Hamster Life

Did you know that wild Syrian hamsters are true hibernators, and allow their body temperature to fall to low temperatures, but not below 20 degrees Celsius? However, most hamsters may not necessarily hibernate but instead reduce their breathing and heart rate for short periods of time, lasting up to ten days.

Hamsters usually have thick, silky fur, which can be long or short. Hamsters can be many colors, such as black, grey, and honey, white, brown, yellow or red, Sometimes a mix, depending on the species.

In the 1800’s hamsters were found in Syria. The best-known species of hamsters that live as pets are the golden hamster and the Syrian hamster. I love hamster research!!!!

Queen bee

The queen bee is one of the only kinds of bees to hibernate. When she is hibernating she not doing anything her metabolism goes down so she uses less fuel. This makes her sleep for a long time.

The queen bee abdomen is longer than the worker bees. Here ‘how you finder her she has 60 to 80,000 around her! If you were a farmer you might want to put a dab of pant on her

The queen bee eats royal jelly. It’s made up of nectar and pollen. She eats it so she can feed it to her young.


Raccoons live in southern Canada, most United States and Northern South America. They live in moist wood land arias. They hibernate in dens in trees and in the ground.

They eat other animals and also fruits, nuts, wild grapes, cherries, apples, berries, acorns, peaches, plums, figs, citrus fruits, water melons, and walnuts, and garbage. The also eat slugs, clams, and dead animals.


Did you know skunks don’t hibernate? They go into torpor. Torpor is like when you can easily wake up.

Skunks live in tree hollows, hollowed out logs, abandoned animal dens, and underneath porches. Sometimes skunks will dig holes if there is no ware to go. Skunks eats plants and meat. They prefer to eat insects and grubs. Skunks eat lots of different things often changing with the seasons.

Baby skunks!

The Rattlesnake

Rattlesnakes are highly specialized venomous reptiles with large bodies and triangle-shaped heads. Rattlesnake lay in wait for small mammal to venture nearby and then strike the unsuspecting animal with its venomous fangs .The rattlesnake may seem scary to people they play a very important role in their eco system by controlling small mammal populations .The rattlesnakes lives in a hole in the ground where they crawl and keep warm .

Hedgehog Hibernation

There are seventeen species of hedgehogs. They are found in parts of Europe, Asia, and Africa. Hedgehogs eat worms, beetles, slugs, caterpillars, earwigs, and millipedes.

When hedgehogs hibernate they really aren’t sleeping instead their body temperature drops to as low as 35F. They hibernate between Oct/March depending on the weather. Did you know that baby hedgehogs are actually called hoglets? Hedgehogs have about four babies.