Present : Cllrs. Mrs. Aston (Chairman), Mr. Armitt, Mr. Fell, Mr. Lyons, Ms. Poole, Mr. O’Hanlon, Mr. Sharp, Mr. Truesdale, Mr. Wheeler, Mr. Young.

1.  Apologies : Mr. Moore, holiday. Accepted.

2.  The minutes of the meeting held on 3rd June, 2013 were approved and signed by the Chairman.

3.  Declaration of interest pertaining to the agenda. None.


(a)  Internal Audit :The Internal Auditor’s report had been received. The Internal Control and Risk Assessment document should be reviewed and updated annually. The Asset Register is being reorganised due to the way in which assets were categorised in the insurance policy when the insurance company was changed from Zurich to Came and Company. There are a small number of assets which are not insured but a record is kept. Agreed that this procedure should continue. In Mrs. Dharamshi’s opinion proper books of account have been kept. The following responsibilities were agreed :-

·  Internal Control Mr. Truesdale

·  Asset Register Mrs. Aston

·  Risk Assessment Ms. Poole

It was agreed that Mrs. Dharamshi should be appointed as Internal Auditor for the 2013/14 and thanks were given for all the work involved in carrying out this process.

(b)  External cladding of Village Hall : In December 2009 a thermal imaging survey had been undertaken on the Village Hall which proved it was leaking heat badly from the wall opposite the Scout & Guide Centre. 2 quotes had been received for external cladding of this wall and part of the Walter Rose Room. The quote received from Thermal Accoustic Solutions was the preferred option at a cost of £7409.44. Additional cost, if required, E/O armour mesh (harder wearing £640) anti-graffiti paint £385. Total cost £8434.44. There would be an additional cost for scaffolding of approx. £1,500. Agreed quote be accepted with the additions. Funds are available in Banks Park Trust Account.

It is estimated that this will reduce the u-value by 7%. Heating bills at present are approx. £10,000 a year. Mr. Lyons asked if this was the most effective way to save money, had double glazed windows and doors and roof insulation been looked into. Cladding the wall would be the first stage. When funds were available other areas may be considered.

(c)  Parish Council Reserves year end 31.3.13. – amounted to £65,104. It was agreed this money would be allocated to the following projects :-

·  Snakemoor (donations received) £2,600

·  Pavilion roof repair £20,000

·  Neighbourhood Plan £10,000

·  Heritage Fund (wychert walls etc.) £12,000

This leaves £20,504 in reserves which is an appropriate amount for the Parish Council to hold for any unknown costs which may arise during the year.

(d)  Petition for fencing Banks Park green area : this had been discussed and it had been decided that a fence should not be erected around the green, but that the slide would be moved from its present location which is close to the parking area, to the other side of the swings. If this could not be achieved a new slide would be purchased. Enquiries would be made of AVDC as to whether the S106 money they hold in respect of developments in the village, could be used to purchase a slide, as it is for leisure purposes.

(e)  Old Health Centre building, Banks Park : Mrs. Aston, Mr. Truesdale and the Clerk had met with a representative of NHS Property Services Ltd. to discuss the position regarding the old health centre. The building is owned by NHS Property which is 100% owned by the Secretary of State for Health. NHS Property is interested in disposing of the building and was reminded that under the terms of the lease the building should be used for medical purposes and that the Parish Council holds the land in trust on behalf Banks Park Trust which is a registered charity. Discussion took place on surrender of the lease back to the Parish Council and it was agreed a dilapidation report would be obtained from a surveyor as the building is in poor condition.

(f)  AVDC : There is a Proposal for Local Development Order Granting Planning Permission. Council’s reasons for making this order can be seen at www.aylesburyvaledc.gov.uk and comments must be received by midnight 8th August. The New Homes Bonus scheme is going ahead at 20%. It was asked if the PC could write to BCC regarding the appalling situation regarding grass cutting this year.

(g)  Youth Centre – AGM had been held at which an update on the Centre, accounts and condition had been received. The Youth Club is well attended. The BCC grant will be lost this year. The Youth Centre was set up as a Company Limited by Guarantee, but as the rules have now changed, steps are being taken into looking at becoming a charity.

(h)  PFMC – nothing to report.

(i)  SCMC – nothing to report.

(j)  BALC/AVALC – nothing to report.

(k)  Library – AGM to be held on 30th August. Another 64 subscribers have enrolled. A variety of activities are being arranged. David has been appointed Manager of Winslow – steps are being taken to appoint another Manager. More volunteers required and financial support from Companies will be sought. Grateful thanks were given to the Beer Festival Trust for their support and a list of what has been purchased from their funding will be provided.

(l)  The following cheques were approved for payment :-

Ivor Miles – tractor fuel 153.83

Thames Water – church pond 75.26, allotments 175,Mar/June 250.44

ACE Pest Control – ponds and allotments 65.00

Burgess Office Equip. – stationery 101.54

Ray Waller – fitting push pad to Day Centre door 165.00

HVH – room hire 80.50, office rent 900 980.00

Garden Angels – BP & Clay cross road – June 126.00

E-On – electricity – workshop 6.41

Thames Water – Rudds pond 7.98

Ricoh – photocopier 38.40

G. Dudley Sal. 1139, phone 4, post 13.20 1156.20

Inland Revenue 722.97

J. Wheeler – refuse sacks, grass seed, dustpan & brush 12.38

J. Ayers 1330.19

E-On – street light energy – May 575.42

(m)  Agreed that delegated powers be given to the Clerk in consultation with Parish Councillors for the month of August.


(a)  Street lights – only 4 faults have been reported since April.

(b)  The Annual Plan for 2013/14 was agreed as follows :-

·  To continue to try and resolve the Sheerstock parking problem.

·  To implement the installation of a VAS (Vehicle Activated Sign) device.

·  To continue with Litter Picks.

(c)  At the last litter pick in June 16 volunteers had attended. It was agreed Litter Picks should commence at 9.30 am in future.

(d)  A request had been received to place a seat at Church End in memory of the gentleman who cleared the pond out some 35 years ago. Agreed.

(e)  BCC – nothing to report.

(f)  SW&CG – no meeting held. It is understood Arriva are refurbishing their buses to Sapphire status. Mr. Gulland informed that 9 buses are in Chester being refurbished and will be launched on 17th July. This will be accompanied by a new timetable.

(g)  LAF/NAG – these meetings have now been amalgamated. The Bids that have been received and now being progressed.

(h)  Beer Festival is being held this Saturday in the grounds of Haddenham Community Junior School, commencing 11 am.


(a)  Meeting was held on 17th June.

(b)  The Annual Plan for 2013/14 was agreed as follows :-

·  To view all applications for planning permission, listed building consent, tree works etc.

·  To liaise with developers and third parties on major applications, including public meetings where appropriate.

·  To advise members of the public on how to make representations on planning matters.

·  To contribute to the Vale of Aylesbury Plan as it relates to Haddenham.

·  To carry out work towards a Neighbourhood Plan and to review the Parish Plan.

(c)  AVDC Conservation Officer had been contacted in connection with the closure of the Post Box housed in the wall of the old Beehive Stores, Churchway as it was believed Planning Permission should be obtained to remove from a listed building.

(d)  Neighbourhood Plan : The Neighbourhood Area had been agreed which will be the Parish Boundary. This is being advertised on the Parish Council Notice Board and website. The consultation period is from 17th June for 6 weeks until 29th July, 2013. A bid for DCLG funding has been rejected but the appointment of a planning consultant for direct support has been approved. Notification to be received as to who has been appointed. A bid can be made for further assistance and the £10,000 the Parish Council has allocated for this project would be used for matched funding.

Themes have been decided and the people to take them forward. The aim is to discuss a different theme each month, how to take it forward and strategy.


(a)  Next meeting Thursday 11th July, 2013. 7.30 pm Parish Office.

(b)  Next Newsletter issue date 17th August, 2013.


(a)  The 8th June had been a good day with more than 50 stalls and 7 gardens open. John Bercow MP had officially opened the Fete. Money is still coming in but it looks as though there will be a profit of approx. £3500. A meeting will be held to decide upon the allocation of funds. Thanks were given to all involved who made it a very successful day.

Fete next year : Saturday 7th June, 2014.


2nd September, 2013.