Handout 2 Project Information Form s6

Tahoe Sierra IRWM

Project Template

Please provide information in the tables below:

I.  Project Proponent Information

Agency/ Organization / Truckee River Watershed Council
Name of Primary Contact / Erin Casey
Name of Secondary Contact / Lisa Wallace
Mailing Address / P.O. Box 8568 Truckee, CA 96162
E-mail /
Phone (###)###-#### / 530-550-8760
Other Cooperating Agencies/Organizations/Stakeholders / Town of Truckee, Placer County, Nevada County, Tahoe Resource Conservation District, Truckee Donner Public Utility District, Tahoe Donner Homeowners Association, Contractors Association of Truckee-Tahoe
Is your agency/organization committed to the project through completion? If not, please explain / Yes

II.  General Project Information

Project Title / Truckee River Residential BMP Implementation
Project Category /
Project Description
(Briefly describe the project, in 300 words or less) / The goal of the program is to improve water quality and support implementation of the TMDL by assisting residential property owners in voluntarily reducing or preventing soil erosion in the Middle Truckee River watershed by implementing non-point source pollution control projects (BMPs) on their property. This program targets neighborhoods in sub watersheds identified by the TMDL as containing "controllable" levels of non-point source pollution. This project facilitates a community and watershed scale approach to implementing strategies outlined in the Middle Truckee River TMDL to reduce sediment loads through the implementation of residential BMPs.
Project staff will complete site evaluations per homeowner request to evaluate impermeable services and identify areas of erosion. Treatment workbooks will be developed with site plans to assist homeowners in addressing areas of concern. Staff will support homeowners to completed site plans. Homeowner incentives will be available upon successful implementation.
This project will benefit water quality by directly reducing sediment loads in the Middle Truckee River, reducing the contribution to the TMDL. BMPs are a proven method to manage runoff and erosion from residential properties. The Tahoe Basin Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) has created a set of technical guides for stormwater infiltration BMPs for the Tahoe Basin. The Truckee River Watershed Council will use these guidelines to develop site plans for homeowners to control non-point source pollution, control erosion, and infiltrate stormwater. The Tahoe Basin NRCS BMPs are tailored to the region and are suited for the Middle Truckee River watershed.
As stated in the TMDL, for the Middle Truckee River, the minimum efficiency of sediment traps, mulches and vegetative stabilization is 50%; the minimum is 99%. A typical list of BMPs utilized in the design plans will include armoring drip lines, stabilizing slopes, securing bare soil and retrofitting driveways to capture, convey and infiltrate runoff.
Project Prioritization: / Total number of projects submitted by your Agency: / 17
Agency Prioritization of this project (e.g., 3 of 5)
Does this project contribute to a larger Project (e.g., TMDL, EIP, Phase 2 of 3) ? If so provide description. / TMDL, , Lahontan Basin Plan, Truckee River Watershed
Coordinated Watershed Management Strategy.
Political Support – List related MOUs, agreements or TACs currently in place. / This program has an active TAC.
Project Location:
Latitude: / 39.34222
Longitude: / -120.20360
Project Location Description (e.g., along the south bank of stream/river between river miles or miles from Towns/intersection and/or address): / Target neighborhoods within the Middle Truckee River watershed including Donner Lake, Tahoe Donner, Alpine Meadows, Squaw Valley, Sierra Meadows and Glenshire.

III.  Plan Objectives Addressed

For each of the objectives addressed by the project, provide a one to two sentence description of how the project contributes to attaining the objective and how the project will be quantified. If the project does not address any of the draft IRWM plan objectives, provide a one to two sentence description of how the project relates to a challenge or opportunity of the Region (see the bottom of page 4).

Objectives: / Will the project address the objective? / Brief explanation of project linkage to selected Objective / Quantification (e.g. acres of streams/wetlands restored or enhanced) /
WQ1 - Meet approved TMDL standards in accordance with the attainment date, and participate in the development of future TMDLs. / / The goal of this program is to improve water quality and support implementation of the TMDL by assisting residential property owners in reducing or preventing soil erosion. / 75 Tons of sediment reduced annually
WQ2 – Reduce pollutant loads by implementing measures such as stormwater LID retrofits, erosion control/restoration to meet Water Quality Objectives (WQOs) for receiving water bodies established in the Basin Plan within the planning horizon. / / The project will implement non-point source pollution control projects (BMPs) on residential properties within the Middle Truckee River watershed. / 200 BMPs installed annually
WQ3 - Implement water quality monitoring programs through planning horizon, and coordinate annually throughout the Region. /
WQ4 - Ensure that drinking water supplied by public water systems continues to meet Federal and State standards. / / The goal of this program is to improve water quality. / Monitoring water quality including physical, chemical and biological monitoring of surface water.
WQ5 - Restore degraded streams, wetlands, riparian and upland areas to re-establish natural water filtering processes. /
WQ6 -Operate and maintain, build, or replace infrastructure for reliable collection, treatment and disposal of wastewater. /
WS1 - Provide water supply to meet projected demands for a 20-year planning horizon. /
WS2 - Operate and maintain, build, or replace infrastructure to reliably supply water. /
WS3 - Implement and promote water conservation measures and practices to meet state goals. /
GWM1 - Maintain and monitor groundwater supply to assure future reliability. /
GWM2 - Promote groundwater protection activities for high quality groundwater, and advocate for improvements to impacted groundwater quality through public education. /
GWM3 - Manage groundwater for multiple uses (e.g. municipal/industrial/agricultural supply and environmental use). /
ER1 - Enhance and restore water bodies, wetlands, riparian areas and associated uplands to support healthy watersheds, viable native fish, wildlife and plant habitats. /
ER2 - Develop and implement programs to prevent the spread of existing invasive species and colonization of potential future invasive species. / / Program staff identifies invasive weeds when conducting site evaluations and submit information to TRWC and Nevada and Placer counties. Staff provides information on invasive weeds to all homeowners including methods of eradicating populations. / # of invasive infestations reported. # of invasive weed book guides distributed.
ER3 - Implement, in coordination with public and private landowners, activities to manage forest health and wildfire risks. /
ER4 - Minimize ecosystem impacts caused by existing and new development. / / This project reduces sediment loads from impermeable surfaces created by existing development. / 200 BMPs/ infiltration systems installed
IWM1 - Conduct local and regional water-related planning activities within the planning horizon as supported by current and future watershed science. /
IWM2 - Ensure collaboration among multiple jurisdictions within the Region for information exchange. / / Town of Truckee, Placer County, Nevada County, Tahoe Donner Public Utility District / Participation in TAC meetings
IWM3 - Increase public education and awareness of watershed functions, protection and restoration needs to encourage stewardship by the public. / / Program staff provides educational resources to homeowners on topics such as soil erosion control, landscaping, defensible space and invasive weeds. Public presentations on the program and how it impacts watershed health are also given. / 175 of site evaluations completed annually. 10 of outreach events attended annually. 5 public presentations given annually.
IWM4 - Promote activities that reduce flood risk. /
IWM5 - Address climate change (e.g. water quality, water supply, groundwater recharge, flood management) in local and regional planning efforts and support efforts to continue improving the science. / / The overall goal of this program is to improve water quality by reducing sediment loads per the TMDL. / 75 tons of sediment reduced annually
IWM6 - Monitor water storage, release and exchange activities in order to improve coordination with regional planning. /

If no objectives are addressed; describe how the project relates to a challenge or opportunity of the Region:

Project Impacts and Benefits

Please provide a summary of the expected project benefits and impacts in the table below or check N/A if not applicable; do not leave a blank cell.

If applicable describe benefits or impacts of the project with respect to:
a.  Native American Tribal Community considerations. /
b.  Disadvantaged Community considerations1. /
c.  Environmental Justice 2 considerations. /
d.  Assist the Region in adapting to effects of climate change3. / / More resilient watersheds are better able to withstand the impacts of climate change. Homeowner erosion control would provide enormous benefit through more effective erosion control as precipitation shifts from snow to rain.
e.  Generation or reduction of greenhouse gas emissions (e.g. green technology). / / Several recommended BMP treatments increase vegetative cover.
f.  Other expected impacts or benefits that are not already mentioned elsewhere. / / Several recommended BMPs increase water conservation through drought tolerant plantings.

1. A Disadvantaged Community is defined as a community with an annual median household (MHI) income that is less than 80 percent of the Statewide annual MHI. A map has been provided with the Project Template Instruction for reference.

2. Environmental Justice is defined as the fair treatment of people of all races, cultures, and incomes with respect to the development, adoption, implementation and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations and policies. An example of environmental justice benefit would be to improve conditions (e.g. water supply, flooding, sanitation) in an area of racial minorities

3. Climate change effects are likely to include increased flooding, extended drought, and associated secondary effects such as increased wildfire risk, erosion, and sedimentation.

IV.  Resource Management Strategies (RMS)

For each resource management strategy employed by the project, provide a one to two sentence description in the table below of how the project incorporates the strategy. A description of the Resource Management Strategies can be found in Volume 2 of the 2009 California Water Plan here: http://www.waterplan.water.ca.gov/cwpu2009/index.cfm

Resource Management Strategy / Will the Project incorporate RMS? / Description, of how RMS to be employed if applicable /
Reduce Water Demand
Agricultural Water Use Efficiency /
Urban Water Use Efficiency /
Improve Operational Efficiency and Transfers
Conveyance - Regional / local /
System Reoperation /
Water Transfers /
Increase Water Supply
Conjunctive Management & Groundwater /
Desalination /
Precipitation Enhancement
Recycled Municipal Water /
Surface Storage -- Regional / Local /
Improve Water Quality
Drinking Water Treatment and Distribution /
Groundwater and Aquifer Remediation /
Matching Water Quality to Use / / The project goal is to improve water quality in the Truckee River by addressing sediment loading from residential structures.
Pollution Prevention / / The project addresses non-point source pollution by implementing control projects or BMPs on residential parcels.
Salt and Salinity Management /
Urban Runoff Management / / BMPs are recommended and installed to manage urban runoff from residential properties.
Practice Resources Stewardship
Agricultural Lands Stewardship /
Economic Incentives (Loans, Grants, and Water Pricing) /
Ecosystem Restoration /
Forest Management /
Land Use Planning and Management / / Land uses specific to existing development are central to the program.
Recharge Areas Protection /
Water-dependent Recreation /
Watershed Management / / This program addresses urban uses within the watershed and addresses impacts of that development to the watershed.
Improve Flood Management
Flood Risk Management /

Note: The following RMS have been omitted from the list: Conveyance-Delta and Surface Storage – CALFED.

Other RMS addressed and explanation:

V.  Project Cost and Financing - Please provide any estimates of project cost, sources of funding, and operation and maintenance costs, as well as, the source of the project cost in the table below.

a. Project Costs / Requested Grant Amount / Cost Share: Non-State Fund Source (Local/Federal Funding Match) / Cost Share: Other State Fund Source / Total Cost
1.  Capital (2013 Dollars) / $400,000 / $400,000
/ $150,000 / $950,000
2.  Annual Operations and Maintenance (O&M)
b. Can the Project be phased? / /
1.  If so provide cost breakdown by phase(s) / Project Cost / O&M Cost / Description of Phase
Phase 1 / $200,000 / Annual cost to implement the program
Phase 2
Phase 3
Phase 4
c. List secured source(s) of funding for Project cost / Source(s) / Amount
CWA 319 (h)
IRWM Prop 84 / $400,000
d. List proposed source(s) of unsecured funding and certainty of the sources for Project cost.
e. Explain how operation and maintenance costs will be financed for the 25-year planning period for project implementation (not grant funded). / Operation and maintenance costs will be financed
by homeowners who have installed BMPs.
f.  Basis for project cost1 (e.g. conceptual, planning, bid, etc.) / 7 years’ experience managing the program.
g. Has a Cost/Benefit analysis been completed? /
h. Please describe what impact there may be if the project is not funded. (300 words or less) / Sediment source reduction from residential properties (excluding new construction) will cease in the Middle Truckee River watershed.

1. For the grant application a detailed project cost estimate will need to be provided with the following cost categories; per the IRWM PSP for Round 2, Implementation Grants: Direct Project Administration, Land Purchase/Easement, Planning/Design/Engineering/Environmental Documentation, Construction/Implementation, Environmental Compliance/Mitigation/Enhancement, Construction Administration, Other Costs, and Construction/Implementation Contingency.