Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Hatch Beauchamp Parish Council held in the Village Hall on Wednesday 13 May 2015at7.30pm. (in the format to be submitted to the next meeting for approval as a correct record)

Present:- Mrs Scott, Messrs Fowler,Hammon and Marsden.

Members absent :-Mrs Kent, Mrs Kingston, Mr Graham

In Attendance:-Mr Williams (TDBC)Mr Crossley (Clerk)

Apologies:-Mrs Kent, Mrs Kingston

Mr Fowler in the chair

2315 Election of Chairman for the ensuing municipal year

RESOLVED that Mr Fowler be elected Chairman for the ensuing municipal year

Mr Fowler signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office and took the chair

2316 Apologies

RESOLVED that the absences of Mrs Kent and Mrs Kingston on business be recognised as approved absences for the purposes of S85 Local Government Act 1972

2317 To fill any vacancies left unfilled at the election by reason of insufficient nominations

The Clerk reported that 7 members had been returned unopposed at the election in May. 2 vacancies remained which the Council could now fill by co-option and 2 expressions of interest had been received.

RESOLVED that in accordance with recommended practice a decision on co-option be deferred to the next meeting in order that some publicity can begiven about the vacancies

2318 To determine when any declarations of acceptance of office which have not been received shall be received

The Clerk reported that all members present had made their declarations of acceptance of office

RESOLVED that all outstanding declarations be given to the Clerk before the next ordinary meeting

2319 Declarations of interest

There were no declarations of interest

2320 Appointment of Vice Chairman

RESOLVED that Mr Hammon be appointed Vice Chairman for the ensuing municipal year

2321 Minutes

The minutes of the meeting held on 11 March 2015 were approved as a correct record and signed the Chairman

2322 Appointment of Planning Committee

RESOLVED that Mrs Kent, Mrs Scott, and Messrs Graham, Hammon and Marsden (2 vacancies) be appointed the Planning Committee with a quorum set at 3 and all remaining members of the Council be appointed substitute members under the terms of SO 15(iv)

2323 Representatives on Outside Bodies

RESOLVED that the following appointments be made

1) West Area Cttee of Salc and Salc – all members be advised of meetings and be authorised to attend

2) Village Hall Committee – Mr Hammon with Mrs Scott to deputise

3) Footpath Liaison- Mr Graham

2324 Payment of Annual Subscriptions

RESOLVED that the annual subscriptions to SALC and SPFA be renewed

2325 Arrangements for the Review of Standing Orders, Financial Regs and Inventory of Assets

RSOLVED that these be reviewed as part of the risk management report in March

2326 Review of arrangements for insurance

RESOLVED the quotation from Messrs Came & Co on behalf of the Council’s existing insurers be accepted

2327 Questions from Members under Standing Order 9

There were no questions from members

2328 Questions from members of the public under Standing Order 1(e)

There were no questions from members of the public

2329 Report of Planning Committee of 31 March 2015

The Committee had met on 31 March and agreed to offer no objection to application 19/15/0004 for a conservatory at The Shippen, Capland Court

2330 Transfer and development of web site (min 2302)

RESOLVED that in the absence of Mr Graham this issue be left over to the next ordinary meeting

2331 Issues around signs, misuse of verge at Sparks Farm, dog bins and waste escaping from refuse vehicles/lids on re-cycling bins, SIDs, and the development of an action plan (min 2305 and 2307)

Members discussed these various issues which had been raised at the last meeting. It appeared unlikely that much local initiative could be made on street signs given that the consent of the Highway Authority would always have to be obtained and strict compliance with street sign regulations including siting and erection would be required. The lorry restriction sign at the junction of Bickenhall Lane and the A358 had now been erected. Information about the cost of purchasing a SID appeared to make them too expensive for individual parishes to buy. TDBC had confirmed that dog bins should be emptied twice a week and had provided information on the cost and emptying of additional bins. Information had been provided by the Waste Partnership on lids for re-cycling boxes and the various alternatives were discussed, although the information now appeared to have been removed from its’ web site. The Waste Partnership had undertaken to investigate complaints about waste escaping from refuse vehicles. Mr Henley had undertaken to establish the position on the misuse of the verge at Sparks Farm


1) TDBC be asked to confirm the location of the second dog bin referred to in the correspondence

2) enquiries be made about the cost of windproof nets and box caps for the re-cycling boxes based on an order of 500 and further enquiries be made of the Waste Partnership about their acceptability

3) the verge at Sparks Farm be further discussed at the next meeting

2332 Speeding in Station Rd (min 2314)

RESOLVED that the support of the Community Police be sought in dealing with this issue and they be asked to contact the chairman for further details

2333 Somerset Emergency Community Contacts

Somerset Local Authorities’ Civil Contingencies Unit was developing a database of Emergency Community Contacts who could be used as a first point of contact when an emergency was happening within their area and was seeking nominations for 3 representatives from each parish

RESOLVED that Pat Hunt be approached for her views, a copy of the letter be given to Mr Hammon for him to approach the Village Hall Trustees, and a copy be given to the Chairman for him to consider as a Council representative

2334 Adopt a kiosk

BT had written promoting its’ “adopt a phone kiosk” scheme. Whilst it was not yet known if the Hatch Beauchamp kiosk was available, members expressed the view that they preferred the kiosk to be kept as a working phone although they would be willing to consider alternative uses including use as a site for a defibrillator if it should become available

2335 Annual Summary of Receipts and Payments for year ended 31 March 2015, Annual Return for 2015 and Internal Auditor’s Report

The Clerk had previously circulated the Annual Summary of Receipts and Payments to all members. Mrs Pope had completed her report as internal auditor, had raised no issues and had confirmed that the internal audit control arrangements to be satisfactory. The external auditor (Grant Thornton) had set 15 June as the audit date and the necessary notice had been published. Members had before them the Annual Return


1) the Annual Summary be approved

2) theAccounting Statement and the Annual Governance Statement 2014/15 in the Annual Return be approved and signed by the Chairman and Clerk

2336 Accounts

The Clerk submitted a Statement of Account and Bank Reconciliation Statement showing £105.34 in the Current A/c and £9471.71 in the Reserve A/c.

RESOLVED that the following accounts be paid

1) Clerk’s salary, expenses and admin/office costs£384.95

2) SALC 158.36

3) SPFA 10.00

4) Broker Network Ltd 350.95

5) Mrs J Pope 50.00

2337 Items of report

1) circulation sheet of 8 May 2015

2) Mr Williams reported the latest position on improvements to the A358 and Junction 25 improvements and undertook to keep the Council updated when new information was available

2338 Items for next meeting ( 8 July 2015 )

1) treatment of notice board in Station Rd

2) parking of delivery lorries to Hatch Beauchamp Nursing Home

The Chairman closed the meeting at 8.45pm.
