Hartford Board Meeting Minutes-Hartford Board of School Directors
January 9, 2013 @ 7:00 PM
HACTC- The Getaway Dining Room
Board members present:Administrators Present:
Jeff ArnoldTom DeBalsi
Peter MerrillJulia Haynes
Kevin Christie
Eric Michaels
Lori Dickerson
Call to order 6:30 PM by Kevin Christie
Approval of Agenda: Peter Merrill made a motion to accept the Agenda, Lori Dickerson seconded. A unanimous verbal vote 5-0 aye passed the motion.
Eexecutive Session: Peter Merrill moved to enter Executive Session to hear Parent tuition request and Superintendent performance. Jeff Arnold seconds the motion. A unanimous verbal 5-0 aye vote passes the motion.
6:55 PM return to public session. Recess taken
7:09 PM Call to order public session by Kevin Christie.
Public Comment relative to items not on the proposed agenda-
•Hartford town resident, Dennis Simon spoke to the Board of the possibility of monetary support to the White River School garden project. The project has an estimate of $25,000.00 for completion. Many volunteer hours have been donated by staff and community members. Mr. Christie requests Creative Lives present detailed information to Mr. DeBalsi. Mr. DeBalsi will report back to the Board.
•Mr. Simon also requests the Board consider another option to placing playing fields at the Maxfield property. He would like to see the Lehman property used for the baseball field. This would also be cost effective for tax payers, per Mr. Simon.At 7:23 time is warned.
•Lauren Emerson, community member, volunteer at the garden project WRS would like to encourage the Board to support the project.
Items Requiring Board Action
•FY14 Budget-Draft #4-Mr. DeBalsi reports he and Mr. Vezina are presenting a budget with only a 3.9% increase which is lower than the 4% request of the Board. Mr. Vezina gave detailed explanations of the budget page by page, with discussion with the Board as questions arose. Peter Merrill notes the error on page 7 of the draft in the Board line item in the amount of $12,500.00. Mr. Vezina will correct the line. Discussion involved staff now being in the appropriate line for their position, Federal funding, seperating collaboratives, and reserve funds. Mr. Merrill wants Mr. Vezina and Mr. DeBalsi to incorporate the “wish list” for new programs or improvements. He would also suggest they put together examples of differences of last years budget lines and how they changed this year. ie., Life and Disability Insurance, and Administrative Salary line. Mr. Merrill will incorporate the document into the Power Point presentation for community budget talks.
Mr. Vezina will also update page 20 of the draft to reflect the staff developement reserve account. At 8:10 PM time is warned.
- Motion to Effect a Transfer of Impact Fees- Mr. DeBalsi presents a motion drafted by Mr. Paul Giuliani (legal counsel) tittled: Motion to Effect A Transfer of Impact Fees. The Motion requisitions the sum of $250,000.00 from impact fees imposed and collected by the Town of Hartford in part for the purpose of funding school system improvements necessitated by development within the Town. Such requisition sums shall be used solely for the acquisition of school transportation assets under the control of the Hartford Town School District. Mr. DeBalsi reports the District has purchased 4 busses and the money would be used to pay the balance.Peter Merrill motions to accept the Motion as presented. Lori Dickerson seconds the motion. Discussion: Eric Michaels asks if the monies could be used for paving the parking lots. Mr. DeBalsi answers the motion is very specific regarding the use of monies, and this would not be a legal option. A unanimous 5-0 verbal vote, aye, passes the motion.
- Motion to Transfer a Special Fund Balance-Mr. DeBalsi reports the balance of such staff developemnt reserve funds are currently $71,681.00. The proposed Motion seeks to abolish such reserve fund and make provisions for the disposition of its balance. The staff developement reserve fund was created at the March 3, 1998 annual meeting of the Hartford Town School District. Peter Merrill motions to move the $71,681.00 from the staff developement reserve fund to the General Fund. Jeff Arnold seconds the motion. No discussion. A unanimous verbal 5-0 aye vote passes the motion.
- Draft Overview of Collaborative Program Surplus Letter-Mr. DeBalsi presents the draft letter tittled: Letter of Intent to Expend Collaborative Surplus. Mr. Merrill would like added to the draft reasons why the monies could not be refunded. Mr. DeBalsi suggests the discussion be table until the end of the meeting. At which time the Board will go into Executive Session.
- Plan to Impact Enrollment review- Mr. DeBalsi returns to the Impact Enrollment sheet with guiding questions listed. During the January 23, 2013 meting Mr. DeBalsi will begin answering the questions. Mr. Arnold asks Mr. DeBalsi to speak to the percentage of Hartford graduates who graduate and go on to college. At this time, Mr. DeBalsi reports Hartford has a 90% rate of college bound students.
- Consent Agenda- Minutes of 12-12-12 meeting. Mr. Michaels corrects page 2 “cod” to code. So noted! Peter Merrill motions to accept the minutes as corrected. Eric Michaels seconds the motion. A unanimous verbal vote 4-0 (Lori Dickerson abstain) aye, passes the motion.
Board Policy Monitoring
GP6- Board Members Code of Conduct- Peter Merrill will present at the January 23, 2013 meeting.
EL9- Communication and Support to the Board – Mr. DeBalsi provides the Board with a document dated January 9, 2013. Peter Merrill motions the document has been received, the Superintendent is in compliance and the Board is in agreement. Lori Dickerson seconds the motion. Discussion: Mr. Michaels wonders if the Board is rushing on the document. Mr. DeBalsi was very thorough and Mr. Michaels would like the document and SOS to have due respect. A unanimous 5-0 verbal vote aye, passes the motion.
Budget Approval- Jeff Arnold motions to approve the FY 2014 proposed budget of $32,013,590.00 as presented. Eric Michaels seconds the motion. No discussion. A unanimous verbal vote 5-0 passes the motion.
At 8:55 PM Peter Merrill motions to return to Executive Session for the Superintendent Performance Review and Draft Overview of Collaborative Program Surplus Letter. Lori Dickerson seconds the motion. No discussion. A unanimous verbal vote 5-0 passes the motion.
9:30 PM The Board returned to public session. Peter Merrill made a motion to have the Superintendent consult school attorney on collaborative fund balance letter. Lori Dickerson seconded. A unanimous verbal vote 5-0 passes the motion.
Peter Merrill motions to accept the Superintendent’s favorable evaluation and award Tom DeBalsi a 3 year contract. Jeff Arnold seconds the motion. A Unanimous verbal vote 5-0 aye passes the motion.
Peter Merrill motions to adjourn at 9:40 PM. Eric Michaels seconds. A unanimous verbal vote 5-0 aye passes the motion.
Next Meeting January 23, 2013 7:00 PM in The Getawa
Respectfully Submitted,
Carol Bagley