the great agenda and speakers at and please consider registering.

I hope to see you there!

Thanks for checking it out and remember to put my name in when you are asked where you heard about it!
