Guidelines for submitting 5x60 Management information July 2010

Activity Returns

  1. Web address is will take you to a login that looks like this

SCW 5 x 60 Project
Log In
User Name: / *
Password: / *
Remember me next time.

Your username is your first name then a dot and then surname. Mine would therefore be luke.williams

You will be sent your password this cannot be changed.

Please select your Organisation
/ Logout
  1. Having logged in you will then go to a page where you will select the school which you are submitting information for. If you are only working with one school you will by pass this page.Select your school and then press the continue button
  2. You are now in the site it will look like this

5 x 60 Project
Co-ordinator Return Volunteers

Term / *
Location / *
Lead by / *
Assisted by / *

You need to enter the appropriate information on all the tabs. If nobody assisted in the activity select none. Once you have selected all the tabs press new activity.

4. You will now enter this page. This is where you record the information about the activity. You will need to know details about the number of participants from KS3 and KS4 as well as gender of the participant. The numbers that you enter here are taken from your register. These reflect the pupils that have participated at anytime in the activity. NOT the number of times they have participated. So if there are 28 names on the register then the numbers in the four boxes Boys KS3 Boys KS4 Girls KS3 and Girls KS4 should add up to 28.

& Volunteers

Term /
Location /
Lead by /
Assisted by /
Activity /
Other Activity /
Sessions /
Boys KS3 /
Boys KS4 /
Girls KS3 /
Girls KS4 /

Please use the ‘Other activity’ option if your activity does not appear on the drop down list. Also, please type the name of the activity here if the initial selection is a generic activity. For example, Activity = martial arts you should type in the name of the activity such as Judo/Taekwondo in the ‘other activity field.etc.

Once you have recorded the correct information you press update.

5. You repeat this for each activity that has taken place this term. If the activity type does not appear on the drop down menu then you type the activity in other.

6. Before leaving this page you can view your submissions by pressing the view button. You will see this;

Activity / Other Activity / Sessions / Term / Location / Lead by / Assisted by / Boys KS3 / Boys KS4 / Girls KS3 / Girls KS4
street dance / 10 / Spring 2007 / School Site / Qualified Coach or instructor / None / 17 / 48
Basketball / 5 / Spring 2007 / Leisure Centre / Qualified Coach or instructor / None / 22 / 2
aerobics / 6 / Spring 2007 / Leisure Centre / Qualified Coach or instructor / None / 33 / 10
Swimming / 10 / Spring 2007 / Leisure Centre / 5X60 Officer / None / 5
Cheerleeding / 20 / Spring 2007 / School Site / 5X60 Officer / Teacher (Non PE) / 15 / 29
Canoeing / 6 / Autumn 2006 / School Site / Qualified Coach or instructor / Older pupils / 4 / 8 / 2 / 4
street dance / 10 / Autumn 2006 / School Site / Qualified Coach or instructor / Older pupils / 18 / 32

If you need to edit the information press edit and it will take you back to the section and you can adjust the information.

7. You will need to copy and paste this view to be able to keep a record of your submission.You can save it in a word document.

Training Figures

8. Now move onto to the training tab. You will go to this page



Select the term and press the new course tab.

9. Enter the details about the course and then press update.

Course /
Other Course
Qualified Coach/Instructor /
Other Club Personnel /
PE Teacher /
Teacher Non PE /
Older_Pupils /
HE/FE Students /
Males /
Females /

10. View the record as you did with the activities section and copy and paste your records again.

Course / Other Course / Qualif / Other / PE Teach / Teach Non PE / Pupils / Students / Males / Females / Term
Sports Leaders Level 1 (JSLA) / 24 / 10 / 14 / Spring 2007

End of Year Figures

Submitted end of summer term only

11. Finally at the end of the academic year you will need to submit the information that will calculate whether you have hit your targets or not. This information you MUST keep yourself over the academic year. It does not need to be submitted termly.

Using your MI Tool to get End of Year figures

Please note that all the Year End figures for your school can be found on the summary page of your MI Tool.

Firstly, it is vital that you have entered the school roll figures in column CH on the summary page of your MI Tool. An example of this can be found below

In column CH you need to enter:

Number of pupils in schools in cell CH4

Number of girls in KS3 (Years 7-9) in cell CH6

Number of girls in KS4 (Years 10-11) in cell CH7

Number of boys in KS3 (Years 7-9) in cell CH9

Number of boys in KS4 (Years 10-11) in cell CH10

Once these figures have been entered, all the target percentages will become visible.

It is also very important that you have completed the register correctly in order for the formulas to calculate the individual participation figures for boys & girls. An example of a completed register can be found below.

You will notice that the Gender column has to be entered as ‘Male’ or ‘Female’. Also you need to ensure that the Key Stage column is completed for each person. If these are not completed then the figures on your summary page will be incorrect.

How to Submit your Data

  • Click the ‘End of Year Return button
  • Click New Return

You will then be taken to the following screen:

You now need to enter the figures and click update once completed. You can now logout.

Please note:

If you have more than one person assisting an activity you can only select one so please select the best fit or the one that does it most.

If you are submitting for more than one school, when you log in the second time make sure you are able to select your school. If not, close the application and start again.

Below is a summary of the End of Year questions

Question / Answer / Where to find data on MI Tool
Year / Select the option which shows the end of the academic year. For example 2009/10 would be 2010. / N/A
Children in School / The total number of children in the school years 7-11. / Summary page, cell CH4
No of Boys in School / The total number of boys in the School / Summary page, cell CH11
No of Girls in School / The total number of girls in the School / Summary page, cell CH8
Boys Attending 1 session or more / The number of boys attending at least 1 session / Summary page, cell CG11
Girls Attending 1 session or more / The number of girls attending at least 1 session / Summary page, cell CG8
Participants in 5x60 / The number of individual participants in 5x60 attending at least 1 session / Summary page, cell CG5
Participants more than 5 / The number of individual participants attending 5 or more sessions / Summary page, cell CG15
Attended at least 20 sessions / The number of individual participants attending 20 or more sessions / Summary page, cell CG34
Attended at least 30 sessions / The number of individual participants attending 30 or more sessions / Summary page, cell CG43
Attended at least 50 sessions / The number of individual participants attending 50 or more sessions / Summary page, cell CG61
Total Participations for school / Total number of all participations for the school. / Summary page, cell CG71
Participating SEN / Number of SEN Participants / Summary page, cell CG73

12. Log out and you have submitted the information.

Please note:

If you have more than one person assisting an activity you can only select one so please select the best fit or the one that does it most.

If you are submitting for more than one school, when you log in the second time make sure you are able to select your school. If not, close the application and start again.

Contact Information
If you have any queries about submitting your data, please email Luke Williams: or call 02920 338232.