1025. Attendance and Acceptance of Apologies. Approval of Reasons for Absence.
Present: Chairman J Middleton, Vice Chairman I Wilson, Councillors M Briggs, C Middleton and A Ross.
Apologies: Councillors E Gill and K Simons.
The Council approved the reasons for absence.
In Attendance: 2 members of the public.
1026. Dispensations received and granted.
There were no dispensations received and granted since the last meeting.
1027. Members Declaration of Interest for Items on the Agenda.
Councillor A Ross declared a potential interest in item 1037 dependent on any response received.
1028. Public Forum - 15 minutes - with a maximum of 5 minutes per question.
Ms A Greig gave an update on the “orchard area” within the allotments – the fruit trees were maturing slowly, weeds removed and she was in the process of ordering bulbs and wildflower seeds. Two railway sleepers had been ordered but she would need assistance to move them into place.
Mr G Martin expressed concern over the temporary entrance to the Bridleway off Holcot Road subject to a six month closure order and the possibility the landowner may seek to make this permanent.
1029. County and District Councillors, to include a proposal by AC to revitalise the “Ward Meeting”.
The County Councillor did not attend. The District Councillor sent her apologies; she hoped to attend after a prior engagement and sent in a report which was circulated to Councillors prior to the meeting. Any discussion on revitalising the “Ward Meeting” was deferred until the District Councillor was present.
1030. Approve and Sign Minutes of the Meeting dated 2 June 2015.
The minutes of the meeting having previously been circulated were proposed for acceptance by the Vice Chairman and seconded Councillor C Middleton as an accurate record and were signed by the Chairman.
1031. To review action taken on matters arising from the minutes of the previous meetings (for information only).
The bus petition and bus service will be discussed under item 1041.
The letter to DDC will be discussed under item 1037.
Recording of meetings will be discussed under item 1038.
The arrival of Broadband will be discussed under item 1036.
1032. Correspondence:
(a) DDC – Minutes Parish & Town Council’s meeting – 11 June 2015, including DC A Carter report – no further action required.
1033. Review of Parish Assets:
(a) Pocket Park – nothing to report.
(b) Allotments – nothing to report.
(c) Bus Shelter/BT kiosk.
Mr G Martin informed the meeting he would give the bus shelter a coat of paint. Re-painting the BT kiosk was discussed and it was agreed to include on the next agenda.
(d) Mallards Wood – maturing.
(e) VAS – the Clerk circulated figures for 13 April to 19 June for Holcot Road, the VAS has now been moved to Walgrave Road. It was agreed to put the purchase of a new battery on the next agenda.
1034. Report from Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator, including consideration of purchasing new “Neighbourhood Watch” signs.
Councillor C Middleton reported that there was little to report since the last meeting, although had received an alert today regarding fraudsters who were targeting individuals who had expressed an interest in an online loan. Following a discussion it was agreed that Councillor C Middleton would look further into the PC producing its’ own “Neighbourhood Watch” signs.
1035. Planning Application Update – DA/2012/0631, DA/2014/0694 (Amended), DA/2015/0288 & DA/2015/0297.
Since the last meeting applications DA/2015/0288 and DA/2015/0297 had been approved by DDC.
1036. Update on the arrival of Infinity Broadband in the village.
Since the last meeting there had been e-mails from County Councillor J Shephard and NCC’s “Big Idea”. It was confirmed that both Walgrave and Holcot had now got superfast broadband and that the cable does run through Hannington, however, it is not simply the case of just adding another fibre cabinet box to the network. It is finance driven and Hannington is not due to be connected until next year – no definite date currently being available.
1037. Update on three letters of complaint sent and to consider any additional response received from DDC.
Following the receipt of an acknowledgment to the email sent by the Clerk, it was agreed to pursue the matter no further.
1038. The recording of Parish Council Meetings – update on the research carried out, purchase of a devise and to devise a policy for the recording and storage of records.
Following a discussion, it was agreed to carry out a test run and record the September meeting, with a view to adopting a policy similar to one found on line by the Clerk – the subject would then be re-evaluated at the October meeting. A sign is to be produced to advise the Public that recording/filming whilst permitted, must not interrupt the meeting and to understand that not all members of the public may wish to be recorded/filmed.
1039. Arrangements for the Parish Councillors’ August “Walkabout”, to include updating the risk assessment on the Village Sign and invitation from Adam Simmonds (Northants Police & Crime Commissioner) to visit Parish in August.
It was agreed that the PC August walkabout will take place on Tuesday 4 August at 6pm.
It was agreed to confirm the visit by Adam Simmonds on 14 August at 3.30pm. It will be attended by Councillor K Simons, the Vice Chairman and work permitting, the Chairman.
1040. Household Waste Recycling Centres – revised opening hours.
Following receipt of various e-mails since the last meeting, it was agreed that no further action will be taken on this matter.
1041. Update on bus service (MB).
Councillor M Briggs gave an update to the meeting, progress continues to be slow and it was agreed that an update be included in this month’s Hannington Life. Stage Coach claim that to go the additional mile to Hannington would necessitate them to have an additional bus and driver at a cost of £100K - the Service 37 is costing NCC £50K.
1042. Finance:
(a) Approve expenditure items received.
It was agreed to pay the following invoices:
Mrs JP Friell – salary April - June Chq 608 £554.39
HMR&C – PAYE April – June Chq 609 £132.20
E.on – invoice to be cancelled & re-issued Chq 610 -
E.on Energy Solutions – street light maintenance Chq 611 £51.70
Maximow – grass cutting Chq 612 £200.00
Spanglefish – gold membership web site Chq 613 £24.95
The reconciled bank balance was £8,607.78
(b) Approve income received.
There had been no income received since the last meeting.
(c) Quarterly budget v actual.
The Clerk had previously circulated the figures which showed the actual expenditure for the 3 months to 30 June was £3,448 against a budget of £3,518.
1043. Hannington Life - items for inclusion in the next edition and New Residents requiring Welcome Pack.
Councillor C Middleton had produced a draft copy for July, which was agreed by the Parish Council for publication subject to the inclusion of an update on the Bus Service by Councillor M Briggs.
A new residents’ pack was required for a house in Main Street.
1044. Councillors’ comments for consideration at next meeting.
Councillor A Ross suggested that the District Councillor be invited to discuss other housing options that may be available – Self Build Schemes/Local Homes, Accessible Housing. Councillor M Briggs – update on the bus service. The Vice Chairman – overgrown part of the footpath CT1.
1045. Date of next meeting – 1 September 2015