Hanes Magnet School PTSA Board Meeting Minutes

Monday, March14th, 2016


Ardmore Baptist Church, Winston-Salem

Our President, Kimber McCracken, called the meeting to order at 6:07 pm.

Parent Members Present

Kimber McCracken (President)

Jeannie Evans (Labels for Ed/ SIT)

Brenda Frucht (Secretary)

Kit Browning (Yearbook)

Jeanie Wilson (PAC)

Dawn Sechrest (Hospitality)

Tori Petty (Treasurer)

Jordan Calaway (Hospitality/SIT)

Heather Waddell (Apparel)

Staff Members Present

Lisa Duggins (Principal)

David Draper (Teacher Rep, 8th grade)

Gareth Clement-Noyes (Teacher Rep, 6th grade)

Student Members Present

Avery Browning (8th grade)

Spencer Browning (6th grade)

Approval of Minutes

The minutes fromFebruary 2016were distributed electronically for review. Jeanie Wilsonmade the motion to approve the minutes. Heather Waddellseconded the motion. Everyone voted to approve the minutes. The minutes were approved as written.

Treasurer’s Report, Tori Petty

A “projected” column has been added to the budget report that is provided to the board monthly. This column illustrates that, although the income is projected to be less than expected, expenses are also expected to be less than expected. Expenses are projected to exceed income for the school year, but funds are available from prior year to cover this deficit.

The Apollo team has added 6 world maps to the Wish List. This purchase was approved by the board.

Book Drive, Tori Petty

The National Junior Honor Society will collects books to send to Africa. This will be the only book drive of the year.

Trophy Drive, Kimber McCracken

Kimber has learned of a business that collects trophies to be refurbished/reused. The business makes a donation to the school in return. A minimum of 50 trophies is required. The possibility of tying this in with Earth Day was discussed.

Scrip Cards, Kimber McCracken

There is a website that allows individuals to purchase gift cards and the school receives a donation in return. Kimber will forward more information to the board including a link.

Duke Energy Efficiency Kits

If 75 households from Hanes sign up to receive these kits, the school will be entered into a drawing. The students in attendance noted that this information was already discussed in science classes. It was decided to not further pursue.

Nominating Committee, Dawn Sechrest

The nominating committee for the 2016-2017 Hanes PTSA consists of Jordan Calaway, Dawn Sechrest and Jennifer Solis. While many positions have been filled, the committee is still looking for a treasurer. An addition to the board of an Athletic Liaison was discussed.

School Store

The School Store is currently run during lunch from 10:30 to 1:00 on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The general consensus is that the store is not very effective. It was decided that changing the hours of operation to 7:10 – 7:30 am for next year would be more effective for the students and less time consuming for the volunteers.

Hospitality, Jordan Calaway

The hospitality committee will provide a grab-and-go lunch for teachers on the next early release day. This lunch will consist of subs, chips, drinks, and cookies.

Yearbook, Kit Browning

The yearbook deadline for publishing has been accelerated this year. With only about fifteen 8th grade dedications in hand, it was decided to extend the deadline.

Apparel, Heather Waddell

Heather Doty has agreed to take on this job for next year. Storage of the apparel is a concern. Heather has been storing at her home.

Principal’s Report, Lisa Duggins

The administration is trying to clean out the school now that it has been determined that this will be home for the near future.

The gym will be painted during the summer.

The new scoreboard from the old Hanes will be moved to the current location.

Classrooms will be painted.

For security purposes, a card system will be installed for the back doors and pods.

Fencing will be added.

Practice fields will be improved.

The faculty will meet with the school board on April 4th.

The need to separate the band from the auditorium is still a concern.

Tennis will be added to the sports program in April. Golf will be added in the fall.

Mrs. Morgan, the school’s Latin teacher, is out indefinitely due to her daughter’s health. The PTA approved the gift of a $100 Whole Foods gift card to show her support.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:20.

Respectfully Submitted,

Brenda Frucht