Wednesday 20th November 2013

Paddock Road Surgery

Attendees: Denis Pye (DP) (Chair), Barry Whiting (BW), Norman Hart (NH), Geoff Doggett (GD), Jane Wood (JW), Lesley Allen (LA), Peggie Phinn (PP) Annette Wright (AW) Sue Oliver (SO) Jo Westgate (JW) Jenny Barker (JB) John Fitzpatrick (JF) and Frances Taylor (FT).

Welcome Denis opened the meeting and welcomed the new members.

Apologies: Marian Ford,

Agree Minutes: Agreed

Matters Arising: None

Surgery News FT gave Marian Ford’s apologies and informed the group that Marian had in fact resigned due to other commitments.

The open event held at the surgery had been well attended and it was generally felt that the event was successful and to be repeated again in the future. The surgery will endeavour to ensure the event is advertised more widely in the future. Several new members signed up to the PPG at this event.

GD felt that more could be done to change Patients perception of the service offered at the surgery.

NH commented he felt history was partly to blame with the mergers and Doctors and staff leaving clouding Patients views. Change requires explanations, perhaps just speaking to Patients.

MF will approach local parish magazines to get the message and information across to a larger number of Patients.

The Flu Clinics ran very efficiently this year with no waiting

GD inquired if there was enough vaccine for everyone. MF replied the surgery had indeed enough and are still offering the vaccine.

Managed Repeats MF informed the group there is a good take up of this service, as Patients only need to collect once a month and they never run out of their medication. GD inquired if medication changes made by the doctor were picked up automatically. JO replied in her case they were picked up automatically.

Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) this groups operates from Wymondham. GD asked if the CCG were part of a larger group. MF replied there is a structure and advised to look it up on line.

At this point Doctor Paul Cronin (PC) joined the group and was welcomed by the Chair. PC explained that the CCG was set up by the Government for commissioning services for surgeries; he also explained the levels of care. Primary, Secondary, Tertiary and Quaternary.

Patients can also have access to other avenues for services, such as Hearing you can now use Specsavers instead of the hospital. Ultra sounds can be carried out at Diss.

PC also told the group of the difference in costs from using the surgery and A/E JB ask if more was being asked of Doctors and surgeries and could more staff be required. PC replied yes and also the difficulties of recruiting staff for rural areas.

The Chair thanked PC for attending and he left the meeting at this point.

The meeting was then closed at 11.14 am


Next Meeting Wednesday 15th January 2014 at Paddock Road