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Guidelines for Program Participation for the 2018-2019 School Year

The Ross-Pike Mentor and Resident Educator Consortium provides the Resident Educator Program. Ross-Pike Program Coordinators have made recommendations concerning who must/should participate in what part of the Mentor & Resident Educator Program.

This decision should be based on the credential under which the resident educator will be working.

Teacher’s Credential / Program recommendation/requirement
4 Year Resident Educator License / Resident Educator Program
4 Year Resident Educator License – Teaching under a Supplemental License / Resident Educator Program
Alternative Resident Educator License / Resident Educator Program
1 Year Out of State Educator License / Resident EducatorProgram

Educators with a license others than those listed above must seek clarification of their Resident Educator requirements from the Coordinators of the Ross-Pike Resident Educator Consortium.

Ohio Department of Education

Resident Educator Process and Procedures


During the 2015-2016 school year, any teacher hired who meets one of the conditions in paragraph (A) of rule 3301-24-04 is required to complete a Resident Educator (RE) Program, established by ODE for the district. Teachers hired as tutors will now be considered eligible if they meet the following criteria.

RE include: (Paragraph (A) of rule 3301-24-04)

  • Hold a valid Resident Educator License;
  • Hold a valid Alternative Resident Educator License of any type;
  • Hold a one-year out of state educator license;
  • Teach at least two classes or .25 FTE in their area of licensure or in the area in which the teacher holds a supplemental teaching license;
  • Be employed by an ODE-chartered educational entity, ODE or ODJFS licensed pre-school, Ohio Correctional Facility, or a private educational agency located in Ohio;
  • Work 120 days as defined by Ohio Revised Code;
  • Be responsible for planning and delivering standards-based, preK-12 curriculum to students and evaluating their progress; and
  • Be assigned an ODE-certified, trained mentor by their employer

The Ohio Department of Education may provide financial support for resident educators going through the Resident Educator Program through PD monies provided to local districts. The RE program activities are congruent with the Ohio Guidelines established by the Department of Education.

Identifying RE

Teachers eligible for the RE Program will complete a copy of the Candidate Profile. Information from this form will be entered electronically by the consortium into CORE, officially qualifying the RE for participation in the RE Program.


Once all REs are identified, the program’s fiscal agent will electronically enter candidates and manage all paperwork, invoicing, subsidy payment requests and budgeting necessary to keep the program in compliance with state guidelines. Any teacher hired after November 15, will not be considered a RE for the current school year. Such teachers should be listed as REs for the next school year.

Resolution for District Resident Educator Participation

Public school districts, chartered non-public schools, and educational entities who wish to participate in the Ross-Pike RE Consortium must approve a one-time resolution and forward a copy of the completed resolution by late summer to the fiscal agent for the consortium.

By resolving to participate in the Ross-Pike RE Consortium, the consortium will provide a formal program of support for REs that includes a four year program of mentoring and support aligned to Ohio’s Standards for the Teaching Profession.

Resident Educator Responsibilities

Specific responsibilities may include but are not limited to:

  1. Participate in new teacher orientation activities.
  2. Work with the mentor on an ongoing basis during assigned year(s).
  3. Participate in all RE seminars/meetings scheduled during the assigned year(s).

4. Complete assigned activities in cooperation with your mentor.

5. Prepare a mini-portfolio to document examples of professional work and to show evidence of fulfilling requirements of program.

6. Completing all paperwork required by the program and submit the RE’s Monthly Activity

Checklist to their assigned mentor before the final Lead MentorMeeting in May.

RE Mini-Portfolio

To be in compliance with Teacher Licensure Standards and effectively prepare our REs for the transition to a five-year license, our RE Program will include the preparation of a mini-professional development portfolio done in collaboration with the mentor. Due to the need for this kind of documentation of professional growth for license renewal by the LPDC, mentors should also begin work on their own portfolio. The following guidelines specify what is required to be included in the portfolio along with some suggested items you may wish to include.

Mini-Portfolio Suggestions

Required contents of portfolio:

  • Copy of license
  • Candidate Profile
  • Data Tool
  • Resident Educator/OTES Self-Assessment
  • Professional Growth Plan
  • Identified Collaborative Logs or Journal Entries
  • Mentor/Resident Educator Checklist

Optional contents:

  • District/building vision, mission, goals for improvement
  • Newsletters sent home to parents
  • Floor plan of your classroom management
  • Daily schedule
  • Selected lesson plan
  • Samples of students’ work or projects
  • Relevant professional readings which have contributed to your growth
  • Learning center plans
  • Evidence of differentiated lesson(s)
  • Evidence of using multimedia in classroom
  • Evidence of classroom intervention that illustrates meeting the needs of all students
  • Interactive or personal journaling
  • Other items that reflect your professional growth throughout the year.
  • Copy of Collaborative Log(s)
  • CEU’s from attended professional development
  • Transcript(s) of continuing education
Matching Mentors and Resident Educators

The matching of mentors to REs is critical to the success of the RE and the mentoring program. Ideally the building administrator and Lead Mentor will collaboratively develop a match between the mentor and RE on the following considerations:

• building assignment

• grade level

• content area and subject matter, if possible

• common planning times, if possible

• classroom management and teaching philosophy

(Note: There is some research that suggests that gender matching of the mentor and RE may yield more positive, encouraging relationships between the mentor and RE.)

Matching should be completed to the greatest extent possible; however, not all REs may be given a “perfect match” because a mentor in their building may not be available within the same grade level and content area.

Every possible effort will be made to match the REs with their mentors at the earliest possible opportunity.

Criteria and Procedures for Selecting Mentors

Criteria for the selection of mentors by local districts need to include the following:

  • Completion of state required mentor training
  • Possess a Professional License
  • Five years of teaching experience
  • Recent classroom experience within the last five years (retired teachers might qualify)
  • Minimum of two years experience in the district
  • Recommended by local district and successfully completed the state required mentor training
  • Available and accessible for meetings, including planning, coaching, conferencing, and professional development
  • Knowledge of Ohio’s New Learning Standards, Ohio Standards for the Teaching Profession and/or local curriculum and its alignment to assessment
  • Demonstrates exemplary instructional and teaching methods and possesses the skills to impart this knowledge to improve student learning

After successful completion of state-sponsored mentor training, mentors are expected to provide standards-based mentoring support to resident educators using formative assessments and protocols. Upon completion of the year of mentoring, the mentor will sign the Resident Educator/Mentor Checklist document attesting to the completion of the Resident Educator requirements.

Mentor Definition

Mentor: Ateacher who has met the consortium criteria for mentor and is assigned to work with a resident educator during the resident educator licensure period or with a teacher working under an alternative resident educator license, a supplemental license, or one-year out of state educator license. Mentors will offer beginning teachers a four year program of mentoring and support that is aligned to Ohio’s Standards for the Teaching Profession, and provide guidance that is critical to improving their skills and knowledge thus improving student achievement. The mentor will assess the resident educator’s acquisition of knowledge and skills through the use of formative assessments and document the RE growth through evidence using required tools. To maintain a relationship of trust and collegiality, the mentor is not involved in any formal assessments of the assigned teacher, including evaluations related to job performance, contract, and/or tenure issues.

Mentor Roles and Responsibilities:

Specific responsibilities include but are not limited to:

  1. Participate in Consortium required meetings.
  2. Met state training requirements for mentoring
  3. Use the formative assessment tools and protocols to support the resident educator.
  4. Attend and take an active role in the district RE meetings
  5. Complete and submit to Lead Mentor a monthly Mentor/RE Contact Log.
  6. Complete all paperwork required by the program and submit to lead mentor by designated date (before final Lead Mentor meeting at end of school year).

Addressing Conflict between Mentor & RE

If a mentor and resident educator are having difficulty working productively together, the following steps should be taken to resolve any conflict:

  1. Mentor and RE should discuss the problem(s) together and try to resolve any issues themselves.
  2. If step 1 is inconclusive, mentor and RE should discuss the problem(s) with their

lead mentor. Lead mentor should contact program coordinator to share results of meeting.

  1. If step 2 is inconclusive, lead mentor should arrange for a meeting including mentor, RE, lead mentor, and program coordinator to try to resolve any issues.
  2. If step 3 is inconclusive, the program coordinator, lead mentor, and building principal will dissolve the contractual relationship and assign a new mentor to the RE.
  3. If the relationship is dissolved, the former mentor as well as the newly appointed

mentor will receive a salary which is pro-rated based on the time served as mentor.

Criteria and Procedures for Selecting Lead Mentors

The lead mentor should be one who meets all of the current criteria of a mentor with a committed interest in supporting and assisting mentor/resident educator teams. The following are recommendations for selection:

• Has completed 3-5 years of successful mentoring experience

• Holds a Masters Degree (preferred).

• Demonstrates a high level of integrity.

• Demonstrates evidence of ability to work cooperatively with colleagues

• Is recommended by the building principals and/or district superintendent.

• Is willing to provide professional development activities for mentors and REs

• Is willing to complete program paperwork and submit on time to program coordinator.

• Will commit to regular meetings with consortium lead mentor team and program coordinators.

• Is willing to assume leadership.

Lead mentors are selected by a committee which includes representation from the buildings/district to be served. Input for the selection may be collected from any of the following:

Program coordinator

District superintendent

Building administrators

Former lead mentor for the district being served

Lead Mentor Definition

Lead Mentor: All Lead Mentors are required to meet the state training requirements for mentoring. The responsibility of a lead mentor is to support and network with all mentors regardless of grade level. The lead mentor should be an experienced teacher who is willing to facilitate support to all members of the resident educator team. These individuals will need to meet with administrators, mentors, and/or mentor/RE teams to monitor program activities.

The lead mentor should be one who demonstrates all the criteria of a mentor with a committed interest in supporting and assisting mentor/RE teams. In addition to RE/mentor teachers, this person will serve as a liaison with the district LPDC, teachers’ association, administrative staff, serving as a "coach of the coaches" for mentors, answering questions, and fielding concerns.

Beginning in the 1999-2000 school year, lead mentors began serving for a three-year term. At the end of their terms an application/selection process will be conducted to choose replacements.

Lead Mentor Roles and Responsibilities:

Specific responsibilities include but are not limited to:

  1. Assist in the growth of new mentors.
  2. Be responsible for record keeping as required within the district/consortium program.
  3. Report directly to the program coordinator.
  4. Work collaboratively with principals regarding selection of mentors and matching mentors to resident educators.
  5. Be knowledgeable of district union contracts and negotiations to avoid potential conflicts with mentoring contracts.
  6. Attend all Lead Mentor meetings conducted by the consortium’s program coordinators.
  7. Maintain active communication with program coordinators, mentors, REs, principals, and superintendents regarding all resident educator program activities.
  8. Collect RE Mini-Portfolio and cross reference the contents with RE/Mentor Monthly Activities Checklist.

Ross-Pike Resident Educator Consortium

Lead Mentors

DistrictTerm BeganTerm Ends

Adena – Jillian Bluck2018-192020-21

Huntington – Tess Hatmacher2018-192020-21

Paint Valley – Lori Reed2016-172018-19

Southeastern – Jacqueline Wacaster2016-172018-19

Unioto – Trina Strausbaugh2016-172018-19

Zane Trace – Kate Depugh2016-172018-19

Pickaway-Ross CTC- Ashlee Schiff2018-192020-21

Waverly City – Amy Dickens2017-182019-20

Eastern – Chris Adkins2018-192020-21

Western – Kim Runions2017-182019-20

Scioto Valley – Michele Coreno2017-182019-20

Pike County CTC – Lauren Rauber2016-172018-19

Ross DD – Anna Cenci2018-192020-21

Ross-Pike ESD – Bob Crabtree2018-192020-21

Ross-Pike Resident Educator Consortium Coordinators


Bob Crabtree – Ross-Pike ESD702-3120

Missy Marquez – Waverly City947-4770