Policy Manual / 500 CURRICULUM
534 Sport / Council Meeting:
May 2002
Information: 0260761566 / DEECD Schools Reference Guide: / Revised: May 2014
Manager: Sport Leader / Associated Policy: 536 Excursions & Camps / Issue No: 2.3
All students at CorryongCollege should have access to quality educational experiences in the sporting field. Students benefit from mixing with students from other locations in a sport environment. Students’ sense of belonging to the school and teamwork with classmates is enhanced by such experiences. Students are challenged to improve their performance through participation in local house sport and interschool sport competitions.
- All students will have access to quality sport experiences through participation in the college’s programs.
GUIDELINES(refer also to guidelines for all excursions in Policy 536 Excursions & Camps)
1.All students should participate in activities that foster physical development and a healthy lifestyle through sport. Sport should have a regular time slot in the weekly timetable. It should be an integral part of the school curriculum for all students, in Year Prep to Year 10.
2.Students should be encouraged to participate in a range of sporting activities while at school, to work on improving their own personal performance in such activities, and to compete in a sporting fashion.
3.Due recognition and encouragement should be provided as acknowledgement and celebration of outstanding individual talents and team performances in this field.
1.Swimming, athletics and cross country will be organised on a house basis; other summer and winter sport contests may be organised on a round-robin house basis from time to time.
2.House swimming and athletics carnivals should:
(a)Have competitors distinguished by house colour. House banners are used to promote a sportsmanship ethos).
(b)Include some minor divisions and shorter and novelty events; such events would not count for individual championships.
(c)Use a scoring system that gives greater reward for placings but allows each competitor finishing an event to receive a point.
(d)Encourage involvement of parents and students in their operation.
3.Encouragement and recognition will be given to our best athletes and swimmers to compete in Ovens & Mitta District Carnivals, Eastern Zone and All High Championships.
4.The emphasis in house competitions will be on participation; though recognition will be given to quality performances by awarding place ribbons and championship medallions.
5.House and Vice Captains are encouraged to take a leadership role and to be largely responsible for organising their teams, for coming events. Badges will be presented to such leaders.
6.Student leadership will be encouraged and developed; senior students will assist with team coaching, umpiring and planning of inter-house and inter-school contests.
7.New students be allocated to houses along the following lines:
(a)To the house of brother/sister currently attending the senior campus of CorryongCollege.
(b)To the house that the student was in at the junior campus of CorryongCollege.
(c)Upon request, to house of members of the family being past students of the school.
(d)To houses in order to even up total numbers for size/sex structure.
8.A Sports Council, consisting of the Sports Coordinator and all House Captains, will meet periodically to plan and review the inter-school visits, swimming and athletics carnivals, other inter-house competitions as may occur from time to time.
9.Lunchtime activities will be planned, umpired and supervised by the Lunchtime Activities Coordinator, designated ‘sport duty’ teachers, interested staff, the Sports Council and senior students.
10.Sport has a place in the regular weekly timetable but interruptions for sport (including inter-house and inter-school carnivals and contests, extended lunchtimes for sporting practices or competitions, etc) can be arranged by the Sport Coordinator up to a maximum of 12 days in a school year. Authority to exceed this must be obtained from the Assistant Principal.
11.Sporting and social inter-school trips will be held in summer and winter activities.
12.Students to be subsidised for inter-school sporting events with the amount to be documented by School Council.
13.Prior to travelling to events, all students must be in appropriate uniform, have completed all permission forms and paid any relevant funds.
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