EACPHS Pharmacy Program

Guidelines to Promote Academic Success

Approved by Curriculum Committee on 04/20/16

Approved by Faculty: 04/27/2016


This document provides faculty guidance for identifying students at risk for non-success within the pharmacy program and outlines strategies for promoting academic success.

II.Strategies to identify Students at High Risk of Non-Success (Academic Difficulty)

  1. Purpose: To provide early identification of students struggling in a course, experiential training, or overall pharmacy program to ensure successful completion and ultimately on-time graduation. Suggested strategies to identify and assist students include the following:
  1. Early and frequent evaluations to identify students with academic difficulty:
  1. Individual student course performance
  2. Trigger:

a.Failure of first didactic course exam

b.Score of < 70% or equivalent at didactic course coordinator’s discretion at midpoint of the course

c.“Unsatisfactory” midpoint assessment on IPPE or APPE rotations (midpoint assessment ≤ 2 overall or assessment of 1 in any competency). Common indicators of difficulty are: failure to complete assignments or attend rounds, meet project deadlines, or develop pharmacy care plans for assigned patients. Other signs of academic stress can be excessive absence or tardiness.

  1. Plan

a.Course coordinator or preceptor notifies student

  1. Resources

a.University Early Academic Assessment, (EEA), effective Winter 2016 provides faculty the option of notifying students via email who are receiving a grade of < 70%. EEA assessment period: start of the 3rd week but no later than the end of the 6th week of each Fall and Winter semester. To file early assessment grades for a course:

b.Students having difficulty with appropriate professional behavior and conduct may or may not have concurrent academic difficulty. Faculty who are concerned about a student's behavior and are not sure what to do can submit aStudent Care Report ( directly to the Dean of Student's Office for review.

  1. Overall student program performance
  2. Trigger

a.Professional program GPA < 2.75 after the P1 year or cumulative professional program GPA < 2.75 after P2 and P3 years, (CAPP academic warning policy, August 2015).

  1. Plan

a.If professional program GPA < 2.75

  1. The CAPP chair will send students with a professional program GPA < 2.75 an academic warning letter (copied to their faculty advisor).
  2. Students who receive an academic warning will schedule a meeting with their faculty advisor to discuss ways to ensure academic success.

b.If professional program GPA <2.5

  1. A professional program GPA 2.50 at the end of the semester is academic probation
  1. Resource

a.If professional program GPA <2.5

  1. Complete 2 study skills workshops through the WSU Academic Success Center ( with documentation of attendance to their faculty advisor and the CAPP chair.

b.Students having difficulty with appropriate professional behavior and conduct may or may not have concurrent academic difficulty. Faculty who are concerned about a student's behavior and are not sure what to do, can submit aStudent Care Report ( directly to the Dean of Student's Office for review.

  1. Additional provision of student success resources for students with academic difficulty as needed:
  2. Additional academic advising: The student may find it helpful to meet with their faculty advisor outside of regular required meetings to identify barriers to success and develop a plan for improvement. Required for students with academic warnings per CAPP policy.
  3. P4 students having difficulty meeting competencies on rotation may require weekly assessment with the preceptor to identify specific areas need and goal setting. The preceptor and Director of Experiential Education will develop an individualized plan for improvement.
  4. Students should be encouraged to work with their Learning Community (LC).
  5. Students may be referred for tutoring through Rho Chi, Learning Community (LC) mentors or student’s current academic mentor. (No LC during 2017-18-one-year hiatus)
  6. Suggest the student develop an informal LC with other students from the course/module to review material from class.
  7. Refer student to Academic Success Center for study skills workshops Required for students on academic probation per CAPP policy.
  8. Students requiring emergency financial help for living or housing can contact First Lady Wilson’s Helping Individual’s Go Higher Program. highprogram.wayne.edu/
  9. Psychological and emotional support: Registered WSU professional and graduate students may contact EACPHS Student Affairs Office (313) 577 3398 for on-site therapist days or schedule appointment with main campus Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS).

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