Assignment Corrections

Do you have an assignment that you need to make corrections to? Follow these guidelines, and then turn in your CORRECTED assignment to Coach Gray. The grade that you earn for your CORRECTED assignment will replace the original grade you earned.

Guidelines to REDO an assignment (class work, homework, lab write up)

  1. On a separate sheet of paper, complete only the portion(s) of the assignment for which you did not earn full credit.
  2. Staple your original assignment and your CORRECTED assignment together. If the assignment is in your interactive notebook, staple or glue in the new assignment onto the page of the original assignment. Do so in a way that both the original and the corrections can easily be read. Lastly, place a sticky note that sticks out from the side of your notebook to indicate the page in which your corrections have been made.

Assignment Corrections

Do you have an assignment that you need to make corrections to? Follow these guidelines, and then turn in your CORRECTED assignment to Coach Gray. The grade that you earn for your CORRECTED assignment will replace the original grade you earned.

Guidelines to REDO an assignment (class work, homework, lab write up)

  1. On a separate sheet of paper, complete only the portion(s) of the assignment for which you did not earn full credit.
  2. Staple your original assignment and your CORRECTED assignment together. If the assignment is in your interactive notebook, staple or glue in the new assignment onto the page of the original assignment. Do so in a way that both the original and the corrections can easily be read. Lastly, place a sticky note that sticks out from the side of your notebook to indicate the page in which your corrections have been made.

Assignment Corrections

Do you have an assignment that you need to make corrections to? Follow these guidelines, and then turn in your CORRECTED assignment to Coach Gray. The grade that you earn for your CORRECTED assignment will replace the original grade you earned.

Guidelines to REDO an assignment (class work, homework, lab write up)

  1. On a separate sheet of paper, complete only the portion(s) of the assignment for which you did not earn full credit.
  2. Staple your original assignment and your CORRECTED assignment together. If the assignment is in your interactive notebook, staple or glue in the new assignment onto the page of the original assignment. Do so in a way that both the original and the corrections can easily be read. Lastly, place a sticky note that sticks out from the side of your notebook to indicate the page in which your corrections have been made.