Ratified 02.04.2015
What do we want to achieve / What are we going to do? / What are the progress measures? / By when / Lead / Outcome & Date Completed / RAG
Establish an effective Statutory Safeguarding Board
Ensure that safeguarding practice encompasses prevention and protection
Engage effectively with service users/public/professionals
Analyse and understand data concerning PoVA referrals 2013/2014.
Complete Adult Practice Reviews (APRs) as per WG guidance and regulations. / Formalise structure of Board
Create Board Procedures /Partnership agreement including a review of the Terms of Reference. / Agreed and signed up to by agencies / April 2016 / Board / Structure agreed. Terms of reference for Sub Groups ratified at Feb 15 meeting. Board procedures/Partnership ratified 02.04.15 / G
Prepare workforce for new adult safeguarding duties - Adults at risk, duty to report, duty to enquire and Adult Protection and Support Orders. / Consider methods of ensuring that all Board members/relevant partners are aware of their new duties imposed by the Social Services and Well Being Act / April 2016 / Board / Board responded to consultation on Part 7. Feb 15 meeting included a presentation on new duties / A
Establish mechanism for the creation of a core data set linked to the Board priorities for reviewing at each Board meeting. / Develop and agree core data set for regular review at Board to support identification of required action and emerging priorities. / November 2015 / Board through Quality Assurance Sub Group / R
Prepare and produce end of year report for 15/16 and publish. / Complete report outlining achievements and successes against this action plan
Completed Action Plan for 2015 – 2016 based on key priorities / July 2016 / Board / Board to commence task April 16. / A
Ensure that all agencies are using and adhering to the All Wales POVA policy through audit and interrogation of data. / Consistent application of POVA policy and procedures. / Ongoing / Quality Assurance Sub Group / A
Consider the provision of preventative services in adult safeguarding / Consider adapting peer POVA to focus on keeping safe/prevention of abuse / April 16 / Training Sub Group / R
Support access to relevant updated and standardised training. / Develop a training strategy; Review and update training as necessary. / April 16 Group / Training Sub / A
Work with Gwent Police to scope a Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) / Support Gwent Police in scoping a new initiative. / Ongoing / Board / Theme leader for Adult Safeguarding is working with Police on MASH. / G
Consider at each meeting how users can participate in the work of the Board / Increased user participation in Board. / April 16 / Board / R
Hold annual event to involve users in the work of the Board / Communication strategy with staff. / Before April 16 / Engagement and Communication Sub Group / Task and finish group to be established / A
Ensure that frontline staff are aware of and included in the work of the Board / Develop local forums / April 16 / Board / Discussions started at Feb 15 meeting. Some work has been completed with Newport and Monmouthshire. / A
Consider PoVA data to analyse:
- Repeat referrals across the 5 LAs.
- Thresholds for inter-agency intervention. (inappropriate referrals)
- Rates of criminal prosecution.
Quality Assurance Sub Group / R
Complete extended and concise APRs where necessary / Referrals received from Sub Group re type of review / Ongoing / Board / A
Learn from Adult Practice Reviews/independent reviews/ /Domestic Homicide Reviews (involving vulnerable people) recommendations on a Gwent wide basis. / Completed and published APRs and recommendations monitored / Ongoing / Adult Practice Review sub Group / A
Ensure all Board Members are aware of the referral route and criteria. / Relevant information is provided to staff / April 2016 / Board / R
What do we want to achieve / What are we going to do? / What are the progress measures? / By when / Lead / Outcome & Date Completed / RAG
Prevent and robustly respond to domestic abuse in vulnerable adult groups / Agencies to consider the mechanisms they have in place for early identification of domestic abuse within their assessment processes. / Initial report back to the Board with the view of identifying improvements. / To be reviewed in November 15 / Board members
Liaison with the Domestic Abuse Board / Discussions commenced with Domestic Abuse rep about how this can be completed. / R
Increase % of staff that have attended domestic abuse training/Risk and Safety Planning Training. / Increased percentage of staff by 20% that have attended domestic abuse training.
increase in the identification of domestic abuse / To be reviewed in November 15 / Domestic Abuse Rep in conjunction with the Domestic Abuse Board/Training Sub Group / Discussions commenced with Domestic Abuse rep about how this can be completed. / R
Further alleged perpetrator training (training for staff who work with alleged perpetrators) to be offered so that more adult social care staff have attended. / Increased percentage of social care staff that have attended / To be reviewed in November 15 / Training Sub Group / R
Ensure that all staff are aware and use Independent Domestic Violence Advocate support and other agencies such as Llamau/Women’s Aid. / Confirmation that information has been given out at team meetings.
Referral rate from LA/health have increased. / To be reviewed in November 15 / Board members/ Domestic Abuse Rep in conjunction with Domestic
abuse Board / Discussions commenced with Domestic Abuse rep about how this can be completed. / R
What do we want to achieve / What are we going to do? / What are the progress measures? / By when / Lead / Outcome & Date Completed / RAG
Address factors that impact on the Quality of Care in Residential settings / Review the training package for staff who work in care settings and ensure that all staff have access to Adult Safeguarding Training / Increased percentage of staff who have received training / To be reviewed in November 15 / Training Sub Group / R
Support residential settings to prevent abuse and neglect and learn lessons from safeguarding cases. / Undertake a thematic review of Adult Safeguarding referrals in care settings to identify thematic learning for dissemination to all staff.
Findings reported upon and learning disseminated. / To be reviewed in November 15 / Quality Assurance sub Group / R
Ensure the Board are aware of the number of providers subject to Escalating Concerns in the region. / Develop a mechanism to enable regular updates to the Board in relation to number of providers subject to formal conditions. / Ongoing / Board / R
Learn from reviews including the Older Person’s Commissioner for Wales Review of Quality in Care homes and the Independent Review of Operation Jasmine. / Board to identify recommendations/lessons to be learned for agency partners and oversee implementation of action plan to completion. / Ongoing – as they arise.
April 16 / Board / Older Persons Commissioner discussed at Dec 14 and Feb 15 meeting. Actions noted and updates to be recorded. / A