Present: Councillors Williams, Dr Rachel Frosh, Pawle and Weaver


Apologies were received from Councillor Newns.


None were made at this time.


There were 5 urgent items:

3.1 Westfield Village Green

The Chair reported that Herts County Council would be taking a report to its Development Control Committee on the 23 July 2013 which would determine their decision on the application for village green status for Westfield recreation ground.

3.2 Park Hall Transfer

The Clerk reported that agreement in principle regarding the terms of the transfer of Park Hall had been reached. However, the matter had not made further progress due to resource constraints within the District Council’s legal department. The Clerk was writing to the District Council’s solicitor requesting that they press on with the transfer. It was noted that there were no financial implications or consequences as a result of the delay.

3.3. Section 106 Funds

The Clerk advised Members that following confirmation of the availability of Section 106 funds for the provision of a toddlers’ play area at Porters Hill Park, the District had highlighted other s106 funds available for other leisure initiatives. It had been proposed by District that a meeting be called between the District Council Officers and Members to consider options. The Clerk suggested that a meeting be convened between the Mayor, Deputy Mayor, Chair of P&F, Vice Chair of P&F, Chair of Environment and the Vice Chair of Environment to discuss the issues with Officers from the District Council. The Clerk could then report back to Committee accordingly.

3.4 Pedestrian Tunnel Station Road

The Chair asked whether there was any progress being made regarding the painting of the walls that led into the pedestrian tunnel from either side of the railway station. The Clerk advised Members that works to the tunnel were not complete and that it was anticipated that there would be additional murals painted in the tunnel itself. However, it had been the intention to do some external works which included some repairs to the render and the painting of the approach to the tunnel from either end. It was agreed that this should be a neutral colour applied to smarten the appearance of the tunnel rather than an additional mural. The Clerk agreed to investigate this with the Harpenden Youth Town Council.

3.5 Wayleave Cross Keys Public House

The Clerk reported that the Cross Keys Public House had a pub sign on the Common outside of their premises. As a consequence a wayleave had previously been negotiated and which expired on the 31 March 2013. The Clerk had been in touch with Enterprise Inns plc to agree a new wayleave commencing for 21 years with an annual payment of £60 to be reviewed every 5 years and increased in accordance with the Retail Price Index. Enterprise Inns had confirmed that they would investigate this matter from their end and would contact the Town Council in due course. Members noted the report.


There were none


The minutes of the meeting held on 24 April 2013, previously circulated, were duly signed as a correct record.


6.1 Youth Town Council

The Clerk reported that Youth Town Councillor Ella Yanon had sent her apologies as she was unable to attend the meeting to present the minutes. Members received the minutes of the meetings held on the 25 April and 23 May 2013 without comment.

6.2. St Albans District Association of Local Councils

Members received the minutes of the meeting held on the 6 February 2013. Members noted the peer review that was being progressed in respect of the District Council’s planning department. The peer review was being undertaken by the Local Government Association Peer Challenge Team. The Review Team gather information from a range of sources and then challenge the District Council’s performance against the Planning Advisory Service and LGA’s framework for Local Authority Spatial Planning Functions. This explores vision and leadership, effective management, community engagement, partnership engagement and achieving outcomes. At the conclusion of the review the Challenge Team feed back their conclusions and recommendations. Members were interested in the results and requested that the Clerk contact the District Council to understand how the District Council had measured against the performance indicators. The Clerk was asked to write to the Head of Planning to ask for outcomes following the review. The minutes of the meeting were noted.


7.1 Draft Policy Statement

Members considered the draft Policy Statement for 2013/14 for the Policy and Finance Committee. Members went through the Statements sequentially and it was observed that:-

P&F 1 bullet point 1 to add the words in the town after work. Bullet point 4 to take out the words powers where new and add the words after services where they can be delivered more removing the words can be taken on. Bullet point 5, conclude with the words Town’s community.

P&F 2 take out the word review add a comma after consultation remove the word and, and include after implementation and review across taking out the word throughout.

P&F 3 to remove the words for maximum efficiency of and add to improve the cost effectiveness of add an s to service and remove the words through effective and economic and add the word it, remove the word delivery and replace it with delivers.

Under Communication and Consultation

New Policy Statement; remove the word liaise and add engage.

P&F13 after Herts County Council add a comma, remove “the Police Authority” and add “the Police and Crime Commissioner and the Police and Crime Panel”.

P&F15 add an s to support and after deter add “and solve crime, antisocial behaviour and encourage…..”

P&F 19 add an s to Connexion.

P&F34 remove Police Authority and add Police and Crime Commissioner and Police and Crime Panel.

P&F 37 in front of the word ‘Council’ add ‘broader community’ full stop . Continue with ‘The Council….’

It was RESOLVED to recommend to Council:

the Policy and Finance Committee draft Policy Statement for 2013/14 as amended be approved.

7.2 Crabtree Fields

7.2.1 Members considered a report of the Town Clerk regarding the transfer of Crabtree fields to the Town Council. Members highlighted two issues. The first related to the area that previously had been a landfill site and the risks of environmental obligations. The second was whether the transfer would result in improved stewardship and enhance the community’s use of the site. The Clerk highlighted that the Town Council had already had discussions with the 10th Harpenden Scout Group to explore opportunities to open up the woodland area for natural habitat purposes. This was being professionally guided by the Herts & Middlesex Wildlife Trust. It was also reported that the girl Guides might have an interest in the site.

7.2.2 It was noted that it was proposed at this time that there be a shared responsibility for the environmental management obligations. Members considered that there should be a greater responsibility focused on the District Council and it was RESOLVED to recommend to Council:

(I) to agree to the transfer of the freehold of Crabtree field subject to information provided by the District Council in respect of the ongoing management and maintenance responsibility of the Crabtree fields is not prohibitive.

(ii) the Heads of Terms drafted in respect of the transfer reflect an onus on the District Council to address environmental obligations.

(iii) the cancellation of special expenses collected by the District Council to be collected by the Town Council as part of the precept.

7.3 Sponsorship Service Level Agreements

7.3.1 Members considered a report of the Town Clerk relating to Service Level Agreements between: the Harpenden Lions, the Village Rotary and the Harpenden Roundtable. Members were supportive of the service level agreements however, requested that the service requirement at paragraph 4.3 should set out that at least one local charity directly supporting the local lives of Harpenden residents be nominated to share in the net proceeds of the event.

7.3.2 It was noted that the funding for the Batford and Southdown lights switch on need not come from the funding for the SLA. It was RESOLVED that:

(i) with the amendment the draft service level agreements service requirements as attached be approved.

(ii) that Option 2 be the proposed funding over the 3 years of the SLA.

7.4 Honorary Townsman Award

Members considered a report of the Town Clerk addressing the issue of the Honorary Townsman award. It was noted that whilst there had been conditions upon the issuing of the Townsman award, there had been no criteria identifying the benefits of honour that had been bestowed. The report presented draft criteria for consideration. It was noted in the current criteria that a serving Councillor could be made the award. Members considered that this was inappropriate and that it should be only awarded after a Member had retired, not being returned, not continuing or issued posthumously. In the award criteria the benefits and privileges relating to the award holder were agreed. It was RESOLVED to recommend to Council that:

the draft Honorary Townsman Award criteria as amended be approved.


8.1 Investment Update & Treasury Management Review

Members considered the current investments and if any changes were required to the Council’s Treasury Management and Investment Strategy as approved with Council on the 4 April 2013. It was RESOLVED to recommend to Council that:

(i) the investment as detailed are approved.

(ii) additional short-term fixed investments with the Co-operative Bank only be placed with the approval of the Chair and Vice Chair of Policy and Finance.

It was RESOLVED that:

the Council retender for banking services.

8.2 Debt Management and Write Off’s

The Clerk referred to a report which identified one transaction for write off totalling £35.00. It was RESOLVED to:

note the write off agreed by the Town Clerk

and RESOLVE to recommend to Council that:

the action of the Clerk be approved in accordance with Financial Regulations.

8.3 Final Outturn for 2012/13

8.3.1 Members considered a report of the Clerk regarding the Outturn for 2012/13 together with the level of earmarked and general reserve for the end of March 2013. Members were asked to consider how they would like to designate the £28,000 currently set aside for new initiatives in earmarked reserves and it was agreed that this should be put into service developments.

8.3.2 The Clerk reported that there was currently £5,000 in reserves for the purchase and provision for a community orchard at Fovant Close. However, it was now known that there would be a further potential expense of £10,000 to initiate a stopping up order in order to allow the Council to purchase the land and develop it accordingly. This was an issue that the Clerk was still exploring with the County Council but wished to register it with Members so that they were aware of the issues that were outstanding regarding this purchase. It was RESOLVED that:

the Outturn and level of reserves at the end of March be approved with the arrangements regarding the new initiatives budget and noted the Clerk’s observations regarding Fovant Close.

8.4 Grant Aid Applications

Members note an application for grant funding from Team Evolution Alpine Racing. Members were aware that the application did not meet 3 of the grant funding criteria being a public limited company, using paid staff and with only 30% of the people attending the camps that are organised coming from Harpenden. It was also noted that the camp was run in Hemel Hempstead. Whilst Members were sympathetic with the objectives of the organisation it was not possible to assist them against the grant criteria that had been approved by Council and therefore it was RESOLVED to:

refuse the application.

The meeting closed at 9.16pm.
Chairman …………………………………
Date …………………………………