Happy New Year and welcome to our second term!
The Curriculum
Our main focus this term will be “The Blue Planet”. This topic has been designed collaboratively with the children at the end of last term and will focus on understanding the physical world around us. One of the big questions raised was “How were mountains and volcanoes created?” We will be looking at physical formations and processes in the world around us.
In English we will study extracts from a variety of texts including: The Last Wild and Stone Girl and Bone Girl. The texts will allow the children to write autobiographical and biographical texts, newspaper reports and poetry. We will be focusing on the use of inference and whether we empathise with the characters or not. There will be a strong focus on improving accuracy of spelling, grammar and punctuation and the quality of handwriting. Reading and understanding the complexities of the different texts will also have a high priority throughout all our English lessons.
In Mathswe begin by looking at comparing and order fractions, then moving onto multiplying and dividing them. This is followed by looking at decimals, completing calculations with them and solving problems. Mental recall of all times tables up to 12x and the inverse, is essential and mental maths will play an important part of all our maths lessons.
Science: Linking with our Blue Planet topic, our focus for science this term will be on evolution and inheritance. We will study how animals and humans have adapted over time and why this has happened. A visit to the Oxford University Museum of Natural History has been planned, where children will be able to observe and handle specimens to support our understanding of this topic.
Throughout the Spring term,RE and PSHCEwill focus on ‘Inspirational People’ and what makes a good role model. We will consider what makes a person inspiring to believers, and how teachings of founders has inspired and influences the actions of people today. We will also think about what is ‘right and wrong’ and ‘just and fair’ by asking and answering ethical questions, expressing ideas clearly.
The children will continue to participate in PEtwice a week. It is important that your child has correct PE kit in school and that all items are clearly labelled. PE kit should comprise: blue t-shirt, shorts/skort, long socks and suitable outdoor training shoes. In addition it would be a good idea to bring tracksuit bottoms and a warmer top for outdoor activities in colder weather.
As in term 1, the children are expected to read for at least half an hour each evening and make detailed entries in their reading journal, to be handed in during their guided reading session, each week. Spellinglists will be sent home at the start of each term and it is then up to the children to learn their spellings for that week, ready for a spelling test on a Friday.
In addition, each week your child will be issued subject specific homework for topic and Maths. This will usually be given on a Thursday to be brought back into school by the following Tuesday.
The cloakroom area for the children is VERY small. Please ensure that all bags brought into school are of a reasonable size and that allpersonal property is taken home on a Friday. The children are encouraged to be responsible for their own belongings however, it is still worth checking for letters or emails at the end of the day.
A Few Dates For Your Diary:
- UKS2 trip to Oxford University Museum of Natural History –Wednesday 18th January
- Parents’ Evening 3:30pm - 7:00pm Tuesday 7th & Wednesday 8th February
Further detailed information regarding all trips, events and visits will be sent separately. Make sure you check your email or the school website which will have more important school dates for your diary.
Additional Information
The children are able to drink water and may have access to a water bottle throughout the day. If your child has an inhaler, please could you make sure that it is clearly namedand in date. Their inhaler should be in school to be accessed at all times. If your child requires any other medication please could you make class teachers and the office staff aware.
Social Media: Harrierand Tornado Class have their own twitter pages. Throughout the term we will post photographs and updates about our learning. Please follow us on @harrierclass and @Tornado_Class.
Formal parent evenings will be held in February to discuss your child’s progress. However, if you would like to discuss any aspect of your child’s education or have any concerns at any time throughout the term, please do not hesitate to make an appointment.
Kind regards,
Lisa Loxton and Emma Brearley
Harrier and Tornado Class Teacher