Below is a list of helpful tips when drafting your organization’s constitution. Following these tips is a constitution template we highly recommend you emulate in order to make your constitution a fair, consistent, and refined document that represents your organization.


An introductory statement about the student organization stating you will follow all policies of Niagara University and that as an organization you accept the preamble to help guide the organization.

Article I – Name of Organization

The name of this Club/Organization is ______. It shall hereby be known as . (if applicable-letter abbreviation)

Article II – Purpose

Provides a rationale for why and for what purpose the organization is being established. Use this article to lay out a mission statement and goals for the organization. If a future officer or someone not affiliated with this organization were to read this statement, he or she would understand the objectives and intent of the organization. Programs sponsored by the organization must comply and be consistent with the organization’s stated purpose and objectives.

The purpose of the organization must fulfill a need that is not being fulfilled by another student organization. The purpose and function shall not duplicate that of an existing registered student group.

Article III - Advisor

The advisor of this club shall be nominated and approved by organization members as well as approved by the Director of Campus Activities. The advisor must be a full-time faculty or staff member, sign all check requests, and is kept informed of organization meetings and activities.

Article IV – Membership

Describe what criteria you require for membership. Who can join? Are there any specific qualifications or standards for membership?

Article V – Officers

The officer positions within this organization shall be . Typical officer positions are President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.

Article VI – Duties of Officers

The officer’s duties and order of succession shall be as follows:

Section I. President

  1. Start a numerical list of duties and how successions work

Section II. Vice President

  1. Start a numerical list of duties and how successions work

Section III. Proceed as above for all officer postions

Article VII – Election of Officers

How will officers be elected? How long is the term of office for each member? Who is eligible to run? Who is eligible to vote?

Article VIII – Membership Dues

Are there any expenses for belonging to this club? (They can be changed yearly, but if they are changed it must be approved by members of the organization and the NUSGA as defined in Article VIII) If you plan on receiving funding from NUSGA, dues must be at least $10 per semester.

Article IX – Amendments

If the organization wishes to amend this constitution, it must be ratified by a 2/3 majority vote of organization members and subsequently by the NUSGA legislative body.

Article X – Hazing

A statement stating your group will not engage in hazing or other practices that could be seen as harmful to the individual. It must state that your club will act in compliance with New York State Law.

Article XI – Consonance with Mission of Niagara University

A statement stating your group will act in harmony with the goals, values, and mission of Niagara University as a Catholic and Vincentian institution.



We, the members of insert organization name, subscribing to the regulations and policies of Niagara University, establish this Constitution to govern the matters within our organization.

Article I – Name of Organization

The name of this Club/Organization shall be ______, here after known as . (Identify, if any, affiliations/membership with a national organization)

Article II – Purpose

(Insert your purpose paragraph here. See above guidelines for an idea of what to include.)

Article III – Advisor

The insert organization name here shall at all times in order to maintain integrity of the organization and to remain eligible for official organizational status at Niagara University, have an advisor who is nominated and approved by organization members as well as approved by the Director of Campus Activities. The advisor must be a full-time faculty or staff member, sign all check requests and appropriate budget documentation, and is kept informed of organization meetings and activities.

Article IV – Membership

  1. All undergraduate students of Niagara University, full or part-time, regardless of major, shall be eligible for membership in the insert name of organization here.
  2. Membership shall not be denied on the basis of race, skin color, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, age, gender, or disability.
  3. All members are required to complete and document, in accordance with the NUSGA and the Office of Learn & Serve at least five (5) hours of community service. These five hours per semester can be counted towards involvement in all clubs students are a member of. All community service documentation forms can be picked up and turned in to the Office of Learn & Serve.
  4. All members must pay the required dues set by the officers of the organization as described in Article VII.
  5. Add any additional membership requirements specific to your organization in number format.

Article V – Officers

The officer positions within this organization shall be . (Typical officer positions are President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.)

Article VI – Duties of Officers

The officer’s duties and order of succession shall be as follows:

Section I. President

  1. Shall act as the official representative of the insert name of organization here
  2. Shall be the liaison between the organization members and its advisor
  3. Shall be responsible for organization of meetings, supervising and aiding the other officers in their duties as necessary
  4. Shall delegate responsibilities when he/she deems appropriate
  5. Shall be responsible for enforcing the organization name here constitution
  6. Maintain a working knowledge of the Niagara University Club & Organization Handbook (herein known as NUCO).
  7. Insert additional responsibilities in numerical order here

Section II. Vice President

  1. Shall assume the presidential duties if acting president is absent or otherwise incapacitated
  2. Shall aid the president in activities and administrative affairs of the insert organization name here
  3. Shall coordinate community service opportunities and documentation
  4. Insert additional responsibilities in numerical order here

Section III. Secretary

  1. Shall assume the vice presidential duties if acting vice president is absent or otherwise incapacitated
  2. Shall be responsible for keeping accurate attendance records and minutes at each insert organization here meeting
  3. Shall be responsible for checking the insert organization here mailbox located in the Student Club and Organization Office of the Lower Level Gallagher
  4. Shall be responsible for complying with the NUSGA roster submission requirements and deadlines
  5. Assist the Vice President in coordinating community service opportunities and documentation
  6. Insert additional responsibilities in numerical order here

Section IV. Treasurer

  1. Shall assume the secretarial duties if acting secretary is absent or otherwise incapacitated
  2. Shall be responsible for maintaining an accurate record of all organization funds
  3. Shall maintain communication with Office of Campus Activities regarding the club’s bank account information and corresponding documentation
  4. Shall be responsible for collecting and documenting membership dues each semester
  5. Shall be responsible for maintaining a working knowledge of the NUSGA Budget rules and abide by them as the club sees fit
  6. Insert additional responsibilities in numerical order here

Article VII – Election of Officers

Officer elections shall be held before the week of final exams at the end of each spring semester. (If starting a new organization, first election must be held immediately whether it is fall or spring semester once constitution is approved) Because of the organization’s fervent support of integrity and fairness, officers will be elected by a simple majority vote of the insert organization name here members. Members may not hold more than one officer position at a time. In the event that an office becomes vacant during the course of a year for any reason, the other officers shall appoint a member or officer (in this case the officer will have to relinquish his/her current position and another non-office holding member will replace him/her) to replace the missing one.

Officer candidates must be nominated (self-nomination with second), must maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.25 and must have completed one year of membership previous to nomination. All officer terms are one academic year in duration. If a current officer wishes to resume their office after their term is expired they must re-run for office. Officers found not fulfilling the duties outlined herein, may be impeached by a two-thirds majority vote of members in good standing. New elections shall be held to replace impeached officers within the semester of impeachment. Officers wishing to resign a position must provide a two week notice to remaining officers and members. New nominations and election will then be held as soon as possible.

Article VIII – Membership Dues

All members must remit the organization dues as decided and approved upon by the club officers in consultation with the club advisor. Amount for dues is outlined in the NUSGA governing document each semester and should be submitted to the club treasurer and deposited in the organization’s university bank account by the online roster deadline (as identified by NUSGA each semester).

Article IX – Amendments

If the organization wishes to amend this constitution, it must be ratified by a 2/3 majority vote of organization members and subsequently by the NUSGA legislative body.

Article X – Hazing

Hazing or any other practice deemed harmful to individuals as defined in the NUCO Handbook, is strictly prohibited and against New York State Law. Any member found to be hazing, harassing or mistreating another member, will be expelled from the organization immediately and permanently.

Article XI – Consonance with Mission of Niagara University

The insert organization name here will act in harmony with the goals, values, and mission of Niagara University as a Catholic and Vincentian institution.

Revised Fall 2015 - NUSGA/Office of Campus Activities