Guidelines for Integrating Gender-based Violence Interventions in Humanitarian Action
Workshop for Sector/Cluster Partners
Worksheet: Example Indicator Reference Sheet
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Relevant indicator (refer to indicators listed in Guidelines) / Number of females in the affected persons consulted before designing a programme
* Indicator adapted from the OCHA Humanitarian Indicator Registry on Accountability to Affected Populations
Indicator definition / # females in the affected persons that have been consulted to influence decisions made on the design of programmes
This indicator measures the means that a selected segment(s) of the affected population have a direct influence on decision making. in the design of sector/cluster programmes. The involvement of women, in particular during or after a crisis, may reduce GBV by ensuring that women are not greater risk of GBV. If women in the country are culturally precluded from participating as decision-makers, then women will likely be limited in their involvement in the design of programmes. As such, it is particularly important to provide contextualized information regarding the data collected.
Disaggregated by / Sex Age Disability Other vulnerabilities ______
The indicator should be disaggregated by sex, age, disability and other vulnerability factors.
Stage of the programme / Baseline Output Outcome
Responsible individual/office / Programme staff, community leaders or groups
Data source / Report from focus group discussions or meetings
Frequency and timing / Data should be collected before programmes are initiated
Budget implications / Minimal if integrated in existing tools
Data collection methods / Review of meeting records or methodology from assessments
Ethical considerations / Consider the local culture and the adverse effects of promoting or encouraging the participation of females in programme design.Project staff should be trained on how to interact with community leadership, how to maintain neutrality, how to protect the identity of respondents, and how and in which manner to report and share potentially sensitive data.
Data quality assessment procedures / Verify the participation and number of females participating in programme design through multiple data sources
Important limitations & actions / The indicator relies on observation may be limited by the subjectivity of the data collector.
Data analysis plan / Interpret the findings using a ‘GBV lens’. In your context, what are the implications of having a certain number of females participating in the design of programmes. Interpret how this may affect the GBV prevention and response.
Dissemination plan for:
-Resource Mobilization
-Coordination / Develop a plan for how the results from this indicator will affect the activities across the programme cycle.
Baseline value (if available) / Determine a baseline value for your context.
Target (determine in the field or refer to Guidelines) / Determine a baseline value for your context.
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