Harrison Community NetworkBoard of Directors

The Board of Directors shall have seven members. Three members shall have relatives with a developmental disability living in the three-township area served by the HCN. There shall be one representative each of the school district, community businesses, direct care providers and the community at large. The initial commitment of the founding board members will be for one year, with the opportunity to serve additional terms if desired. At the end of the first year the nominating committee will submit names to the general membership for approval to serve on the Board. Over the course of the first year, the Board will determine nominating procedures, length of term and term limits, if any, for Board members.

Executive Director and Board of Directors First Year Responsibilities

Executive Director

Manage day-to-day operations

Run general membership meetings

Set board meeting and general meeting agendas (with input from Board)

Represent HCN at community, state and regional levels

Draft by-laws, policies and strategic plan for Board approval

Act as Statutory agent

Not a voting member, appointed by board, could be removed by board

Board of Directors


Run Board meetings

Develop HCN vision and goals

Sign HCN checks

Represent HCN at community, state and regional levels

Chair education committee

Bring educational opportunities to the board for approval


Fill in for president as necessary

Attend all board meetings

Maintain membership records

Recruit members

Chair membership committee

Oversee committee organization


Maintain minutes for board meetings and general meetings

Communicate minutes to members

Provide notice of meeting times and dates

Maintain records of agendas and minutes

Chair communications committee

Community Relations


Open and maintain bank account (with Executive Director)

Collect and maintain record of membership dues

Maintain financial records and prepare reports

Assist with tax preparation

Chair Finance committee

Finance committee would include President and Executive Director. President would sign checks.

Finance committee would work with a tax consultant

Draft a yearly budget for board approval

Board member

Attend board meetings

Assist in overall organization

Chair committees

Participate in key events: fundraisers, public awareness