
Happy Easter to all our pupils and families!

We hope you all had a wonderful break during the Easter holidays.


Congratulations to our award winners, who were as follows:-

P1 / Ibrahim Islam / Excellent work classifying living things
P2/1 / Quinn McConigley / Great diagram of The Water Cycle
P2 / Jack McBride / Great improvement in hand writing & overall Big Writing
P3 / Patrick Brown / Fantastic Solo Talk
P4 / Brooke Grant / Excellent contribution to the Science night
P5 / Leo Jenkins / Fantastic contribution to Science night helping in P1/2
P6/5 / Eve Hassett / Fantastic contribution to Science night
P7/6 / Douglas Chikaya / Excellent contribution to Science night in P7/6
P1 / Casey McIntyre / Good independent work in maths
P2/1 / Adam Azam / Consistently good maths work
P2 / Amelia McHugh / Very good work in RE.
P3 / Francesca Lally / Great piece of writing
P4 / Kate Gillespie / Consistently working hard
P5 / Luisa McKinnon / Great work in science
P6/5 / Teesha Ntayomba / Super effort with division calculations
P7/6 / Carla Riddell / Super effort in Maths


P1 / Hamayal Ahmed / Excellent spelling and punctuation
P2/1 / Dominic Jenkins / Excellent report on seahorses
P2 / Michael Curran / Great effort in his big writing on his own
P3 / Charlie Cullen / Excellent piece of writing on St Patrick
P4 / Astrid Wilkie / Great piece of writing
P5 / Danny Hamilton / Excellent piece of writing
P6/5 / Marcella Canzanella / Outstanding Writers Craft
P7/6 / Finn Gallagher / Excellent imaginative piece of Big Writing
P1 / Areesha Slam / Writing a great description of Nessie
P2/1 / Toni Adedire / Meeting all her targets in her Big Writing
P2 / Joseph Lafferty / Great use of connectives in his Big Writing.
P3 / Charlie McKinnon / Writing a great story with great openers and punctuation
P4 / Dominic Goudie / A great piece of writing
P5 / Niamh Neilson / A well written story about the Marie Celeste
P6/5 / Aliyah Moti / Piano – excellent structure & vocabulary
P7/6 / Ollie Hodgkiss / Excellent imaginative piece on the Rainforest

Scottish Maths Challenge

Congratulations to Jonathan Millerfor achieving a Silver Award and Finn Gallagher a Bronze Award in the Scottish Primary Schools Maths Challenge.

*************************NOTICE OF CHANGE: PRIMARY 7 SHOW***************************
We have had to re-schedule the Primary 7 Show due to the General Election being held on Thursday 8th June, as the school is used for a polling station. The Primary 7 show will now be held on Tuesday 13th June at 7.00pm. Tickets will be on sale from the school office from Tuesday 9 May for families of P6 and P7. There will be a cap on 4 per pupil initially. From Friday 19th May tickets will be opened out to the wider school community and all remaining tickets will be sold on a first come first served basis. Tickets will be charged at £3 for a single ticket or a family ticket (2 adults, 2 children) at £10.
This is likely to be a popular event and we would recommend that parents and families book early to avoid disappointment.


P5 / Table Tennis / P5 pupils enjoyed some sports coaching from students from Langside and were invited to participate in a Tournament at Langside college. Pupils thoroughly enjoyed themselves and developed new skills in this sport.
P4 & p6/7 / Gaelic Football / P4 have been enjoying Gaelic football coaching sessions as part of their PE curriculum.
P6/7 took part in a Gaelic football festival and had an opportunity to play against other schools in the Glasgow area and meet new people.
P6 / Swimming / Swimming lessons for P6 pupils finished on 28th March.
The pupils had a wonderful time developing their skills
in swimming at Castlemilk Swimming pool and should
feel very proud of their achievements.
P3 & P4 / Dance / In March P3 and P4 took part in the Determined to
Dance project. Our pupils explored dance skills and learned
and performed a routine which they displayed to their peers.


Royal Conservatoire College Student Concert / On 24th March we celebrated our Feast Day and enjoyed a concert to celebrate the term’s work. Our Royal Conservatoire College Students showcased their talents with our young people. There was a fantastic turn out from parents as well as our nursery pupils from Limetree Nursery. Thanks to all who attended to support our classes and Music Students. It made it a very special feast day.
P6 and P7 / / P6 and 7 will benefit from 3 sessions In March, April and May on Internet Safety with the use of a toolkit exploring keeping safe online.
Our sessions are timetabled as follows:
29th March, 26th April and 3rd May
INTERNET SAFETY _TALK FOR PARENTS / Parents attended an Internet Safety Talk which was led by staff from Education Services – this was most informative regarding “ Keeping your child safe –on the internet”. It was clear, from the lively discussions that took place, that across our school community this is a matter of concern for parents. The ‘think you know’ website had some very useful information to help parents and children.

YOUTH MUSIC INITIATIVE / Mrs Brackenridge our music teacher has now moved on to teaching music in other schools We bid her farewell and the very best of luck. We welcome Ms McKay who will be teaching music to our P2/1, P2, P3 and P4 pupils this term.
SSPCA / The whole school will be receiving a visit from SSPCA on Wednesday 17th May. Classes will learn how to take care of animals, what they need and how you can help pets, farm and wild animals.
Book Fair / Scholastic Book Fair will be in school from Monday 15 May until Thursday 18th May. Pupils will receive a booklet detailing books on sale. Classes will get a chance to view books during the week and books will be on sale on parents evening on Thursday 18th May.
My thanks to the many parents who have expressed their appreciation for the hard work and dedication shown by staff, both in preparation for this event and for their attendance and engagement with parents on the evening. A special thanks to Miss McNaught, Miss Campbell and the Science Group for all their hard work, particularly in organising wonderful speakers for the event.
The written feedback forms which were collated on the evening again demonstrate that this event was very much valued by both parents and pupils and was a wonderful way of exhibiting the wealth and depth of science activities which children have been participating in over this term.
Teachers are delighted by the feedback and your very positive comments. Thank you.
Parents Evening will take place on Thursday 18th of May. Appointments have now been issued. Please contact the school office if you do not have a time for your child.
Health Week will take place on the week beginning Tuesday 30th May (please note Monday 29th May is a school holiday).
A range of health based cross curricular activities will be planned for all classes.
Once again – any parents with a background in a health field, please contact MrsCarrigan to arrange a time during health week to support our activities.
Sports Day will take place on Friday 2nd June (9.30 am – 11.45 am). Parents/Carers Welcome. Anyone who can help on our Sports Day with our activities please contact the school office.
The whole school will be visiting Blair Drummond Safari Park on Thursday 15th June. Please can signed consent forms and payments be sent into school as soon as possible. Keep your fingers crossed for sunshine on the day. Thank you.


After School Recorder
/ Wednesdays 3 -4 pm / Mrs McKirdy reports that the recorder group are progressing well. If any P4 – P7 pupils are interested in joining the recorder group please contact the school office.
After School Code Club / Thursdays 3 – 4 pm / Pupils are currently enjoying the After School Code Club where they are learning ICT and programming skills. The last day of this club will be the 11th May
Determined to Dance
/ P3 & 4 / Congratulations to Gabriella Fowler,
Kate Gillespie, Sadie Holland,
Grace Kennedy, Orla Lafferty,
Francesca Lally, Nina Mackie,
Lola Martinez, Bonnie Oliver,
Lili Peressada and Amy McGrawwho took part in our After School club Determined to Dance and who performed Dance Show at Holyrood Secondary School on 21st March. We received excellent feedback from all those at Holyrood and our young pupils should feel very proud of themselves! Well done to all who took part.
Drama Club / P6 & P7 / Our P6 and P7 are continuing to practise very hard for their upcoming school show, Robin and the Sherwood Hoodies. This club will continue every Monday up until the school show.


P5 / Primary 5 pupils visited the Science Centre on Thursday
27th April, which they thoroughly enjoyed.
P4 / Primary 4 pupils will be visiting the Science Centre on Tuesday 6th June


Parent Council will be hosting their Summer Fayre on Saturday 3rd June times tbc.
Please come along and join us for some family fun!
There will stalls and entertainment.
More details to follow.
OLA had another successful Fair Trade Coffee Morning (Daffodil Tea) on Friday 10th March.
There was an array of goodies being served as well as being sold on our Fair Trade stall. Our thanks to the wonderful pupils of P6who demonstrated fine hosting skills and provided both information on Fair Trade and entertainment for their visitors.
A total of £200 was raised which will be split between FairTrade and Marie Curie. Thank you to all who attended.
The pupils of our school raised a magnificent £143 for World Book Day. This will go towards new books for the school library. Our librarians will be involved in choosing new texts.
Well done to all our pupils for supporting the wee box challenge and the Silver Lining challenge which raised almost £160 for SCIAF.
/ Backpack challenge
Mr John Duffy from Mary’s Meals has invited classes to take part in the above challenge. As pupils are coming to the end of the school year and often to their end of the use of that year’s school backpack, pupils are being asked to donate their old backpack to support those in need around the world. The Primary 7 pupils will lead this and will provide more information closer to collection time, around mid-June.
NEW P1 ENTRANT INDUCTION DAYS / Our P1 New Entrant Induction Days will be on:-
Tuesday 16th May (1.15 pm – 2.45 pm) and
Tuesday 23rd May (1.15 pm – 2.45 p m)
We are all looking forward to meeting with our new P1s and their parents both in school and at the nursery. P6 pupils in particular are looking forward to becoming buddies and helping our new P1s begin their new school journey successfully. Academy Uniforms will be in school on Tuesday 23rd May for parents to purchase school uniform.
P7s Holyrood visits / We have noted below Induction days at Holyrood Secondary School for P7 pupils who will be attending there in August:-
Wednesday 7th June, Friday 9th June and Wednesday 14th June. Pupils should make their own way there.

Mass – St Andrew’s Cathedral
On Tuesday 25th April our P7 pupils attended Mass with His Grace, Archbishop Philip Tartaglia in St Andrew’s Cathedral. Pupils had a
wonderful time and participated beautifully in such a special mass.
God’s Loving Plan
‘God’s Loving Plan’ –For those P6 and P7 parents who could not attend
the evening session on God’s Loving Plan, there will be an additional
information session on Tuesday 9th May at 2.00 pm.
Tuesday 9th May - P1 Assembly “Love” @ 9.15 am
Tuesday 30th May - P5 Assembly “Honesty” @ 9.15 am
All parents/carers of P1 or P5 are warmly invited to join us on the
dates outlined above.
First Communion
Our Primary 4 pupils are busy learning about the Eucharist and preparing for their special day. We wish them joy as they continue on their faith journey.
First Communion will take place on Saturday 13th May and Saturday 20th May at 11.00 am in St Gabriel’s Church. Children are asked to be at the church no earlier than 10.45 am. Parents are reminded that there will be reserved seating for two adults in the rows opposite the children. We ask that small children do not sit in the reserved seating.
Please note there will be no school photographer present as there has
been insufficient uptake from P4 parents. /
Thanksgiving Mass
To enable our P4 children to celebrate Thanksgiving Mass with the school community , we have asked Fr. Michael to lead us in Mass. This will take place on Thursday 25th May. P4 parents are welcome to attend the mass.
The First Communicants may wear their communion outfits on this day (Communion dresses for girls/ kilt or smart outfit for boys). Children should arrive at school wearing their chosen outfit and should come in via the Foyer. To celebrate with the First Communicants, all P4 children may bring
a bag with a casual/dressdown outfit to wear in the afternoon. These children will enjoy a small celebration in the afternoon with snacks/drinks and a Communion Cake, provided courtesy of the Parent Council.
All other children should wear full school uniform (shirt and tie) on this day. /


May Day / Monday 1 May 2017
May Weekend / Friday 26 and Monday 29 May 2017
School Close / Tuesday 27 June 2017
* Please note that schools will close at 1pm on the last school day before the holiday

In-Service Days

Day 1 / Thursday 11 August 2016 / All Schools
Day 2 / Friday 12 August 2016 / All Schools
Day 3 / Friday 14 October 2016 / All Schools
Day 4 / Wednesday 15 February 2017 / All Schools
Day 5 / Thursday 4 May 2017
(To coincide with Election) / All Schools

Please note school will be closed to pupils on Thursday 8th June for Election.

Our Lady of the Annunciation Primary



Thursday 27th April / Science Centre (P5)
Thursday 4th May / Election – School closed
Tuesday 9th May / ‘God’s Loving Plan’ Information Meeting P6 & P7 parents @ 2.00 pm
Saturday 13th May / First Communion @ 11.00 am
Tuesday 16h May / New Entrant Session 1. 1.15–2.45pm-
Thursday 18th May / Parents Evening
Saturday 20th May / First Communion @ 11.00 am
Tuesday 23rd May / New Entrant Session 2. 1.15–2.45pm
Thursday 25th May @ 10am / Thanksgiving Mass & Ascension Thursday P4/whole school
Tues 30th May – Friday 2nd June / Health Week
Friday 2nd June / Sports Day 9.30-11.45am
Tuesday 6th June / Science Centre (P4)
Thursday 8th June / School Closed
Date tbc / P7 Leavers Mass @ 10.00 am in St Gabriel’s Church
Friday 9th June / Head Teacher’s Cream Tea
Tuesday 13th June / P7 School Show
Thursday 15th June / Summer Trip to Blair Drummond Safari Park whole school
Tuesday 20th June @7pm / Leavers’ Dance 7-9pm

Ann Watson

Head Teacher