Halloween is the best day.
It is on Wednesday.
On Halloween we are at school.
English is very cool.
Martin Nguyen, Merkout Jan (I. A)
Young bat
A young little bat said one night:
“I want to kill and fight!”
He flew out of his cave and
Decided to drink blood of a slave.
He flew straight into his room
and saw him with a broken broom.
The bat bit him to his neck
And then went quickly back.
The young bat wanted to be a strong vampire man,
Unfortunately he became a small batman...
Anežka Lhotáková (IV. A)
On 31st October is the Halloween.
What’s the scariest you’ve ever seen?
A zombie on your head
Who’s eating your cat?
But don’t worry,
It’s just a story.
Boys and girls changed in monsters
Are filling the street
Shouting all the way down
Trick or treat!
Halloween is the day of dead,
So don’t get from the sweeties fat.
P.S. your head looks like a bean,
We wish you Happy Halloween!
P.P.S. Whoops! I mean Scary Halloween!
Nguyen My Suong Lindy (1. C)
Cold and dumb and icy frozen
This thing inside my chest called heart
Bumping loud, still bumping loud
I’m blind, I’m deaf, I’m motionless
But breathing in and breathing out
Lost and scarred and barely living
This thing inside my skin called me
Screaming loud, I’m screaming loud
I’m stumbling, crawling, breaking down
But breathing in and breathing out
And I can hear their voices, they’re running after me
They’re following my footprints and suck my energy
My blood runs down my body and leaves a dark red trail
I feel them getting close, try to escape but I fail
Guess it is now finally too late, their presence steals my breath
And as the whisper in my ear, it’s like the sound of death
“Welcome”, they say, “welcome to hell”
(breathing in and breathing out)
“Good night sweet darling, do sleep well”
(there’s no hope left to thing about)
Ondřej Obergruber (IV.A)
Anne Schubert (Geschwister-Scholl-Gymnasium Löbau)
Everywhere it’s dark and fog
Witches turn people into a frog.
In windows Jack-o’-lanterns shine
The vampires don’t drink wine.
They drink blood (type 0)
Is there any hero?
Is it a dream?
No, it is coming Halloween!
Tereza Lodeová (4. C)
Witch’s wishes
I have a new groom
I’m flying on a broom
He doesn’t know anything,
That I want to cast a spell on him.
I want to turn him into a bat
And he’ll become a meal for my cat.
For my second man I don’t have a grave,
He will be my servant and a slave!
I cast on him a spell,
He is bound to me by a belt.
We will live in a haunted house,
With a black cat, rat, spider and mouse.
Kateřina Králová (VII. A)
On Halloween
Zombies are rising from their graves
Be careful
Or they will eat your brains!
Jan Novotný (1. D)
Krásná dívka voknu stála,
Ven se dívala, krásně se smála.
Stál jsem tam venku, za stromem ukrytý,
Do té krásné dámy já měl zrak zarytý.
Koukal jsem na ní dnes, stejně jako každý den,
Každý takový pohled částečně plnil mi můj sen
O tom, že jednou bude má paní,
Avšak nějaká zrůda zjevila se za ní.
Chlupaté ruce začaly ji škrtit hned,
Zemřela rychle, na místě, jako by požila prudký jed.
Proč zrovna ona, nikdy nepochopím asi,
Měla krásný úsměv, krásné vlasy.
Hodná byla, všechny měla ráda,
Ale nějaký zrůda zabila jí zrána.
Nikdy nebudu mít klidné spaní,
Stále musím myslet na ní.
Eda Žďánský (6. A)