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Harry Potter a general review,by Tom Cordeaux http://www.wizardsharry.com/potterbr.html

A I succumbed to the temptation of Harry Potter when a friend offered to let me read the series; this was before “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire” was published. I was apprehensive because the majority of the publicity was aimed at the younger readers but so many people had said they were a 'great read'. Anyway, I started on the first book, “Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone”, and was hooked from the first page.

B Although the characters were children, they were never treated as extraordinary; magic was normal. They were children, not adult characters in a children's environment. The plot was clever and eminently gripping. Harry had many characteristics that most men can recognize from their own childhood. Harry's' family are still there and you end up feeling sorry that they cannot see beyond their own noses.

C The first book, “Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone”, introduced Harry to a new world where children were still children even though their world involved flying on broom sticks, making potions and casting spells. Around all this was Harrys' extraordinary history as the one who survived and defeated "the one who must not be named", Voldemort. Book two is called “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, back to school and another adventure”. Second year students have more to learn. Book three “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban”, Harry meets his uncle. Harry and friends succeed and reveal more secrets at the school.

D There is so much of the world that has not been revealed that each new book is able to explore the myths of our world. The latest book “Goblet of Fire” was devoured with excessive greed.

E Though I loved it, the story continually grows and fits with the way the others have been written, but I was slightly disappointed. I expected something more; I do not know exactly what, but there was something missing, maybe the heavy emphasis on the "bad guy" Voldemort. He was the main thread through all the books but I hoped the character would explore other areas in more detail. This is just an opinion from an adult reader, but all the same I still await the next installment. Is there a university for wizards! I need to apply

Responde las preguntas de acuerdo a la información que brinda el texto:

1.  Según el Párrafo A, ¿por qué el autor se mostraba reticente a leer Harry Potter, por qué lo leyó, y cuál fue el resultado de ello?

2.  ¿Qué opiniones positivas presenta el autor en el Párrafo B? Resúmalas

3.  ¿Cuántos libros se mencionan en el Párrafo C? ¿A qué personaje “no debe nombrarse”?

4.  ¿Por qué dice el autor en el Párrafo D que “cada libro nuevo puede explorar los mitos de nuestro mundo”?

5.  Lee el Párrafo E y explica con tus palabras las razones por las que el autor se sintió decepcionado. ¿Recomendaría igualmente los libros de Harry Potter a los lectores?