Pearl #130 – 4488 BC Date of Creation

Pearl #130 -4488BC as the Beginning of Genesis or the Universe?

The Hebrew Alphabet Number System [HANS]is fundamental to the Hebrew language. There are 4,000,000 nouns in the English language; however,the Hebrew language is one of the most noun poor languages that man has ever used. Why?

If Hebrew was the original language spoken by God to Adam, why does it appear to be so limited? The answer lies in the recently discovered Rosetta Stone ratio embedded in the book of Daniel. The ancient alphabet was expressed as a pictorial concept similar to Chinese letters or hieroglyphs.

The first written language has imbedded a story with a numerical value and in addition incorporates special meanings for eachletter. Each letter communicates four dimensions as described in my previous books found on is a shorthand system that delivers a great deal of information to people familiar with thatsystem.

For instance, we have a problem with the word “heaven.” InHebrew,the one work has three different definitions. My books describe the two dimensions of the universe: Daleth [in this world in this time] and Heh [the other side or spiritual dimension]. In Genesis 1, you have to examine the context in order to determine which heaven is being described. To indicate God’s throne, Paul referred to a third heaven in 2Corinthians 12:2 so you'd know which one he was talking about.

The same principle applies when readingAugustine and other early Church Fathers. The word "day" in Genesis was translated by the vast majority that these days of creation must have been 24 solar hours long. Modern secular educated Christians influenced by a 1930 big bang theory changed it and invented a gap theory where a day is millions of year old. That logic would point out to me that God is limited too like humans and is consequently not able to do his job in shorter timeframe. Intelligence in genetics tells us now a different picture and therefore should expand our concepts to other possibilities. My thirdbook presents an added perspective where I overlay the Aztec calendar with the Gregorian calendar system to arrive at a date of 4488BC for the purpose planed for humanity’s appearance on earth.

My idea starts out with human eyewitnesses recorded in ancient books like the Bible and surrounding cultures connecting with God’s Plan for Humanity. Understanding that plan, we find out whyitwas designedand finalized when Adam was kicked out of the Garden on 4004BC (Gregorian calendar). That does not tell us that the universe was started on that date, but the time machine of the material dimension, like thependulum of the mortality clock werepushed into the Zayin agefor mankind to begin.

Scientists have stated that timeshows up in the equation only after the Big Bang, so we can postulate a universe without time.If we later find a time dimension, then that time period can be long or short. Let’s find out what mankind’s calendar and clocks really tell.

The billions of years time frame postulated for whatever reason did not affect mankind as he was not around to know about it. However, if you purposefully design a plan for humanity, then the time dimension becomes important and gives reason for it to appear later – something that can be accurately measured.

Purpose becomes the bull’s-eye from where everything starts. What came later can be expressed in a calendar humanly invented, which is not speculation but deals with historic facts.As a result, that is my starting point for my story. The earth is the only place in the universe where life is possible and consequently is the center of the universe[1].

The invisible God did not chose another location to become visible, mortal and die at the hands of created beings so that fallen humans may be restored to God’s original intentions for us all. A universe tying in with a time dimension and mankind’s purpose for being in this world is expressed as Daleth in the Hebrew Alphabet Number System or HANS.

Could be more then one universe?Mathematically,some state that it is possible to have two or more parallel universes. I have also read about amini-universe in a science magazine[2]that compares it to the body.

Each human being is a total new universe never ever duplicated and a unique one time creation. That means with over six billion people, no living person on earthhasone duplicate. Looking deeper into the body,it is estimatedto have over 100 trillion cellsgrouped together in galaxies and star systems working together with thousands embedded codes - each as different as our solar system is unique to others, yet all exist according to precise laws.

I am not surprised to have a next article in that magazine appearing, “The search for the Human Soul” and “Does time Exist?”So my story will give you a perspective from a Christian clockmaker whodeciphers mystery clocks found in museums. Yes, I have also set datesforevents of the Apocalypse embedded in ancient calendars.

I use examples from nature to showwhat can be known about the Heh dimension [Hebrew meaning–the other side] or the spiritual side that cannot be defined with laboratory experiments. Going back to God’s purpose in a complex world, I use the familiar analogy of a butterfly. This beautiful insect portrays our ultimate spiritual potential: peoplemust first go through a caterpillar stage of mortal fallibility and death to be immunized against evil before emerging with the beautiful wings of eternal life.

This caterpillar stage of suffering and overcoming qualifies those who can function in a future new heaven-new earth as revealed in the last page of the Bible. They will betransformed –resurrected with a new Jod bodythat has no desire to sin or rebel against God’s ways. God used Satan’s rebellion against the heavenly order to inoculate ushumansagainst evil,to acquire a program of fail-safe training.

When Satan rebelled against God in about 4488BC,the Creator started a program for a future new world order as the old one was ruined.The date 4488BCequates to the timeless universepushed into a time dimension needing to be fixed, like car when it is broken.

My research has revealed the dates of God’s planembedded in HANS from when the car brokedown and not from when it was built. If you are not convinced,just read about the many mystery clocks built in antiquity and found in museums around the world in Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries.

Scientists still do not know what they are. If you are interested, then read my books to find out.Below is an excerpt from this third Babushka book explaining ancient calendarsthat match with each other.

Summing up the Strange Aztec 52,000 “Year” Cycle

Do 52,000 Aztec cycles connect with the Hebrew calendar for humanity of 7,000 cycles? I hope you followed my math without having first read my Hebrew Alphabet Number System explained in my second book, Mystery of Tammuz 17 you can read for free on the Internet at

Hebrew clock cycle gears must fit to a day. They cannot have even a fraction of one tooth left over or being short. The clock system does not work and should be rejected if it does not fit to one day in thousand years. There is no room for rubber dates to make someone’s pet theory fit. When we overlay clock cycles from other cultures, we expect to find transfer gears, as every clockmaker knows, to connect from one clock to another. Our kitchen clock has two pointers with a 12-hour dial; therefore, it is really two clocks connected - one for the big handand one for the small hand.

The Antikythera clock mechanism from Greeceshowed a 64-tooth transfer gear among the 32 gears identified. Scientists have not yet figured out its purpose of connecting one internal clock with another. Seeing the same 64-tooth gear in other cultural clock systems found elsewhere in the world gives me confidence in my hypothesis because they all function according to the same 365.24 days in a Z-axis. Therefore, when we see cycles fitting to a day over a range of many thousands of years, we can trust that they are valid.

The architectural plan for humanity described in the Bible can be expressed in mathematical gear cycles that apply to all cultures. The correlations are aided by the Biblical Rosetta Stone discovered in Daniel’s prophecies. This gives us a way todecipher andcrosscheck other clocks for accuracy.

As a young man, I learned the clock making trade in Germany thathas become in so handy in understanding Hebrew clock cycles, which looked like embedded number gears. Mathematics is a wonderful tool to express a theory such as my spin-axis hypothesisoutlined in Chapter 2. Understanding something about cycles let us look with a different perspective to find parallels in geology, history and science such as analyzing how the sky’s zodiac constellations looked at different times over thousands of years.

Coming back from a vacation in Mexico where I studied the Aztec culture, I discovered the same, familiar clock gears, whichactually made a lot of sense. God is the greatest architect, and he planned something to satisfy our intellectual curiosity about how it all began.

The Aztecs painted the creation story and Noah’s floodon palace walls that you can check out for yourself. You do not need a scholar to tell you what you see - just a little Bible reading in Genesishelps. So comparing clocks from around the world is no different, provided we do not violate and assume a rubber calendar, as theologians are famous for doing with the Bible.

There are so many parallels from other cultures that I must insert somewhere in my text without a chronological trail. Therefore, if you do not understand what I am trying to convey in some place, then just keep reading, as understanding will come a little later when you have covered some more information on other clocks and various concepts.

The scientist tells me that the Aztec calendar has 52,000-year cycles. I do not know where they got that information. Checking it out on the Internet, I can only find a reference from a Spanish Friar in the 1500s, but if I use it in connection with a spin-axis theory, it becomes very interesting. I hope you can follow my trail, as it will cross over into the history and beliefs of the Christian religion.

If we divide the Aztec seven-spin axis into52,000 cycles, we get 7,506 Gregorian years as measured by our modern calendar system. When I cracked the Aztec clock,I discovered that the earth was rotating horizontally before Noah’s time with seven (7) spins around the sun in one year of 360 days.

An asteroid hit the earth on 4February 2287 BC, which caused the Flood. The Aztec clock now deciphered measured that different spin before and after the Flood as expressed in a pendulum wobble until it almost stopped at 23½°. That is why we have two-three dial ancient bronze-gold clocks in museums measuring changing X-Y-Z axis positions.

Genesis states that Methuselah lived 969 “years,” which is impossible if this means our present, Gregorian years of 365.24 days. A pre-Flood year (shanah – turn of year/cycle) is actually only 1/7th of that, so 969 becomes 138 Gregorianyears, which, as a scientist, I can accept. To convert a pre-Flood calendar of 52,000 years and express it in terms familiar to us, we divide the pre-Flood calendar years by a factor of 7.02384461 cycles to yield the equivalent of 7,506 Gregorian years. (52,000x1.0145/7.028=7,506).

The Hebrew Plan for Humanity cycle of history and prophecy is 7,000 cycles, which translates into 7,086 Gregorian Years. When we deduct those cycles from the Aztec calendar, we get a difference of 420 years (7506-7086=420).Check out the 7,000 Hebrew cycles,and you will find that Adam and Eve were kicked out of the Garden of Eden in 4004 BC.

From 4004, go back another 64-yeargear. (Remember, I just wroteto watch for 64-tooth gears from other cultures that would validate different calendars.) to arrive at 4068 BC, which could be construed as the year that Adam was formed. Now we get another date, which is further down in history by 420 years and coming from the Aztec culture stone clock. Added together with the fraction rounded off is 4488BC.

By applying the Hebrew Alphabet Number System, we see it with Hebrew eyes (aynayim) and notice ending calendar dates with a number 8 that tells me I got it correct. That date 4488BC could be thought of as the beginning of our earthly purpose and history as it coincides with the rebellion of Satan.

Before the birth of Adam, God removed Satan from high office and immediately set his plan in motion for new creatures, humans, to replace the angelic government of the universe whenperfected as Saints. You can learn about the Saints and how to qualify to be one in the Bible. It is also summarized in my first book. Basically, God needs to fill the vacancies made when Satan and his demon companions were expelled from the divine government.

Now we need to tie in the historical missing link as it must match the Hebrew clock cycles revealed in the Bible that came from God. Genesis reports that God created and prepared this earth with seven (7) cycles. Christian theologians concluded that God created the world in exactly seven 24-hour days, which upsets the evolutionists.

The Bible does say “days” in the original Hebrew text, but the Hebrew “yom” meansevening-morning or dark-light cycles. Both theologians and evolutionists expound wrong theologies built on wild speculation, one with a “gap” fairy tale as taught in many churches, and the other a humanistic fairytale to fit an evolutionary hypothesis with huge rubber bands in a“billions of years” theory. Neither one fits historic clock cycles.

God gave us the Bible.In it is buried information we can dig out if one knows where to look. We now have a starting date that must fit the 4004BC garden expulsion date, or we must otherwise reject the clock cycle if it does not match to a day. Let’s find out how the Aztec clock cycles could fit from a clockmaker’s perspective within a Hebrew calendar. You will be the judge whether it makes sense. Do not forget to check out witnesses to collaborate truth found in other areas.

From 4488 BC to 4004 BC we find 484 years difference or 4488-4004=484. This to me is a Taw or last Hebrew letter. Its meaning encompasses an entire time dimension I call Daleth.The Hebrew Alphabet Number System expresses with first letter of Adam-Eve=humanity formulaas 1-4-40-400, beginning with God as number (1) one [Aleph] and ending with [Taw] 400 the very end of time as expressed in Revelation the last book in the Bible.

Genesis reveals (7) seven creation cycles in which there are (6) six cycles where God said “evening and morning” and concluded “It was good” six times, but on the seventh day it is open ended just stating that God rested. There is no mention that it was good. So God’s rest will be disturbed, which is not so good. He already knows that the humans he creates will fall because of his 7,000-year plan during Zayin age commencing in 4004BC.

Remember before that date, Adam and Eve lived in the Garden, and the earth’s clock was still in the Waw age of a sinless human environment. God, who is Holy, visited them every evening in the Garden. It was like an invisible greenhouse Heh (heavenly) dimension surrounded by the Daleth (material) dimension where life and death coexisted inside and outside the greenhouse. God visitedthem everyday for the enjoyment of Adam and Eve’s fellowship. They also eagerly look forward to when they heard God’s presence moving in the garden. During these visits, God would checkout how the humans’ education about nature and the world was progressing.

The Garden was surrounded with an invisible sphere of the Heh dimension on earth like we have greenhouses to separate the environment from the outside. The outside is called the Daleth dimension where rebirth and death already existed created on the third day with shrub and tree seeds dying, procreatingand multiply itself at a fast pace according to universal laws of genetics.

Christian theologians are confused. They mostly believe that death in all nature was the cause of Adam’s sin based on Romans 5:12 and concluded that all living organisms before the fall did not experience death and that the lion must have eaten grass and changed his diet when Adam ate the wrong fruit. This is a false idea believed by many Christians that is not biblical or scientific. Unfortunately, not many theologians are educated to understand genetics or science.

Just looking into an electronic microscope, we see a world of bacteria and viruses we cannot see with our bare eyes. Using the aid of that instrument, we can observe billions of living cells at war, killing each other a million times a minute. That is the process for fertile soil to be created and for seeds to germinate into a forest of ancient vegetation that we can still recognize in coal deposits and shoal rocks.