County Administration Building
102 East Front Street
Lillington, North Carolina
Regular Meeting
March 19, 20127:00 p.m.
- Order of Business -
- Call to order – Chairman Timothy B. McNeill
- Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation – Commissioner Jim Burgin
- Consider additions and deletions to the published agenda
- Consent Agenda
- Minutes
- Budget Amendments
- Tax refunds, rebates and releases
- Resolution to add roads to state system
- Resolution Celebrating the Life of Harnett County’s Native Son Paul Green
- Sheriff Rollins requests that the two sworn Deputy positions frozen in the 2011-2012 (5100) budget be released. Sheriff Rollins is requesting to be able to fill these two positions by April 1, 2012.
- Information Technology Department (E-911 Division) requests permission to use the sole source purchasing option to purchase additional Priority Dispatch Software Licenses from Priority Dispatch. Priority Dispatch allows the dispatchers to provide prearrival instruction to the 911 callers. Currently we have 6 Emergency Fire Dispatch (EFD) licenses, and 5 Emergency Medical Dispatch (EMD), Emergency Police Dispatch (EPD) licenses. This request will increase all licenses to 8. The additional Software Licenses will cost $39,076.50. The cost is a 911 eligible expense and will be paid out of the Emergency Telephone System Budget (Fund 240) account number 240-5900-420.74-74.
- The Information Technology Department (E-911 Division) is requesting permission to use the sole source purchasing option to purchase AppAssure Backup Software from AppAssure. This software will be used to backup the Current 911 Server and the Backup 911 Server. AppAssure provides complete server, application and data protection with near-zero recovery time and 100% recoverability assurance. AppAssure Backup Software Licenses will cost $12,500/ This cost is a 911 eligible expense and will be paid out of the Emergency Telephone System Budget (Fund 240) account number 240-5900-420.74-74.
- The Information Technology Department (E-911 Division) is requesting permission to use sole source purchasing option to purchase Neverfail Software from VisionAir. VisionAir provides software maintenance and support to our Computer Aided Dispatch System (CAD). The Neverfail Software will be used to replicate our CAD system/data between the current 911 Center and the Backup 911 Center. Neverfail transfers information every few seconds keeping both the Current CAD Server and the Backup CAD Server in sync and updated. Neverfail Software will cost $29,980. The cost is a 911 eligible expense and will be paid out of the Emergency Telephone System Budget (Fund 240) account number 240-5900-420.74-74.
- The Information Technology Department (E-911 Division) is requesting permission to use sole source purchasing option to additional Computer Aided Dispatch Software Licenses from VisionAir. VisionAir provides software maintenance and support to our Computer Aided Dispatch System (CAD). Currently we have 6 Connection Manager, EFD, EMD, CAD, GEoRelay Licenses and 5 EPD, Paging Link, NCIC Licenses. This request will increase all licenses to 8. The additional Software Licenses will cost $44,076. This cost is a 911 eligible expense and will be paid out of the Emergency Telephone System Budget (Fund 240) account number 240-5900-420.74-74.
- Cooperative Extension requests permission to receive $3,200 additional short-term funding from the Division of Child Development to be used for the operation expenses of the Child Care Resource and Referral Program. The monies available to Cooperative Extension due to the delay in the beginning date of operation of the Region 13 CCR&R call center.
- Cooperative Extension requests permission to accept funds in the amount of $1,710 from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Better Kid Child Care Training Program for conducting two workshops utilizing the Better Kid Care Child Care Training materials. This training is conducted by the Family & Consumer Science Agent of the Harnett County Cooperative Extension.
- Public Utilities requests approval of project ordinance for the Campbell University School of Osteopathic Medicine Infrastructure Project at no cost to the county.
- General Services, Transportation Division, requests approval of Human Service Agency Transportation Resolution FY 2013 State Funds
- Emergency Services requests authorization to submit an application and receive funds for the SMAT (State Medical Assistance Team) III Carryover Grant Administered through the WakeMed Health and Hospitals CAPRAC (Capital Area Regional Advisory Committee) in the amount of $5,000.
- Emergency Services requests approval of the Memorandum of Agreement between the North Carolina Department of Crime Control and Public Safety, Division of Emergency Management Homeland Security Branch and Harnett County on behalf of Domestic Preparedness Region 6 for Supplemental Grant funding in the amount of $4,433.77 be retained by the State to conduct training and exercises with Domestic Preparedness Region 6. This project will improve our response and recovery throughout Harnett County and the 10 additional counties with DPR 6.
- Emergency Services requests approval of the Memorandum of Agreement between the North Carolina Department of Crime Control and Public Safety, Division of Emergency Management Homeland Security Branch and Harnett County on behalf of Domestic Preparedness Region 6 for Supplemental Grant funding in the amount of $91,255 be retained by the State to conduct training and
exercises with Domestic Preparedness Region 6. This project will improve our response and recovery throughout Harnett County and the 10 additional counties with DPR 6.
- Emergency Services, on behalf of Northwest Harnett Volunteer Fire Department Board of Directors are respectfully requesting to change one of the Local Fireman’s Relief Fund Trustees. They are requesting the removal of Mr. Marty Caviness and appointment of Mr. Craig McKinney to replace him. Mr. Caviness submitted his resignation stating a conflict of interest.
- Social Services requests approval to make application for grant funding to operate a Community Response Program to provide prevention services to families reported to Child Protection Services. This program would help fill a gap in the continuum of services offered by the agency to help ensure the safety, permanence and well-being of children at risk of abuse or neglect. The funding would be an annual allocation of $100,000 and is anticipated to be for three years beginning July 1, 2012. There is a 25% county match requirement in the form of in-kind or other services. Funds will be distributed on a reimbursement after expenditure basis.
- Planning Services requests approval of the agreement that reimburses the Wooten Co. Inc. for applying for 2011 Scattered Site Housing grant (SSH2011). The Board of Commissioners gave consent to apply during the first public hearing announcing Community Development’s intentions to apply for this grant. This grant amount is $400,000 with no matching funds required. The total amount for administration fee for the Wooten Company is $3,500 and is reimbursed from the grant when approved.
5. Period of up to 30 minutes for informal comments allowing 3 minutes for each
6. Appointments
7. Public Hearing: Owner of Record: Wilton C. Jones; Applicant: PAR 5 Development, LLC; From RA-20R to Commercial Zoning, .75 +/- acres, SR 1115, Buffalo Lake Road, Barbecue Township.
8. Public Hearing for 2011 Community Development Block Grant Program (SSH 2011)
9. County Manager’s report – Scott T. Sauer, County Manager
· Public Health February Activities Report
· February Landfill Billing
· February Veterans Affairs Activities Report
10. Closed session
11. New Business
12. Adjourn