Appropriation Public Hearing

1010 Broadway St.

July 16, 2012

The Hamilton City Council held a Public Hearing at 6:45p.m. with Mayor Woodruff, Eddings, Schlatter, Summers, Boone, Richardson, Repplinger and Johnson answering roll call. Bierbaum was absent.

It was discussed if there should be more money appropriated incase the City is forced to clean up the Broadway properties that were destroyed by fire. Eddings made a motion to change the amount of Capital Improvements (494) under Building & Grounds from $30,000 to 100,000. This would change total for Building and Grounds to $169,650.00 and Total Appropriations to $4,079,425.00.

Summers made a motion to Adjourn the Public Hearing and begin the regular City Council Meeting. Johnson seconded the motion. Roll call was called with Eddings, Schlatter, Summers, Boone, Richardson, Repplinger and Johnson voting aye.. Motion carried with 7 aye votes and no nay votes.

Hamilton City Council

1010 Broadway St.

July 16, 2012

The Hamilton City Council met in regular session at 7:00p.m.with Mayor Woodruff, Eddings, Schlatter, Summers, Boone, Richardson, Repplinger, and Johnson answering roll call. Bierbaum was absent

Mayor Woodruff led everyone in the “Pledge of Allegiance”.

Summers moved to approve the Minutes of the July 2, 2012 meeting. Johnson seconded the motion. Roll call was called with Schlatter, Summers, Boone, Richardson, Repplinger, Johnson, and Eddings voting aye. Motion carried with 7 aye votes and no nay votes.

Mayor Woodruff introduced Rob Biondolino and Andrew Asbury. They addressed the Council regarding the Great River Road Run Half Marathon and 5K Fun Run/Walk being held October 13th, 2012. The run will begin in Hamilton and run along river road to Nauvoo. They asked the Council to consider being a Sponsor. Mayor Woodruff noted he would like discuss donating money for the Run at the next Finance Committee meeting.

Eddings reported the Finance Committee held a meeting on Monday, July 9th at 7:00 pm. He noted the committee discussed paying the accumulated comp time for all employees.

Eddings reported the committee agreed to cancel the cell phones for the Police and Street Department.

Eddings reported that the dues for WIRC will be split between Water and Sewer and Administration. The cost of the dues were $1,623.05.

Eddings reported that we had received $25,537.62 in State Income Tax, $2,184.74 in Personal Property Replacement Tax, $13,165.69 in State Sales Tax.

Eddings made a motion to approve the third reading of the Appropriation Ordinance. Richardson seconded the motion. Roll call was called with Summers, Boone, Richardson, Repplinger, Johnson, Eddings, and Schlatter voting aye. Motion carried with 7 aye votes and no nay votes.

Eddings made a motion to approve paying the comp time hours due all employees spread out equally through future pay periods thru February 2013. Richardson seconded the motion. Roll call was called with Boone, Richardson, Repplinger, Johnson, Eddings, Schlatter, and Summers voting aye. Motion carried with 7 aye votes and no nay votes.

Eddings made a motion to pay $200.50 for the Homecoming Days advertising. Summers seconded the motion. Roll call was called with Richardson, Repplinger, Johnson, Eddings, Schlatter, Summers, and Boone voting aye. Motion carried with 7 aye votes and no nay votes.

Schlatter reported that Water and Sewer Committee held a meeting on July 11th. He reported that the clarifier at the Sewer Department had malfunctioned and caused some moderate damage. Myers helped pump out the sludge and the repairs were done in house to keep the cost at a minimum.

Schlatter reported that Brent Reneau tested and past his Class III Sewer License.

Schlatter reported that there were only four water meters left to change out before being complete.

Schlatter reported that the water tower inspection and cleaning has been completed. Everything went well and the report has been sent to McClure's for review.

Schlatter reported that Tim Schilson and maybe one other will attend the IPWSO Conference in September.

Mayor Woodruff asked for a motion to approve the McClure Engineering's Contract Agreement for Hamilton East Side Industrial Sanitary Sewer Preliminary Design for the amount of $1,800.00. Schlatter made a motion to approve the contract. Eddings seconded the motion. Roll call was called with Repplinger, Johnson, Eddings, Schlatter, Summers, Boone and Richardson voting aye. Motion carried with 7 aye votes and no nay votes.

Mayor Woodruff asked for a motion to approve the McClure Engineering's Contract Agreement for Hamilton STP Bar Screen Design for the amount of $40,000. Schlatter made a motion to approve the contract. Eddings seconded the motion. Roll call was called with Johnson, Eddings, Schlatter, Summers, Boone, Richardson, and Repplinger voting aye. Motion carried with 7 aye votes and no nay votes.

Steve Schlatter reported that the Street Committee will hold a meeting on Tuesday, July 24th at 6:00 p.m.

City Attorney, Stan Tucker reported he will contact Mr. Stan Clow from the Illinois Department of Transportation for an update on the situation with the traffic light contract. Mayor Woodruff reported we have had repairs that have not been reimbursed. Tucker noted that he will include the bills and also inform him the Council is considering not doing any further maintenance on the lights or possibly removing them if we can't come to an agreement with the contract.

Summers reported that the Health and Safety Committee will hold a meeting on Tuesday, July 31st at 6:00 p.m. She noted that the committee will be reviewing the Animal Ordinance.

Summers reported that there is a No Burn Ban in force until further notice due to the drought.

Summers noted that the committee agreed to take sealed bids for the 2000 Chevy police car.

Summers stated that Officer Nick Jamerson gave a report on the 900 block of Broadway. She noted that Steve Froman had stated he was going to apply for an extension for his demolition permit but has not done so at this time. City Attorney, Stan Tucker reported that the summons have been served on Veldon Gray but still need to be served on Betty Gray.

Summers asked Tucker if he would prepare the Resolution to advertise for bids of the Barnett property on 19th Street for the next meeting.

Repplinger submitted the following building permits: 150' Picket Style Fence at 410 South 11th to Patricia Mitchell, 30' x 22' Block Patio at 60 North 5th to Dave Kammerer, 18' x 16' Side Deck and 20' x 14' Back Deck at 309 Woodland Drive to David Elschlager. Repplinger made a motion to approve the permit. Johnson seconded the motion. Roll call was called with Eddings, Schlatter, Summers, Boone, Richardson, Repplinger and Johnson voting aye. Motion carried with 7 aye votes and no nay votes.

Repplinger submitted the following Demolition permit: 50' x 9' x 14' Cabin Trailer at 1184 NCR 630 Spring Island Lot 375 to Julie Mills. Repplinger made a motion to approve the permit. Johnson seconded the motion. Roll call was called with Schlatter, Summers, Boone, Richardson, Repplinger, Johnson, and Eddings voting aye. Motion carried with 7 aye votes and no nay votes.

Repplinger submitted the following building permit: Two 18' x 9' Concrete Slabs at Wildcat Springs to Hamilton Park Board. Repplinger made a motion to approve the permit and waive building permit fees. Johnson seconded the motion. Roll call was called with Summers, Boone, Richardson, Repplinger, Johnson, Eddings, and Schlatter voting aye. Motion carried with 7 aye votes and no nay votes.

Mayor Woodruff reported that there was no need to hold an Executive Session.

Schlatter moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:10 pm. Summers seconded the motion. Roll call was called with Boone, Richardson, Repplinger, Johnson, Eddings, Schlatter, Bierbaum, and Summers voting aye. Motion carried with 7 aye votes and no nay votes.





Attest: ______

City Clerk