The Delaware FFA Foundation, Inc.Higher Education Scholarship Awards

Current Academic Year

The Delaware FFA Foundation will award two$500 scholarships for the current academic year. The scholarships will be known as “The Delaware FFAHigher Education Scholarship Awards”.


  1. Applicant must plan to enroll full-time in an institution of higher learning recognized by the Delaware Post Secondary Education Association for this academic year, August - June. An out-of-state school similarly recognized is acceptable. Applicants may be either high school seniors or those planning to enroll as a sophomore, junior or senior in an institution of higher learning.
  1. Applicant must be majoring in agribusiness and/or agricultural science
  1. Applicant must be a Delaware resident.
  1. Applicant must prepare a complete answer to the question, “What role do you see for yourself in the future of agriculture and agribusiness?”
  1. Applicant must complete entry form and required materials and send them electronically to , byApril 15th.
  1. Quality applications will be reviewed and the committee will determine whether a scholarship should be awarded.

7. High school scholarship winners will be presented with the scholarship at their Senior Awards Night. The scholarship winners will be recognized in print through the awards program at the State Fair Breakfast.

The award will be a one year stipend of five hundred dollars ($500.00). A check, payable to the school or college, will be mailed directly to the recipient.


Current Academic Year

The Delaware FFA Foundation, Inc.Higher Education Scholarship Awards

Complete (type or print) responses to all items. If an item is “not applicable”, or if the answer is “none”, please so indicate. Completed applications must be received by The Delaware FFA Foundation no later than Wednesday, July 11th.

Key in answers in the white (blank) cells under each question.

Last Name / First Name / Middle Initial / Maiden
Social Security No. / Date of Birth / Sex:
Address / Day Phone / Evening Phone
Name of High School Attended / Date of Graduation
(Month/Year) / Cumulative High School GPA
Name of College or School Attending from this past August-June / Indicate Major Field of Study / Year in College as of this Fall / College GPA
Name of Parent(s) or Legal Guardian / Address of Parent(s) or Legal Guardian / Day Phone of Parent(s) or Legal Guardian / Evening Phone of Parent(s) or Legal Guardian
FFA Chapter:
List school activities that you have participated in:
List offices held in school and community organizations:

On a separate document, answer the following question: What role do you see for yourself in the future of agriculture and/or agribusiness?