Date______DUE______GQ SET #______
Guiding Questions and Vocabulary for the Book Study Project (BSP)
ADVANCED January 2017
Book Title:______
Author’s Name:______
Consider the following questions while you read this book. Respond to each question using complete sentences and remember to use RBS. Use BLUE OR BLACK INK if doing these on this form. Attach more pages if you need more room to respond.NO GQs WILL BE ACCEPTED IF TURNED IN DONE IN PENCIL. You also have the option to cut and paste from the website and type in your responses and print it at home to turn in on due date.
Guiding Questions:
- Choose a quote from your book, from where you’ve read to up to this point, that you believe is important or significant or that you find interesting. Write down the quote and page numbers.
- In your own words, what is the meaning of the quote? Do your best to explain what you think is meant by the words you selected to pull out of context. Explain as if the person reading your information doesn’t know ANYTHING about the book or topic!
- How is the information in this quote or the author’s argument about science in this quote important in terms of the science and overall themes of this book? How does what you selected relate to the topic at hand? Does it raise new questions? Do you agree with it? Why is it surprising? Is it confusing or frightening to contemplate?
- How is the information in this quote or the author’s argument about science in this quote important in terms of the overall field of science? How has or did this topic serve to advance science? What came of it?
- Why is the information in this quote or the author’s argument about science in this quote important to the world (our society and other societies) outside of science? What difference does it make? Are there ethical or moral considerations to take into account?
Vocabulary Section: List TEN words that you enjoyed, learned, liked, jumped out at you, or stuck with you as you read the book. Write the dictionary definition of all ten words. Do NOT leave this part blank or respond that you know all the words already and don’t need to complete this part.