Gunnison City Council Meeting and Gunnison Valley Summit Minutes
Wednesday, April 22, 2015, 7:00 p.m.
Gunnison City Hall, 38 West Center
Gunnison, UT 84634
Present: Mayor Bruce Blackham, City Councilmembers: Robert Anderson, Blake Donaldson, Thayne Carlisle and Melissa Judy, Recorder Janell Braithwaite, Centerfield City Mayor Tom Sorensen, Centerfield City Councilmembers Becky Edwards, Jaden Sorenson, Travis Leatherwood and Keith Garff, Centerfield City Treasurer Tammy Winegar, Fayette Mayor LaMar Bartholomew, Pool Manager Kevin Haven, Officer Tyler Donaldson, Fire Chief Jed Hansen, Firemen Jay Bartholomew, Garren Lund, and Zack Jensen, County Commissioner Scott Bartholomew, CUCF Deputy Warden Shane Nelson, South Sanpete School Supt. Kent Larsen, GVHS Principal Trevor Powell, Red Cross Representative Eliza Jensen, Anita Lyons with the Gunnison Gazette, Steve Clark with CentraCom, Beckie Carlisle with the GV Rec. Board, Robert Stevens with the Sanpete Messenger and Citizens Andy Hill and April Havey
Presiding: Mayor Bruce Blackham
Invocation: Fayette Mayor LaMar Bartholomew
Mayor Blackham welcomed all of those in attendance noting this was the first annual Gunnison Valley Summit with all intentions of communicating and talking with each other while trying to cooperate regarding those things they have in common.
Gunnison Valley Fire Dept. ~ Fire Chief, Jed Hansen
Chief Hansen introduced Zack Jensen and Garren Lund whoare both Captains and Jay Bartholomew as the Treasurer. He stated Brian Sorensen, who was not in attendance, is the Asst. Chief and Aaron McClaskey, who also was not in attendance, is the Secretary. Chief Hansen reviewed the Fire Departments Standard Operating Guidelines (SOG) they have been working on, and would like to put into place following the review of an attorney or attorneys agreed upon by each city/town involved. Mayor Blackham suggested each entity have their own attorney review it then pass it on to the next until they have all had a chance to review and approve the verbiage.
Chief Hansen then reviewed the Hydrant Flow Test Kit that had been reviewed previously with each city. He noted the department had determined it would be best for them to purchase the equipment rather than try to share with other entities, alleviating any future problems of maintaining the equipment. They would then perform the flow tests for the cities/towns as part of their training. The price is $778 for the kit and $886 for the hard box, but that amount could be saved since he already has a hard box that could be used. He explained the purpose of the kit noting they would receive maximum points on their ISO audit if the hydrant flow testing was done on an annual basis with less points being received for testing every two years and so on. Chief Hansen reported that as of now, none of the cities have technically been flow testing their hydrants except for Centerfield who had some done by the engineers during their water project and Fayette that was done when he borrowed Sterling Town's equipment. He noted ISO only requires so many hydrants tested depending on the size of the system. Councilmember Leatherwood reported this gives the city their pressure and where their weaknesses are as well as impact the insurance rates within the city.
Zack Jensen handed out a Fire Dept. packet to those in attendance pointing out the Mission Statement of the Fire Dept. followed by a review of the department's budget. He noted the Fire Dept. covers 450 square miles reviewing the area covered on the map included in the packet. He reported the department has 19 certified wild land fire fighters, 15 certified fire fighters I and II's noting each certified I and II had to attend classes/trainings for 160 hours including continued CEU's to keep their certifications. The wild land fire certification doesn't require quite as many hours, but falls along the same rules. He explained some of the testing they have to go through, and felt the department was really lucky to have this many that want to become and stay certified. Zack explained the rest of the county is struggling with their numbers and pointed out Gunnison Valley is one of the only departments left that does not pay their fire fighters for call
outs or trainings. Commissioner Bartholomew reported he had seen the stats on the different fire departments within the county, and commended the Gunnison Valley Fire Dept. noting they have the most certified people in their department, the most wild land certified, and Fire Chief Hansen is one of three within the county that is certified as a boss. Zack reviewed the breakdown of the training in the 2013 and 2014 years as well as the call outs per year. Zack then reviewed the Fire Dept. budget noting it has been $30,00 with each city in the valley (Gunnison, Centerfield, Mayfield and Fayette) contributing to this amount each year. He stated that to meet their budget, and make it work for 2015-2016, they will need a total of $35,271, and asked each of the cities to consider increasing their contribution to their budget. The percentage of each city will continue to be assessed by the fair market values given by the county. Zack reviewed the revenues of the department noting the total budget this year is $83,100. Mayor Sorensen thanked the Fire Dept. for their volunteer services, and questioned if the department charges for any of their services. He noted Centerfield City will do what they need to make this work for the department. The discussion turned to the possible opportunity of billing homeowners policies for their services when they are called out.
Councilmember Leatherwood stated the department has enough equipment to service the large area they cover as well as some specialized equipment other departments don't have, and pointed out the revenues they are able to generate to offset any costs. Mayor Blackham thanked the Firemen for their services, and noted this budget increase will be brought up in their budget discussions.
Discuss Sponsorship and Support for Proposed Inventor's Day at GVHS ~ Mark Anderson
Mark Anderson brought up the inventors contest proposed by Mayor Blackham reporting the first one will be held this fall. Mayor Blackham stated Gunnison City is determined to coordinate with the school and Mark's program at the school to help with an "Inventor's Day". The purpose of this is to inspire the students to invent, think, create, do something with their minds and/or hands to showcase our community, schools and kids. He asked the other cities if they would like to participate with the advertisement and find some monies or ways of giving prizes to those kids who come up with inventions. The idea is to create an enthusiasm and thought process for kids to be more creative. Mark brought up the process of having local businesses that could partner up with this contest. Mayor Blackham stated the kids are our greatest resource, and asked the other cities to consider their participation with this.
7:47 p.m. Mark Anderson left
CentraCom Update, Steve Clark, CentraCom
Mr. Clark stated he is the Community Development Director for CentraCom, and thanked those communities in attendance for their great cooperation in providing services for each city. He announced over the past three years, they have upgraded every city in the community to DOCSIS 3. This system is the protocol that the system operates under, and provides the opportunity to push more band width down the line. They are now able to bring a lot more channels as well as offer a 50 Mbps service for internet. Mr. Clark had some brochures for each city to hand out to new residents to make them aware of their services.
7:53 Steve Clark left
Discuss Emergency Management Planning ~ Eliza Jensen, American Red Cross
Eliza stated she volunteers with the American Red Cross, and is set to deploy on local as well as national disasters. She proposed a Community Resiliency Strategy which coming from the Red Cross is how to handle a disaster resilience to combat and mitigate the most damaging and harmful effects of a disaster and to lessen the human suffering and death by this preparedness. These strategies need to start from the bottom up. The idea is for the community, government and individuals to all work together and to build this strategy.
7:56 p.m. Councilmember Thayne Carlisle arrived
She questioned the plans of many different entities in the valley and stressed the importance of good communication during these events noting if this is worked out ahead of time that many of the problems that could arise would already be mitigated. She would like to find a way to form a committee to start working on this. She reported she has read through most of Gunnison City's draft Emergency Plan, and once this is in place and all the emergency personnel are trained and aware of this plan then it is a matter of getting all of the entities plans work together. Eliza listed all of those emergency personnel within the Gunnison Valley that will be trained and able to help with emergencies noting there would be a ratio of approximately 1:300 (1 emergency personnel to 300 people) within the valley. Councilmember Carlisle noted the Gunnison City Council still needed to be trained on this Emergency Plan, and he needed to set up some training with FEMA so they understand what the process is. He noted if there is a disaster, the valley's resources will be tapped immediately and will need to reach outwardly. He reported the city has a starting point, but needs to dig in and complete the action plan.
Eliza stated what they see happening is to have someone representing the various segments from society sit down and work out that plan. Councilmember Carlisle mentioned the county already has a monthly LEPC meeting with Eliza noting it would be a good idea to meet with the communities forming their own to get this started. She would be willing to serve on the council and offer the Red Cross Resources as well as FEMA resources. Jay Bartholomew mentioned the local National Guard 145th Unit is actually on the Homeland Innovative Force Mission which deals with natural disasters in the western United States. He reported the process of this and the extensive training they have been going through.
The first meeting to start this planning committee was set for Wednesday, July 22nd at the Gunnison City Hall. Commissioner Bartholomew noted the county meets on the third Tuesday at 11:30 a.m. for emergency management, and everyone needs to have a representative there. Councilmember Carlisle suggested Jayson Albee from the county be invited to this first planning meeting, and he will contact him for this. Chief Hansen noted the County Fire Warden, Tommy Petersen, wanted to meet with each of the Mayors. Commissioner Bartholomew reported Hal Stevens with the Forest Service would like to meet with the Mayors on April 30th at 6:00 p.m, and it was determined to meet with Warden Petersen at the same time.
8:10 p.m. Chief Jed Hansen, Zack Jensen, Jay Bartholomew and Garren Lund left
Gunnison Swimming Pool Report ~ Councilmember Melissa Judy
Councilmember Judy introduced Pool Manager Havey, and thanked everyone for sending their representatives to be on the Pool Committee. She reviewed all of the maintenance that has taken place, will continue to take place at the pool and the costs that have been reduced. She reminded everyone of the circus that would be coming to town Friday as a fund raiser for the pool. Manager Havey noted they were trying to make this more of a regional pool, and mentioned the lifeguards were from the region of Manti to Salina. He would like to get with the other cities to find out what can be done to draw more people in. He reported they would be holding year round swim lessons, and will be starting the second week of June. Councilmember Judy reported it looked like more people are using the pool for health reasons rather than just public swims. Mayor Tom Sorensen noted Centerfield City had donated $127,500 to the pool since 1998. He reviewed the history of the placement of the pool as well as the donations, and didn't think there was an agreement between the two cities--just a donation. Councilmember Judy brought up the taxes of the residents of Gunnison that go towards the pool. She noted the citizens of the valley definitely made it known they would like to keep the pool open, but need to find a way to keep it financially alive if that is what everyone chooses to do. Mayor Sorensen would like to know what the numbers are prior to finalizing the 2016 budget, in case they need to make any adjustments. Councilmember Judy will have Gary Keddington email the pool information to the Centerfield City Council in preparations for a joint meeting to be held on Wednesday, May 20th at the Gunnison City Hall.
Gunnison Valley Recreation Department Update ~ Rec. Chairman, Darin Hill
Mayor Sorensen reported Darin Hill was unable to attend, and would be representing him. He handed out a financial statement for the Rec. Dept. noting there was a $64,000 budget that comes from the RAP tax with 83% being expended to date. He reviewed the monies that had been expended on equipment and uniforms, and explained Rec. Director Brackett has been paying many of the refs from his own wage. The condition of the ball fields was discussed as well as whose responsibility it is to get it back where it needs to be. Councilmember Andersen detailed the history of the existing facility reporting So. Sanpete School District wrote the grant, paid the bills, but was administered through Gunnison City. He reported the agreement has been for the School District to take care of the lawns until school is out at which time the Rec. Dept. has taken over care of the field. Councilmember Andersen then reviewed the history of the lights that had been installed. The discussion turned to the maintenance that has been done on the field and lights along with the maintenance that still needs to be done on the fields and lights, and who would be responsible. The on-demand charges were reviewed. The pros and cons of going to CIB or obtaining grants were discussed as far as the School District owning the property, and the Rec. Dept. using the facility three months out of the year. Supt. Larsen stated there is an interlocal agreement that is probably expired, that could be updated with the Rec. Board with the RAP tax included in the agreement at this point. Mayor Sorensen stated the Rec. Board appreciates the location of the facility, but would like to come up with an agreement or a plan to get it back to where it should be. He would like to get the thoughts of the School District. Supt. Larsen felt the interlocal agreement was a pretty good agreement. Beckie Carlisle with the Rec. Board felt the agreement has worked well for a long time until the problems came up with the power, the lights, the extra costs, and things that have been dug up that are still dug up. Supt. Larsen complimented those associated with the Gunnison Valley for their willingness to donate their time and money to always get things done. Principal Powell suggested they determine where they want things to be at then go get bids to see what it will take to get it back up to par. Mayor Sorensen, speaking for the Rec. Board, stated he could guarantee the financial help of 25%, and if it needs to be more then they will look at it further in order to get it back to the standard where it once was. Mayor Sorensen explained the snack shack would really be a money maker, and it would be well to get the power hooked back up to that. He reviewed how the revenues were received for them to be able to do this for the facility. Supt. Larsen stated he did not know off hand what the District budgeted for maintenance of the fields.