I, ______,

(print student name)

have read the Early College handbook & agree to all of the following:

❖To act with integrity and honesty, with a strong sense of fairness, justice, caring and respect for the dignity of the individual, groups and community of Early College.

❖To cultivate my own work in the spirit of academic honesty. I understand that a violation of academic integrity is an act harmful to other scholars, teachers, and ultimately me,and will not be tolerated.

❖To work with diligence to earn satisfactory grades.

❖To persevere as I understand that I may not withdraw from a course without approval of my home school counselor and the Early College Coordinator. I understand that withdrawing from any class could affect future funding and graduation requirements.

❖To take responsibility for my own actions and the consequences that accompany them.

❖To work effectively and willingly in collaboration with others.

❖To show empathy, compassion and respect towards the needs and feelings of others.

❖To recognize of the importance of Tuesdays / Thursdays (UNG) and Fridays (LTC) for my academic, career and personal growth.

❖I understand that it if I fall below an 80 average then I must arrange to attend tutorials during non-class times.

❖To notify my professor and EC administration prior to or as soon as possible any time I will miss class.

❖To take responsibility of my actions and understand that during school hours, from arrival time until departure time, I am expected to remain within the specified Early College areas of the school.

❖To follow all college & district rules and regulations.

❖To take personal responsibility for checking with my college professor for specific policies to my class regarding make-up work due to absences and to email professor and copy your advisor.

❖To follow the check out and in procedures as outlined in the EC agenda.

❖To sign in daily at the Learning Commons during non-class times in order to establish safety protocol.

❖To participate in class & prepare for assignments.

❖To ask questions when needed.

❖To leave all spaces better than found.

❖To wear ID badges while on campus.

❖To gain expressed consent of individuals, professors, and Early College representatives before I video and/or audio tape another student or professor.

❖To give the right to be photographed/videotaped on the Early College campus by Early College or University personnel for website and publicity purposes.

❖To accept a personal obligation as a student and to the communities I serve to commit myself to the highest ethical and proper conduct of the computer, technology and social media.

______I understand and agree to the above statements for Early College.


(student signature)(date)

______My scholar and I have discussed, understand, and agree to the above statements for Early College.


(parent signature)(date)