In addition to the norms and guidelines mentioned in G.O. Ms. No.75, I&C (Tex) Department, dated 14-03-2008, the following guidelines should also be followed for implementation of the ‘Pavala Vaddi Scheme on the Working Capital to Handloom Weaver Cooperative Societies and APCO in the State.
a)The Scheme shall be implemented by the Assistant Directors (H&T) under the direct supervision and control of the District Collectors concerned who will monitor and submit reports on implementation of the scheme to the Government on Quarterly basis.
b)The Assistant Director (H&T) should furnish the estimates for the funds required on Quarterly basis for furnishing budget estimates to the Government for sanction of funds in proforma – IIwell in advance before commencement of each quarteri.e., at least 30 days before the commencement of each quarter. The first quarter requirements for the year, 2008-09 should be sent at once. Advance subsidy will be placed at the disposal of the District Collector/Assistant Director (H&T) on Quarterly basis, subject to release of funds by Government.
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c)The societies should furnish the Quarterly claims / statementsin complete shape with requisite enclosures under the scheme to the concerned Assistant Directors with in one month from the closure of the Quarter in the proforma- I duly certified by the Bank. If the society fails to furnish the claims with in one month to the Assistant Director (H&T) concerned, the claims will be treated as lapsed
d)The G.M. D.C.C.B. will furnish the quarterly interesteligibility under the scheme of all the societies in the District with in one month from the closure of the quarter in the proforma- III.
e)The Assistant Director (H&T)shall scrutinize the claims preferred by the societies duly obtaining particulars from the Bank concerned and place the claims before the DLC as per eligibility for approval and release funds to the societies on pro-rata basis, in full and final settlement of theapproved claims. No back log claims shall be entertained and carried forward. This should be completed with in two months from the end of the quarter.
f)The societies and APCO should not carry forward the difference between the amount claimed and the amount released in settlement, in the books of the accounts of the society and should not be shown as the amount due from Government. The amount sanctioned and released should only be taken to Profit and Loss Account of the society after release of the amount. The Assistant Directors / Regional Deputy
Director, Hyderabadshould ensure that necessary entries are recorded in the Books of societies /APCO to that effect.
g)The Assistant Director (H&T) should furnish the information on claims received, settled etc in proforma -IVto the D H&T along with resolution of the DLC with in Two months from the date of close of the quarter,. On receipt of the above information the previous advance released to the District will be adjusted and Fresh advance will be released for the next Quarter.
h)If there is any delay in receipt of information from the G.M. DCCBs concerned asmentioned above it shall be brought to the notice of the District Collector, APCOB and to this office promptly.
i)The Managing Director / APCO shall prepare the quarterly claim in the prescribed proforma and furnish the claim to the Regional Deputy Director (H&T), Hyderabad duly Audited by the Auditor of APCO, under intimation to Director of Handlooms and Textiles with in one month after the closure of the quarter and if the APCO in failed to submit the claims with in 30 days it will be treated as lapsed. TheRegional Deputy Director (H&T),Hyderabad shall check the claims with reference to the accounts of APCO and quarterly claim sent by APCO,and the claim, duly certified by the APCOB, workoutthe eligibility as per the norms and adjust the claim against the Advance providedand furnish quarterly reports promptly. The RegionalDeputy Director (H&T) Hyderabad shall furnish the information on advance required and claims adjusted every quarter promptly as per time schedule.
j) The correctness of the Interest subsidy amount payable and paid shall be subject to the Audit by the Auditors of the Coop. Department and also Accountant General, A.P., Hyderabad.
k) Any amount found to have been paid in excess of eligibility detected in audit shall be recovered from the concerned Primary Handloom Weavers Coop. societies by the Assistant Director of Handlooms & Textiles and remitted to Government Account and the officials responsible for allowing such excess payment shall be personally held responsible.
SD/- B.Venkateswara Rao,
Director of Handlooms & Textiles
and DC, AEPs.
// f.b.o. //
Assistant Director (H&T)