Halloween Candy Sort
Data Analysis
3rd Grade Special Education
PASS Objectives-CARG-M
5.1a: Pose questions, collect, record, and interpret data to help answer questions.
5.1b: Read graphs and charts.
5.1c: Construct a bar graph or picture graph from a set of data.
5.2a: Describe the probability of chance events.
Objectives and Goals:
*Students will demonstrate knowledge of collecting, recording and interpreting data through hands-on activity.
*Students will be able to transfer data from activity to develop and read a bar graph.
*Students will determine the chance of an event occurring through a probability activity integrated into the data analysis lesson.
The First school day after Halloween teacher converses with students on the outcomes of their trick-or-treating on Halloween, focusing on the types of candy each student received. This leads to the reading of Harriet’s Halloween Candy on the promethean board. After reading the book, discussion is held on the different ways Harriet sorted her candy-color, size, and favorites. Teacher then produces candy of different sizes, colors, and tastes and explains to students that they are going to be “Harriet”.
Students partner together in groups of two. Teacher hands out candy (in bowls) to each group. Groups are instructed to pour the candy out of their bowl and experiment sorting their candy in as many ways as they can. After 5 minutes the teacher has each group sort their candies by types (chocolate, hard, chewy). Discuss which kind has the most, least, and same amount.
The teacher then passes out a frequency distribution worksheet to each group. Students tally the amounts of each type, and then write the corresponding numeral in the next column. Teacher displays the same worksheet on the promethean board and class makes a large frequency chart with data. The data is then transferred to a class bar graph. The teacher reviews, through questioning, the steps taken in gathering, recording, and interpreting the data.
Groups are given a bar graph template to graph their own data. Bar graph data is discussed and displayed in the room.
*An assortment of candy-make sure to have chocolate, hard, and chewy.
*Bowls for candy
*Frequency distribution worksheets-at least 2
*Bar graph template-at least 2
*Promethean board
*Book entitled Harriet’s Halloween Candy by Nancy Carlson scanned to promethean board.
*Frequency distribution worksheet scanned to promethean board.
*Bar graph scanned to promethean board.
*Pencils, crayons for recording and graphing
Evaluation and follow-up
*Students will independently apply knowledge gained on graphing through the use of Accelerated Math worksheets that are aligned with the state PASS objectives.
Group activity-frequency distribution worksheet
Group members: ______
Types of Halloween Candy
Candy types / Tallies / Total in numerical formChocolate
Group activity-creating a bar graph
Group members: ______
Types of Halloween Candy
Chocolate / Hard / Chewy