More than I am
Head Girl & Head Boy ReportWe were introduced to “Mathletics” this week. This is an exciting website where you can play lots of games and take part in activities which improve your understanding of maths. Early next week everyone will have their own login to access Mathletics and join in the fun.
Well done Year 6 for an amazing Worship about team work and our Borwick Hall experience. We had lots of fun telling the story of the enormous turnip.
Very Best Wishes
Anya & Ali
Stars of the Week: Harvey J Clark, Kira Brown, Jenson Greenham, Bradley Payne, Summer Harrison, Lewis Smalley, Ebony Renshaw, Elliot Woods and Lilah Beetham.Well done everyone!
Happy Birthday toLillie-Mai Ormston and Izzie-Mai Robinson.
Attendance Congratulations to Year 2 - 99% attendance last week.
Do you fancy being on a TV Show??? - I have been contact by Paul Martin who is a casting researcher for TV. He is currently working on a new TV show for ITV1 called ‘The Money Saving Good Food Show’. He is looking for families in Lancashire to take part in the show giving them opportunities to help reduce their food shopping bill and learn some tasty new recipes. If you are interested then contact the email address below:-
Inter-School Dogeball competiton – our first ever Inter-School house dodgeball competition took place this afternoon. It was great to see the four different houses all competing against each other. Everyone in KS1 and KS2 got involved and had such fun. Thank you very much to Mrs Wilson who planned, organised and ran this event this afternoon. It was a great success and we will look to having another in-school tournament in the next term. Well done everyone who took part.
Parent Governor Vacancy – We have a vacancy for a parent governor. Application forms have been sent home with your child. Please consider if you would like to be part of how the school is run and managed. There are two meetings per term to attend. Your opinions matter. Come and join in having your say. The forms give all the information you need to know to get involved. If you’d like to know a bit more of what is involved please give me a ring or come and see me. Alternatively, Mr Darren Bagley (Y2 & Y4 parent) could give you the heads up as to what is involved.
NSPCC Online Safety Parent and Carer Information Workshop -Thursday 2nd February 2017 2:00pm
We are really pleased to offer a session, from the NSPCC, which will be all about increasing parent and carer confidence, competence and responsibility in keeping your child safe online.
The session will last for approximately 50 minutes to an hour and you will be able to pick up your children from school when it finishes.
For those of you, who have pre-school children, who may need some entertaining we will be offering a play session for them during the workshop.
Please come and join us and see what the latest up to date information is from the NSPCC and what their specialists have to say about keeping children safe online.
We are working hard to educate your children about the issues in school, but support from you at home is vital to make the education effective.
We look forward to seeing you there.
Diary Dates
Wednesday 25th January / Year 5 Worship in ChurchThursday 26th January / Y5 experience morning at Carr Hill (£1 needed for a snack when there)
Year5 Bowling as a reward for best attendance
Thursday 26th January / Attendance Reward afternoon. Y5, wo won last term to go to the YMCA bowling in Thornton for the afternoon.
Thursday 2nd February / Online Safety Day in School - non uniform day wear NSPCC 'Go Green' day.
Monday 30th January / Safer Internet Day in school
Wednesday 1st February / Y4 Worship in church
Thursday 2nd February / NSPCC parent workshop in school. 2 - 3pm. Parents attending can take their children home early after it has finished.
Monday 6th – 10th Feb / Science Week in school. Lots and lots of fun, experiments, shows, and visits are planned.
Wednesday 8th February / Y3 Worship in Church
Science fair after school for all parents/carers/children
Thursday 9th February / After school “Uncycled Plastic Bottles Exhibition” for all parents/carers to see your child’s work.
PTA Valentines Disco in school. 5:30-6:30 KS1, 6:30-7:30 KS2
Young Voice choir singing attheManchester Arena
Friday 10th February / Science Show in school – Professor Brainstorm’
Friday 10th February / School Closes for half term
Monday 20th February / School Opens
Living Eggs arrive in school.
With best wishes,
Mrs Astbury