GYRD Communications PlanJune, 2005
Monitoring Report
April 14, 2009
To: Board Trustees
From: Dean Lindquist, Superintendent of Schools
Subject: Grande Yellowhead’s2009-10 Communications Plan
Originator: Nicole Merrifield, Communications Manager
That the Board reviewGrande Yellowhead’s 2009-10 Communications Plan and provide feedback in preparation for approving the plan in June.
Background Information:
Communication was first identified in GYRD’s 2003-04 Annual Education Plan as one of the top three priorities of the division. Both the internal interactions of staff and the external relations between GYRD and the community were identified as areas in need of improvement. Communication continues to be highlighted as one of Grande Yellowhead’s three main areas of focus in the division’s goals and planning documents.
The 2009-10 Communications Plan outlines the goals and strategies planned for the 2009-10 school year to continue to improve communication with stakeholders across the division.
Context of the Recommendation:
The 2009-10 Communications Plan reflects the changing needs of the division and input received from the Board, Leadership Council, the Division Leadership Team, the Effective Communications Committee and other staff. Significant changes in the plan include:
- Shift in guiding principles: The availability of information continues to be a foundational principle of the division’s communications activities and strategies. However this area has undergone significant progress, allowing Grande Yellowhead to begin to tackle specific communications challenges and recognized areas of need. In the 2009-10 school year division communications will focus on receiver engagement and responsibility, encouraging staff to access the information that is available to them.
- Re-branding Initiative: A key focus of Grande Yellowhead’s communications activities and strategies for the 2009-10 school year will be the implementation and celebration of the division’s re-branding initiative. Full integration of all printed materials, signage and other medium used to promote GYRD will need to be incorporated and public celebrationsheld. The celebration will not only allow the division distribute materials to explain their new name, tag line and visual identity but will builds an understanding of the division among stakeholders, both internal and external.Implementation of the re-branding initiative will also involve the training of staff to ensure consistent use of the new division signature.
- DocuShare: The updated plan reflects the increased use of this technology to facilitate information sharing across the division.
- Division website: The division recognizes the importance of the internet in providing information to community partners. GYRD’s website provides relevant, timely information, as well as links to other sites of interest to community members and media. A focus for the 2009-10 school year will be a review of the division’s website to ensure its format and accessibility is meeting the needs of users.
- Modernization of ESC: During the 2009-10 school year the front reception area of the Education Services Centre will be the modernization to showcase student and school achievements through art work, newspaper articles, photographs and other communications materials. A GYRD welcome sign will be placed in the front foyer and new school facility photographs will be displayed down the Boardroom hallway.
Each year the Board approves and adopts a divisional communications plan which outlines initiatives and strategies aimed at addressing one of the division’s three main areas of focus: improving internal and external communications. Input received from Trustees will be incorporated into the plan prior to the Board’s adoption of the plan in June.
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GYRD Communications PlanJune, 2005
Communications Plan
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GYRD Communications PlanJune, 2005
2.Goals and Objectives
3.Guiding Principles
4.Key Messages
5.Target Audiences
Internal Target Audiences
External Target Audiences
6.Internal Communications Strategies
Staff Meetings
Professional Development
Staff Newsletter
FNMI Newsletter
Divisional Calendar
GYRD Website (
7.External Communications Strategies
Media Relations
Community Report
Monthly School News Columns
Community Meetings
Advertising in Local Media
GYRD Website (
Promotional Materials
Community Ambassadors
Special Publications
8.School Based Communications
9.Divisional Projects with Communications Component
First Nations, Métis and Inuit (FNMI) program
International Student program
Government of Alberta Accountability Pillar Surveys
Grade Level of Achievement (GLA)
Emergency Preparedness
Occupational Health and Safety
Effective Communications Initiative
10.Communication Protocols
Releasing Information
Event Protocol
Involvement of Families in School Events
11.Crisis Communication
12.Media Requests
FOIP and Release of Student Information to the Media
Requests for interviews, filming or photographing students
Requests for interviews, filming or photographing staff
13.Addressing Concerns
15.Direction for 2009-10
Appendix: Annual Communications Topics and Activities
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2009-10 Communications Plan
Grande Yellowhead Regional Division No.35 (GYRD) stretches from JasperNational Park, east to Evansburg, south of Cadomin and northwest beyond the Town of Grande Cache. The jurisdiction includes 18 schools, three Learning Connection centers, approximately 5,000 students and 800 staff members and contractors.The cultural and geographic diversity of GYRD creates an administrative and communications challenge as efforts to develop cohesion between schools and communities across the division must be balanced with the importance of recognizing and maintaining the unique features of each area, qualities that are integral to the success of community schools.
Communication was first highlighted in Grande Yellowhead’s 2003-04 Annual Education Plan as one of the division’s three main areas of focus. Both the internal interactions of staff, and the external relations between GYRD and the community, were identified as areas that had become a focus of the division’s improvement initiatives. Significant improvement has been made in this area over the last six years; accurate, timely information is now readily available to both internal and external stakeholders through a wide variety of venues, and opportunities continue to be expanded or developed to ensure that all of the division’s stakeholders can participate in the decision making processes of public education.
Grande Yellowhead’s internal communication has focused on developing a culture where all employees desire to access information about their school, department or the division, and feel that their input is valued. Externally, Grande Yellowhead is building a reputation in our communities and across the province that reflects the excellent education provided to our students, and the philosophies of care and inclusion that the division represents.
The 2009-10 GYRD Communications Plan outlines the strategies used by Grande Yellowhead to improve communication with stakeholders across the division. The goal of GYRD’s communications activities is to support the development of the division’s reputation as the first choice for education in our communities. Communication activities therefore:
- Promote Grande Yellowhead and the range of unique programs offered across the division
- Assist schools in raising their profile in their community; highlighting programs offered and accomplishments made in classrooms
- Promote the values of public education
- Complement the division’s strategies and initiatives by assisting GYRD in meeting its goals, particularly improving student learning and building leadership capacity
A significant communications strategy undertaken during the 2008-09 year was the re-branding of Grande Yellowhead to ensure that the division’s name and visual identity reflects the current philosophy and culture of the organization.The final stages of the project will be completed during the 2009-10 school year, and a celebration of the division will be the focus of Grande Yellowhead’s communications activities and strategies.
GYRD’s annual Communications Plan will continue to evolve and develop with the division’s annual needs and priorities.
2.Goals and Objectives
Ultimately, the goal of GYRD’s communication strategies is to increase interactions and improve communication between the division, its schools, staff and communities.
Communication plays a key role in the division’s other two areas of focus, improving student learning and building leadership capacity. Increased communication helps to build social capital within GYRD, increasing the retention and staff support for their school or office, and the division as a whole. Externally, increased support from the community is developing, providing the constructive feedback, resources and support the division requires for the continuous improvement of education.
Through the development and implementation of a comprehensive communications plan, GYRD strives to efficiently meet specific communications objectives:
- Provide all staff with timely information about Board and administrative decisions made at the Education Services Centre (ESC), and activities and events across the division
- Increase the involvement of staff in decision making by improving communication between staff, school-based administration and the division office; thereby increasing opportunities for staff and administration to work collaboratively both between schools, and with divisional administration
- Foster the exchange of information between GYRD and the communities it serves, both formally and through informal channels
3.Guiding Principles
All of GYRD’s communication strategies reflect and support the vision, mission and beliefs of the division in content, tone and presentation. In reflecting the professionalism of GYRD, all materials created by the division and its staff must:
- Include Grande Yellowhead’s logo, full name and contact information
- Provide the GYRD website address:
- Be edited for correct grammar and spelling, and laid out in a clear format
- Convey professionalism in content, tone and presentation
During the 2004-05 school year the focus of Grande Yellowhead’s communication activities was improving the availability of information about the division for stakeholders. During the 2005-06 and 2006-07 school years this goal was expanded to focus on increasing the interaction between the division, schools, and the community.
The availability of information continues to be a foundational principle of the division’s communications activities and strategies. However this area has undergone significant progress, as evident in the division’s satisfaction survey results, allowing Grande Yellowhead to begin to tackle specific communications challenges and recognized areas of need.
In contrast the interaction of the division’s stakeholders continue to be an area of concern; communications strategies will continue to be applied in this area to create a climate and culture of open, honest communication among staff and between staff and our communities. In particular the division is shifting to a focus on receiver engagement and responsibility, with a focus on encouraging staff to access the information that his available to them. The Effective Communications Initiative and Enhancing the Grande Yellowhead Identity aim to address specific challenges in this area.
4.Key Messages
Grande Yellowhead Regional Division’s experienced and dedicated staff members offer unique, valuable and attractive programs, skills and services to all students.
Students and staff learn in a safe and caring environment that protects and nurtures students as they develop skills and knowledge.
Grande Yellowhead’s school communities are active participants in the larger communities they serve, collaborating with parents, other community organizations and residents to inspire every student to develop a passion for learning and to become a socially responsible citizen.
Internal and external stakeholders have opportunities to provide input to Grande Yellowhead as part of the decision making process, are encouraged to openly express their ideas and concerns, and participate in the democratic process that characterizes public education.
Grande Yellowhead subscribes to the vision of public education where public schools are the first choice of communities, providing opportunities for all children to succeed.
5.Target Audiences
Internal Target Audiences
- Trustees
- Education Services Centre (ESC) staff
- Learning Services staff
- School based staff
- System based staff
External Target Audiences
- Students
- Parents and Parent Advisory Councils
- Contractors
- Educational Organizations and employee groups including: PSBAA, ASBA, ATA, CUPE and STAA
- Community groups and partner organizations
- Alberta Education and Alberta Infrastructure
- Municipal government councils, MLAs, MP
- Local and Provincial Media
- General public
6.Internal Communications Strategies
Staff Meetings
- School Based
Each Grande Yellowhead school holds regular staff meetings to ensure that all staff members are aware of relevant information, both at the local and division level. Staff input in decision making is encouraged through open discussions about topics and questions brought to the meetings by school administration, staff members or divisional administration. In particular, school staff are encouraged to participate in the development of their School’s Continuous Improvement Plan (SCIP). Timelines for these meetings are set by individual schools at the beginning of the school year to suit the unique schedule of the school.
The scheduling, purpose and content of regular, school based staff meetings fit the goals of the school, as established by school staff and outlined in the school’s communications plan. School principals, or their designate, chair the meetings.
Beginning in 2009, schools will be provided with a summary of information that needs to be provided to all staff during the first two months of the school year, including:
- Where information can be accessed: use of website and DocuShare
- The location of the divisional planning calendar
- Administrative Handbook - access
- Lines of communication
- How to book a videoconference suite
- Who to call at central office for specific questions and concerns
- OH&S – staff roles and responsibilities
- Emergency preparedness
- Current division issues and projects
The focus of this new initiative is the individual responsibility of staff to access information that is available to them, a reflection of the division’s shift towards receiver engagement and responsibility.
- Education Services Centre
General staff meetings are scheduled the Thursday after each Public Board meeting at the Education Services Centre (ESC) to provide information to staff on various issues and highlights from the Board meetings, and to discuss any questions that may arise. Members of the Leadership Council set the agenda for the meetings, with the input of staff. Fall, Christmas and spring staff meetings are often paired with events organized by the ESC Social Committee.
- School Based Secretarial Meetings
Secretarial staff meetings are held as required. Secretaries are invited to send agenda items to the Director of Financial Services, who chairs the meetings. GYRD will host a minimum of one meeting annually to provide:
- Information about the division
- An opportunity to discuss any concerns that have arisen
- The opportunity to ask questions and make suggestions in regards to improving school division operations
- Professional development opportunities
- Departmental Meetings
Division departments hold meetings at regular intervals to ensure that all staff are aware of decisions and events of interest. While these meetings focus on the concerns, scheduling and operations of the specific department, they also provide an opportunity for divisional events and issues to be discussed. Meetings are scheduled and chaired by the Director of each department. Departmental staff meetings include:
- Accounting Department
- Transportation Department
- Facilities and Maintenance Department
- Learning Services including Technology, Curriculum, Special Needs and FNMI
- Leadership Council
The GYRD Leadership Council, comprised of the Superintendent and department representatives, meets regularly to exchange information and discuss issues. These meetings give senior administration an opportunity to receive feedback from colleagues and ensure that departments within the division are working towards common goals, with the knowledge and support of their colleagues. These meetings are scheduledtwice a month at ESC.
In addition, an annual leadership forum is held each February to give Leadership Council the opportunity to facilitate the division’s long-term planning, with the assistance of guest speakers from Alberta Education or other relevant partners.
- Division Leadership Team
The Division Leadership Team is comprised of the Leadership Council and school principals. The team meets monthly to discuss items of concern to schools, share best practices, make decisions and/or recommendations on issues raised by the Superintendent or Board of Trustees, and receive information about the strategic direction and activities of Grande Yellowhead.
Meetings alternate between the Education Services Centre in Edson and the Learning Services Centre in Hinton so that driving distances are shared. Each meeting begins with networking time for principals, who are divided into groups with peers whose schools educate similar grade levels. An educational software program called PD360 has also been utilized to increase professional development of specific issues or target areas of interest to administrators.
At the close of each meeting the Superintendent develops key messages which are distributed to principals and Leadership Council for review. Principals and department managers share the key messages with staff to ensure that all staff members have the opportunity to review the discussion topics and decisions made at DLT meetings and understand the direction that GYRD is supporting in the administrative decisions made.
In order to ensure that all staff members have the opportunity to access information about Grande Yellowhead that may impact their daily work, or that they may be interested in, documentation is made available to all staff in a variety of ways:
- Divisional planning documents and the minutes from meetings are posted on DocuShare so that those individuals or groups who are involved are able to share information and track the progress of projects. Such documents include:
- Annual Education Plan
- Annual Education Results Report
- Agenda and minutes from DLT meetings
- Agenda and minutes from Board meetings and Board committee meetings
- AISI, PAT and Diploma Exam planning documentation and results reports
- Key messages from Board meetings are distributed to trustees, Leadership Council, principals, assistant principals and school secretaries by email immediately following board meetings. The key messages are then posted on the Grande Yellowhead website, where they can be accessed by all staff at their convenience.
- Press releases are distributed by email to trustees, Leadership Council, principals, assistant principals and school secretaries at the same time that they are sent to the local media, to provide staff with an opportunity to review the information and pose any questions they may have, prior to the information appearing in the local newspapers or being heard on the radio. Press releases are also posted on the Grande Yellowhead website, where they can be accessed by all staff at their convenience.
Professional Development