County Administration Building
102 East Front Street
Lillington, North Carolina
Regular Meeting
November 5, 2012 9:00 am
- Call to order – Chairman Timothy B. McNeill
- Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation – Commissioner Gary House
- Consider additions and deletions to the published agenda
- Consent Agenda
A. Minutes
B. Budget Amendments
C. Tax refunds, rebates and releases
D. Resolution Opposing North Carolina Coastal Wind Projects in Low-Level Military Flight Training Areas
E. Resolution to Honor Jerry T. Blanchard
F. Emergency Services requests for Harnett County EMS QRV Paramedic at Boone Trail Emergency Services be moved to Boone Trail Emergency Services district ambulance.
G. Emergency Services requests to add an additional ambulance to the Harnett County EMS Transport Division due to opening of new hospital in Lillington January 2013 and increase their part-time employees by 20 positions.
H. Emergency Services requests for the County to contribute to the Local Government Employees Retirement System for part-time employees working a 1,000 hours or more per year currently at 6.74%.
I. Emergency Services requests to reclassify six current Paramedic employees to six new FTO (Field Training Officer) positions. If FTO positions are approved the three Senior Paramedics salaries will need to be adjusted.
J. Social Services requests approval and funding to hire three full time limited service employees at $11.50 per hour for NC Fast.
K. Human Resources requests permission to upgrade Human Resources Administrative Assistant (grade 64) position to Human Resources Development Specialist (grade 67)
L. Human Resources, on behalf of General Services, requests approval for the County Engineer to assume responsibility for Solid Waste, Facilities Management and Fleet Management; Facility Maintenance Manager to assume responsibility for facilities and vehicles; and the Director of General Services being responsible for Transportation, Animal Control and Youth Services and being reclassification to Grade 76.
M. Human Resources, on behalf of the Harnett County Library, requests approval and funding to add and hire an Administrative Assistant position at the Harnett County Library.
N. Cooperative Extension requests permission to increase the budget for the Child Care Resource & Referral, Child Care Develop program in the amount of $38,531 based on receipt of contract from child care services of North Carolina Division of Child Care Development.
O. Public Utilities requests approval of a change order for Park Construction in the amount of $18,408. This work is associated with the South Central Wastewater Phase 1B1 Project. The cost will be paid for from project contingency.
P. Public Utilities requests approval of a change order for Peters & White Construction in the amount of $71,778.99. The work is associated with the Fort Bragg Wastewater Supply Project. The cost will be paid for from project contingency.
Q. Request by Maria Jeffries to waive the fees associated with the use of the commons area meeting room.
R. Finance Officer requests approval to extend the contract for the audit firm of Martin Starnes & Associates, CPA to audit the County’s accounts for a three year period beginning July 1, 2012 and ending June 30, 2015.
- Period of up to 30 minutes for informal comments allowing 3 minutes for each Presentation
- Appointments
- Public Hearing: Intent to close public road or easement to determine whether closing approximately 300 feet of the eastern portion of McKay Street (undeveloped right of way) and SR 1570 (Hartwell Circle) in Buies Creek, NC; as requested by S.H.C. Holdings, Inc., would be detrimental to the public interest or to any individual property rights; and consider approving the proposed Order to close approximately 300 feet of the eastern portion of McKay Street (undeveloped right of way) and SR 1570 (Hartwell Circle) in Buies Creek, NC, Jennifer J. Slusser, Senior County Staff Attorney
- County Manager’s report – Scott T. Sauer, County Manager
- September 2012 Department of Public Health Activities Summary
- October 2012 Veteran Affairs Activities Reporting
- September 2012 Landfill Billing
- Closed Session
- New Business
- Adjourn
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