English 097/8

HamiltonSecond Paper Assignment

DRAFT DUE—BRING Three COPIES on Feb 22nd as class begins for Peer Feedback.

FINAL Paper #2 DUE on March 1st with two Peer Reviews, one draft copy, assigned a completed LOFT tutor sheet, and your revised, edited and proofread final paper.

NOTE: You have written your first paper, received feedback from other students and from me. I am encouraged that most of you will be ready for our next paper and the further development of your writing skills. Remember to keep all of your papers from this class. This week we will continue our conferences and you will receive a “Tentative Recommendation” for your next English class so you can register for Spring Quarter.

Reading Assignment: You should have read and understood the four Readings and information in Chapter 3 of Guidelines on pages 96-109. Also, you should read the purple section—pages 245-254 & 265-273 during the next week as you work on this paper.

Task : Your second paper will be to write an essay in which you use one or more of the readings from Ch. 3 of Guidelines to write a paper focused on an idea where you are discussing your ideas and using the readings in Guidelines as evidence and support.

This paper should be 4-6 pages long with examples and support from the readings and your experience.

Assignment topics: Follow the suggestions in Chapter 3 of Guidelines on pages 96-100 to begin your exploration of one of the Readings by also using your own experience and thinking on this topic. CHECK off the Topic you are Writing on for your paper.

1. Intercultural Communication is a broad topic and could include difficulties like those expressed in Barna’s article called “Intercultural Communication Stumbling Blocks” or positive experiences that were valuable life lessons. You would want to find ways that you can connect and relate to this article to use it for this assignment.

2. Social habits and traditions such as the “time” topic that is discussed by Levine and Wolff in “Social Time: The Heartbeat of a Culture.” Perhaps you have thought more about your own culture, family or experiences that could help you write your ideas about how cultural differences could be a bridge to both understanding or confusion across cultures or individuals. This might connect to the topic for your Speech #2.

3. College classrooms have different styles of presentation and interaction—for teachers and students. What are your experiences and how do you think you learn best? You would use the reading by Ernest Boyer, “Creativity in the Classroom” to talk about this topic. This might explore a comparison of education across two cultures.

4. Reading was a topic back when we read about Jackson reading books as he waited in line at the drugstore. In this essay, “The Art of Reading,” from a world known Chinese writer, Lin Yutang, he talks about reading as an important act and activity for a person in order to take them away from their own small world. Explore your connection to reading and use his ideas as support or take another view of reading based on your experience. You must have examples and a strong thesis view also for this.

Form of the Essay: You must use direct quotations, paraphrases, and short summary sentences from the Readings in Chapter 3 to support your idea ( a thesis) for your paper. Write about the topic that most interests you. This is an open ended assignment; however, you must use some of the broad topics of the readings from Chapter 3.

  • Your paper must have a main idea focus, often called the thesis.
  • You will develop your ideas with sub-points (P), illustrations (I), and explanations. (E).
  • Your paragraphs will have direct quotations, paraphrases, and short summaries to support your ideas.
  • Don’t copy from any other source outside of our text—this is called plagiarism and is against the student conduct code for our college. See page 272-273 of Guidelines and the syllabus for our class.
  • Your own words and writing should be around 80% of the sentences and the support from paraphrases and quotations or summary only about 20% of the sentences contained in this paper.
  • You should have two or three short direct quotations in each development section, and one or two longer indented quotes.

Format: Your paper should be a minimum of four pages long. You could write 4-6 pages.. The final paper should be typed, double spaced, have 1” margins on all sides, and be in a readable 12pt. size font. The First DRAFT of this paper is due for Peer Feedback on Feb. 22nd. Over the next week, you should improve the paper’s focus, use of supporting quotes etc, take it to the LOFT for one session with a tutor and continue to revise the essay.

Final Paper DUE on March 1st. We don’t have time for any late papers. The successful completion of this assignment is a vital part of successfully completing this class. As part of this assignment, you must work with a tutor in the LOFT for one 30 minute session.

LOFT Visit RECORD: Attach as sheet with completed answers to your final paper.

Your Name______

Loft Tutor Signature______Day and Time______

You should write out the answers to the following:

1. What did you work on with the tutor for this one session in the LOFT?

2. What was helpful to you in the exchange with the tutor?

3. Did you make changes in your paper or revisions because of working with a tutor for this session? What were those changes?

4. What do you find that you most need to work on when you have a writing assignment like this for an English class?