49 Rutland Street CHRISTCHURCH 8014 Ph: 03 355-7538 Fax: 03 355-9652



Hato Opani Katorika Kura Newsletter No. 22

Together we excel, we live our faith and celebrate learning and life.

Dear Parents 1 August

I hope this newsletter finds you warm and dry! I am sure you will agree it is perfect Olympic Games watching weather. Please remind your children to wear their jackets to and from school as we desperately want to minimise any effects of the flu.

Maori Language Week: Te Wiki o Te Reo Maori

Special thanks to Mrs Maria Pasene our special guest at assembly last week. Mrs Pasene shared her experiences of learning and valuing other cultures by speaking their language. Congratulations to all the students who presented their learning during Maori Language Week.

Zone Sports Tournament:

This tournament is now cancelled. Well done to out champion sports girls and boys who accepted the disappointment of this decision with good grace.

Caritas: - Donation to Solomon Islands

Thank you for the donation of $310.50, which has been sent to the New Zealand Catholic Primary Principal’s Association, raised from the Mufti Mania day on the final day of Term 2.

Bryndwr Parish:

Wonderful news from the Parish:

Please note the new Parish name at the top of the newsletter. We shall be known as St Albans Catholic School of the Catholic Parish of the Holy Trinity, Bryndwr.

Celebration of Sacraments:

Congratulations to the following:

Bryce Campbell, Phillip Davidson, Hudson Irving, Charlie Marsh, Hugh Nimmo, Ryan O’Neill, Lila Bradley, Bridgetta Coyle, Amelia Coyle, Kate Dowling, Maisie Haines, Ava Herrick, Iris Mason, Emma Nugent, Niamh Ryan, Paris Wardle and Sophia Watts who will receive their First Reconciliation this Thursday evening at 6.30pm at St. Matthews.

From the RE Programme:

“The sacrament of Penance/reconciliation – Hohou Rango allows people to hear the forgiving words of Christ bringing them forgiveness and healing. It is a way Jesus continues to touch people with healing today. It heals people of the hurt they have done to themselves, to others or to creation and reconciles them with God – Te Atua and the church.”

Congratulations also to those past students who are to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation this Sunday 5 August at 12.30pm Mass at St. Matthews.

Class Awards: Prayer Packs:

Room 1: Grace Henderson Room 1: Daniel Milicich

Room 2: Connor O’Neill Room 2: Ava Morel

Room 3: Kael O’Neill Room 3: Kalani Jack Pasene-Hansen

Room 4: Hugh Nimmo Room 4: Phillip Davidson

Room 5: Jack Martin Room 5: Taylor Allsop

Principal’s Award: Grace Mcgeorge

Gardening News:

v  Look out for a photo in the local newspapers of a group of senior students helping the SCIRT landscaping team replace the plants at the school entrance.

v  Thank you to Mrs Ryan who entered us in a School Garden Challenge.

We were among the first to enter the competition and have won a garden

pack of a hose, sprinkler. Seed trays and tools from Mitre 10.

A group of Garden Club members will be heading to Mitre 10 Bishopdale this Friday.

Thank You From the PTA:

Thank-you to all who came along to our quiz night last Friday. Thank-you to our great host and quiz mistress, Annette. We raised $4000! This money will be used to purchase laptops for our junior classes.

The 2012 St Albans Catholic School Quiz winners were ….

“The Scammmers”

Kath and Stephen Roach, Anne and Mariusz Talaska and Michael & Mary Campbell.

You will recognise a couple of those names!

The Quiz Night Raffle winners were….

1st Lily Robertson (sold by the Eady family)

2nd Robert McClean

3rd Steven Hughes

4th Franklin Family

5th John Thomson (sold by Aynsley family)

6th Short Family

7th Davies Family

The PTA would particularly like to thank ….

Michelle Marsh, Surreal Hair & Beauty Boutique Day Spa - pamper packs

Paul and Rachel Donaldson and Pegasus Bay Restaurant and Winery – wine

Kylie and John Short - Brigittes Restaurant and Bar vouchers

Kylie Short – homemade decorated cake

Eliza Rattray, Alfred Lyons and Avonhead Pharmacy – Gucci perfume

Carolyn Barry – reiki treatment

Gisele Aynsley - Pinkhen Original and Limited Edition skirt

Peter Ryan, The Skin Cancer Clinic, Rolleston – skin check

Amanda Irving, Lynn Woods and Lynn Woods Studio – Lynn Woods Studio voucher

Amanda Irving – Coffee Club vouchers

Blair and Nicky Davies – coin toss prize

Ian Watts, Canterbury AV - AV equipment

Bridget Muir, who put together our beautiful hampers

All our families for donations of food and drinks from our mufti days!

Our Lady of Assumption Feast Day:

On Wednesday 15 August we celebrate the Blessed Virgin Mary’s Assumption into heaven.

This day is also the patronal feast of Aoteoroa, NZ. It is one of

the two Holy Days of obligation for us with the other being Christmas Day.

You are most welcome to join us in the library for Mass at 9.00am followed by morning tea.

Other parish Masses: 11.30am St. Patricks School Mass at St. Matthews and 7.00pm at

St. Matthews.

A surprise event for our wonderful students is planned for that afternoon at the

AMF Garden City Bowl, Iversen Terrace. Cost of transport and ten pin bowling

will be paid for from a donation given to us from an earthquake appeal.

Children must bring their sports shoes (with very clean soles please).

We leave school at 1.00pm and return at 2.50pm.

Catholic Convention:

Next Wednesday 8 August to Friday 10 August both Miss Quinn and I will be attending this Conference in Wellington.

“This gathering brings together Catholic educators, Bishops, priests and a range of others associated with our national Catholic education system.

Our 239 schools and 30 or so Early Childhood Services, along with the various tertiary institutions, will have the opportunity to interact with one another in a positive way.

The theme of the Convention is Nga Taonga – Living the Treasure.

Yes, we do have a treasure in our Catholicism. The Convention will provide each of us with many possibilities and experiences which will enrich our faith and enable us to be exposed to the good practice in our schools and other education activities.

THANK YOU for the leadership and personal contribution you make to the life of your education institution. Our schools and other education institutions can be proud of the contributions they make to the life of our Church and of our nation.”

Br Patrick J Lynch

Swimming Cost:

The cost per student of 9 lessons is $45 and the bus $28 which is a total of $73. am able to use a small amount of your EOTC donation so THE COST PER STUDENT IS $65. This can be paid by online banking if it is easier for you. The account number is: 03 1704 0021234 00. Thanks.

Next newsletter 15 August.

We pray especially for the students and their families as they prepare for the Sacraments of reconciliation and Confirmation.

These special sacramental occasions remind me of the wise words of the late Mother Teresa:

“The more we open ourselves, the more room we have for God to fill us.”

God Bless

Annette Sjoberg
