Hanover Soccer Club

Meeting Minutes

December16, 2014



Mitzi ClapperPresident

John DunnockVP

OPENVP Intramural

David WellsTreasurer

Kathy HudakSecretary

Tim SwinglerTravel Registrar

Amy MaherIntramural Registrar

Tom Buttner Travel Coaches Rep

Rick EsenwineIntramural Coaches Rep

Mike JeffriesPlayer/Parent Rep

Dorinda LehkerUniform Coordinator

Brandon SmithEquipment Coordinator

Gina Chroniger Fund Raising Coordinator

Stephanie Glatfelter Community

Brady Slater Referee Coordinator

Jason DelairNewsletter Coordinator/Webmaster

OPENField Prep Coordinator

OPENPast President


The Board meeting of the Hanover Soccer Clubwas called to order at 7:05pm., December16, 2014 by Mitzi Clapper. Those board members attending:CLAPPER, WELLS, HUDAK, SWINGLER, MAHER, BUTTNER, LEHKER, GLATFELTER

Summary of Committee Motion/Recommendation Form Approved Via Email: None

Motion to approve November Meeting Minutes by Dave Wells – 2nd by Tom Buttner (a minor change noted on the November minutes)

President’s Note, New Business:

We need to actively be looking for an Intramural VP start with coaches.

Past President’s Report:


Treasurers Report:

Financial statements reviewed

Field Treatment paid for services received (grubs)

EPYSA grant funds used

$3300 balance owed to Utz on the Clark field development

Risk management bill paid

Expected spring income $50,000

Travel uniforms will be done on the website through Angelo’s and parents will pay Angelo’s directly.


Lisa Thompson new secretary

VP Travel:


VP Intramural:


Travel Coaches Rep:

Nets off the goals

o3 nets were good --New nets needed

1 set of regulation nets

2 sets U8 / U10 nets

Gate to field is closed / locked

AED need to be pulled out of the case and placed inside (Dave to take care of)

The 1 coaching issues has been resolved. The assistant coach decided to step up.

Intramural Coaches Rep:

Working on updating the coaches manual

Travel Registrar:

1/5/15 preliminary team counts due to CPYSL – email sent out to coaches

Tournament only teams need to know immediately

Delone will possibly have 1 boy’s team and 1 girl’steam U15 – U18 age bracket – registration fee to be changed to $130

Suggested changes to the bylaws were handed out

oGoal is to have all bylaws updates by February so they can be review and possibly voted on at the general meeting

Intramural Registrar:

Current Spring registration 5 players (4 – U6 / 1 – U8)

oLY this time 25 players

School flyers have been distributed to the schools (before Thanksgiving break)

Email reminders sent every 2 weeks

Walk in registration at Utz Factory Outlet Store 1/10/15 1/30/15 10 AM – 1 PM

Player Parent Rep:


Uniform Coordinator:

Call Elliot to get jersey samples for the next meeting

Equipment Coordinator:


Community Events–Rep:

Spring Sponsor letters were mailed out

$7500 over 5 years Dr. Ross – Snack Sack Sponsor

$8000 rec’d so far for the spring

New pavilion sponsor possibly 3rd QTR of next year

Field sponsorship idea well rec’d

Sprint would like their banner back by Friday 12/19/14

Paint needs to be taken out of the shed and stored somewhere warm – Steph to contact a possibility but will need to be delivered



Snack Shack:


Referee Coordinator:


Newsletter Coordinator (Webmaster):



Purchases for the new fields – rebounders ordered checking with John

We have one set of goals already for the new fields

Current field layout needs changed and someone needs to take the lead on that

1 regulation field

3 U6 fields

2 U8 fields

3 U10 fields

Next Meeting:

Adjournment:8:10 PM