Hadwick and Lily Thompson Scholarship
Deadline: 30 April 2015
Note:Completedapplicationswillbejudgedontheirownmeritandcomparedagainstothercompletedpackages.Themostcompetitiveapplicantwill beselectedforthescholarshipaward.Allapplicationmaterialmustbereceived by 30 April 2015.Therewillbenoexceptions.Pleaseensureall applicationmaterialismailedto:SCHOLARSHIP,NationalNavalOfficers Association(NNOA),P.O.Box5046,Alameda,CA94501.
A completed application(Page 1-4).
An official high school transcript (withschool’s official seal).
Two Letters of recommendation from an individualyou know, suchas a school official (principal, counselor, coach, etc) or an official from an organization. These lettersshouldaddress your potential academicperformance at the collegiate level. It should alsostate your relationship to the official and note any noteworthy/significant accomplishments. Letters must mailed by the individual completing the evaluation directly to: SCHOLARSHIP, National Naval Officers Association(NNOA), P.O.Box 5046,Alameda, CA 94501 by30 April 2015.
Three Instructor Evaluation Form(s). Evaluation formsmust be mailed by theindividual completing theevaluation directly to NNOA. (It is recommended thatyou provide a stamped, pre-addressed envelope to individualcompleting evaluation toexpedite mailing of the document).
A typed essay discussing your educational andcareer goals. Essay is limitedto 500 words.
Official Copy of ACT or SAT results.
Ifyouareconsideringa careerinthemilitary,pleasecheckwhichserviceorservicesyouareinterested in.
Air Force
Coast Guard
Marine Corps
National Guard
Personal InformationLast(Family)Name / First(Given)Name / MiddleName(ifany)
Mailing Address / City / State/Province / Zip/Postal Code / Country
Email / PhoneNumber / Citizenship / Perm US Resident / Age / GradeLevel
Race(s)whichbest describe you:
African-American / Hispanic / Asian / Native American or
Alaska Native / Pacific Islander / White / Decline to state.
App# / Daterecd / Ref1recd / Ref2recd / InstrEvalFormrecd / IncompleteEducational Data
HighSchool Name: HighSchool Address: HighSchoolPhone:
WebsiteURLfor High School / Beginning Year / ExpectedGraduationDate(monthyear)
Whatdegreeareyouplanningtopursue: (Pleaseplaceacheckintheappropriatebox) / Associate / Bachelor / Other?(Pleaselistbelow)
NameofCollege/University youwillAttendor plantoattendSept2015-June2016School Year:
Areyouamemberofanhonorsociety?Ifyes,please namethe society. / ListanyacademichonorsreceivedwhileinHigh
School. / ListanyotherhonorsorawardsreceivedwhileinHigh
Two letters of recommendation are required. At least one ofthe letters should be from a teacher or instructorwho is familiar withyour educational program. References should comment onyour character and potential for leadership and/or for making asignificant contribution in the area of public service and/or the military. Each letter of recommendation must be signed and sent directlyto:
SCHOLARSHIP, National Naval OfficersAssociation (NNOA), P.O. Box 5046,Alameda, CA94501 by30 April 2015.
Ref1Name / HighSchoolName
DeptName / Telephone / Email
Ref1Name / HighSchoolorotherName
DeptName / Telephone / Email
High School Principal or Counselor’s Endorsement
Tothe best of myknowledge, I herebyverify that the academic informationand summaryof school activities as submitted in this application are correct, and the applicant meets the application requirements.
Endorser’sNameandTitle(Pleaseprint) / SignatureandDate
Telephone / Email / InstitutionName
Hadwick and Lily Thompson
Scholarship Essay
Directions:Pleaseselectoneof thebelowessay topicsandprepareatypedessay no morethan500 words which addresses thetopicyou selected.Besure totypeyour completenameon eachnumberedpage.Please prepareyour essay usingastandardfont(e.g.,TimesNew Roman)thatis12 pitchinsize.Pleasesignanddate thebottomof your essay. Your essay shouldbereceivedwithyour applicationandmailedto:SCHOLARSHIP, National Naval OfficersAssociation (NNOA), P.O. Box 5046,Alameda, CA94501 by30 April 2015.
Essay Topic #1-In 500-words or less describe your college goals as they relate to public service or a career in the U.S. military.Describe your career objectives and how the award of the Hadwick and
Lily Thompson Scholarship would help you attain them. You may comment on what you have achieved and learned through your studies and activities.
Essay Topic #2-In 500-words or less describe your personal experiences as you were growing up and how they have shaped you. Consider your life experiences at home, work, volunteer work, school and your participation in activities such asdance, music, sports, etc. These may be personal struggles or challenges. Describe how these experiences have prepared you for college and your planned career objectives.
Applicant’s Certification
I hereby certify that all information submittedon this application is true andaccurate to the best of myknowledge.
I understand that falsification of anyinformation on this application disqualifies me for any current or future NNOA scholarship. I also understand thatall applicationswill beevaluated on educational achievement, test scores, references, instructor evaluations, related activities, and the essay submission. I further understand that the scholarshipwill be awarded based onmerit. Submission of an application in noway guarantees that a scholarshipwill beawarded. I understand that myapplication will not be considered ifitis incomplete or received after the 30 April 2015deadline.