William A. Hough High School DECA
Guidelines and Information
For more information see: Mr. Anderson , Ms. Bonner , Ms. Bumgarner ,
Ms. Lee , or Ms. Thornton
Check us out at Houghdeca.webs.com, like us at facebook.com/houghdeca, & sign up for our tweets @HoughDECA
Attached are the following:
1. Chapter registration form*
2. MCEC registration form (on back)*
3. Explanation of events
4. Comprehensive consent form*
5. Medical history form (on back)*
6. DECA dress code & conduct code
7. Criteria for participation at NC-CDC State Competition (on back)
* forms to be completed and returned
DECA is a youth organization associated with Marketing Education. Students enrolled in Marketing Education classes are encouraged to join and participate in DECA activities. There are over 185,000 members in the U.S., Puerto Rico, Guam, Mexico, Germany, and Canada. North Carolina has about 5,000 members in 144 high school chapters.
DECA promotes careers in marketing, management and entrepreneurship. It also helps students develop skills for successful business careers, build self–esteem, experience leadership and practice community service. Business leaders in our community provide support for our DECA program in many ways. They serve as speakers in the classroom, judges at competitive events conferences and provide financial support for local scholarships. Many local and national businesses recognize the importance of student involvement in DECA.
Dues and MCEC registration are $65, cash or check made out to Hough DECA. This includes local, state and international dues, subscription to DECA Dimensions, chapter breakfasts, a DECA T-shirt and MCEC registration. Membership and MCEC registration deadline: noon Thursday, October 11, 2012 (sorry, no exceptions).
TOTAL $65.00
The Marketing Competitive Events Conference (MCEC) is divided into two parts: the testing portion held at Hough High School November 1-7, and the role-play portion held at Myers Park High School on November 14, 2012. Hough students will travel by charter bus to Myers Park HS with a meal provided before the awards session. MCEC offers students the opportunity to compete with other high school students in their chosen career areas. This competition is designed for students to receive valuable recognition for outstanding achievement. Winners receive trophies, plaques, and certificates. Deadline for membership and MCEC registration: noon Thursday, October 11, 2012 (sorry, no exceptions).
The State Career Development Conference (NC-CDC) is held in Greensboro, North Carolina, March 3-5, 2013. Students travel by chartered bus as a Hough delegation to the conference for three days of competition, career workshops and entertainment. However, the only way to attend NC-CDC is to participate in MCEC and receive proficiency in your area of competition at MCEC. Registration & hotel is $200. Deadline for NC-CDC registration: noon Wednesday, December 12, 2012 (sorry, no exceptions).
The International Career Development Conference (ICDC) is held April 23 – 28, 2013 in Anaheim, CA. Members recognized as series winners at NC-CDC have the opportunity to represent North Carolina as competitors at ICDC. Cost is approximately $800.
DECA has numerous scholarship opportunities. Students should plan to major in Business Administration, Marketing, or Marketing Education to qualify for the scholarships listed below:
Marvin B. Rorie Scholarship: Two years full tuition and partial book allowance to CPCC.
T. Carl Brown Scholarship Pool: Up to $1000 to any college or university of student’s choice.
Sonya Williams Dismuke Memorial Scholarship: Up to $1000 to any college or university of student’s choice.
Bryan School of Business & Economics Scholarship: $1000 per year for four years to UNC-Greensboro.
N.C. Retail Merchants Association Scholarship: Partial tuition to any college or university of student’s choice.
Kings College DECA Scholarship: Partial tuition to King’s College.
Art Institute of Charlotte DECA Scholarship: Partial tuition to The Art Institute of Charlotte.
Johnson & Wales University DECA Scholarship: Partial tuition to Johnson & Wales University.
Hough DECA Membership Form
(Please print neatly)
Student Name – Please Print in All Caps:______
Student Number: ______
Grade: ______Marketing Teacher: ______
Semester: (circle one) 1st semester 2nd semester
If not in a Marketing class ’12-’13, previous Marketing course taken & teacher name:
Previous Marketing Course Marketing Teacher Name
T-Shirt Size: (Circle one) Small Medium Large XL XXL XXXL
Parent Email Address: ______
Parent Cell Phone Number: ______
Student Email Address: ______
Student Cell Phone Number: ______
Class Schedule:
1st Semester 2nd Semester
Class Name/Teacher/Room # Class Name/Teacher/Room #
1.______1. ______
2. ______2. ______
3. ______3. ______
4. ______4. ______
Sorry, late registrations cannot be accepted
and we are unable to refund dues/registration fees.
$65 for dues & MCEC registration, cash or check must be attached to the 4 completed forms (2 pages).
Make checks payable to Hough DECA.
Deadline is noon Thursday, October 11, 2012
MCEC Registration Form
(Please print neatly)
The Marketing Competitive Events Conference (MCEC) consists of two parts:
1. On-line testing at WHHS November 1-7. Those in a 1st semester Marketing class may test during class on one of the days. Others will test after school.
2. Role-play portion and awards ceremony at Myers Park High School Wednesday, November 14, after school.
Please read carefully and neatly complete the following:
Participant name______
If you DON’T have a Marketing class 1st semester: Circle your preferred testing date
Thurs. Nov. 1, 2:30-3:30 Fri. Nov. 2, 2:30-3:30 - Mon. Nov. 5, 2:30-3:30 Tues. Nov. 6, 2:30-3:30 Wed. Nov. 7 2:30-3:30
MCEC Event: (Circle one): For explanation of events, see page 4
AAM – Apparel & Accessories Marketing RFSM – Restaurant Full Service Management
BSM – Business Services Marketing RMS – Retail Management Services
FMS – Food Marketing Services SEM – Sports Entertainment Marketing
HLM – Hotel Lodging Management POM - Principles of Marketing (1st year DECA members only)
QSRM – Quick Serve Restaurant Management
MCEC Study Sessions: Tuesdays – Oct. 16, Oct. 23, Oct. 30, Thursday Nov. 8
Dress Code & Behavior Guidelines: See page 7
Transportation to MPHS:
Charter buses will transport all WHHS participants. STUDENTS ARE NOT ALLOWed TO DRIVE –
no exceptions. If parents wish to pick their child up from MPHS following the awards ceremony, please notify the advisor prior to 11/14. Boarding is at 2:30 PM, location for buses at WHHS: TBA.
Dinner at MCEC: Meal will be provided at MPHS for WHHS participants. Room location: TBA.
To be completed by parent/guardian:
Parent name: ______
Parent e-mail address: ______
I give my child, ______permission to participate in the MCEC testing at Wm.Hough High School, November 1-7 (students test on one of the days) and MCEC role-play and awards ceremony at Myers Park High School on Wednesday, November 14, 2012 from 3:30 PM to approximately 8:15 PM. I understand my child will be transported by charter bus.
Parent/guardian signature Date
______Yes, I am able to volunteer at the DECA MCEC at Myers Park High School. You may reach me at ______.
______No, I am unable to volunteer.
Sorry, late registrations cannot be accepted
and we are unable to refund dues/registration fees.
$65 for dues & MCEC registration, cash or check must be attached to the 4 completed forms (2 pages).
Make checks payable to Hough DECA.
Deadline is noon Thursday, October 11, 2012
District DECA Competition (MCEC) Events
(1st yr.)
SEM / u Apparel and Accessories Marketing: The student is given a description of a specific situation that measures skills, knowledge and attitudes in apparel and accessories marketing or marketing management. Students will be challenged to perform marketing and management functions and tasks in retail establishments, wholesale establishments and/or manufacturing firms primarily engaged in the marketing of clothing and related articles for personal wear and adornment. Roles in these events are those of customers, employees, supervisors and managers.
uPrinciples of Marketing: The student is given a description of a specific situation that measures skills, knowledge and attitudes in marketing. Students will be challenged to perform marketing and management functions and tasks related to Marketing Communications, Management, Marketing Research and Sales. Roles in these events are those of customers, employees, supervisors, managers and entrepreneurs.
u Business Services Marketing: The student is given a description of a specific situation that measures skills, knowledge and attitudes in business services marketing. Students will be challenged to perform marketing functions and tasks involved in providing services to businesses on a fee or contract basis or providing services to consumers. Roles in these events are those of customers, employees, supervisors, managers and entrepreneurs.
u Food Marketing: The student is given a description of a specific situation that measures skills, knowledge and attitudes in food marketing or marketing management. Students will be challenged to perform marketing and management functions and tasks in retail establishments, wholesale establishments and manufacturing firms resulting in the sale of food. Roles in these events are those of customers, employees, supervisors, managers and entrepreneurs.
u Hotel and Lodging Management: The student is given a description of a specific situation that measures skills, knowledge and attitudes in hotel and lodging marketing or marketing management. Students will be challenged to perform marketing and management functions and tasks in hotels, motels, lodging services, convention services, and food and beverage services. Roles in these events are those of customers, employees, supervisors and managers.
u Quick Serve Restaurant Management: The student is given a description of a specific situation that measures skills, knowledge and attitudes in quick-service restaurant management. Students will be challenged to perform marketing functions and tasks in retail establishments, wholesale establishments and manufacturing firms primarily engaged in the quick-serve restaurant industry. Roles in these events are those of customers, employees, supervisors, managers and entrepreneurs.
u Restaurant and Food Service Management: The student is given a description of a specific situation that measures skills, knowledge and attitudes in restaurant and food service management. Students will be challenged to perform marketing and management functions and tasks in a full-service restaurant or a food-service business. Roles in these events are those of supervisors, managers and entrepreneurs.
u Retail Merchandising: The student is given a description of a specific situation that measures skills, knowledge and attitudes in retail merchandising management. Students will be challenged to perform marketing and management functions and tasks that can be applied in any retail establishment. Roles in these events are those of customers, employees, supervisors and managers.
u Sports and Entertainment Marketing: The student is given a description of a specific situation that measures skills, knowledge and attitudes in sports and entertainment marketing. Students will be challenged to perform marketing and management functions and tasks related to amateur or professional sports or sporting events, entertainment or entertainment events, selling or renting of supplies and equipment (other than vehicles) used for recreational or sporting purposes, products and services related to hobbies or cultural events, or businesses primarily engaged in satisfying the desire to make productive or enjoyable use of leisure time. Roles in these events are those of supervisors and managers.
Please PRINT
North Carolina DECA
Comprehensive Consent Form
William A. Hough High School School Student’s Name
J. Anderson, C. Bonner, C. Bumgarner, and L. Lee ( )
Advisors Student’s Home Phone
Information: This form, completed with all information and required signatures, must be submitted by each DECA member prior to attending any district, state or national DECA function. It is recommended this form be on file in each local school by September 30 and be retained for one calendar year. Additionally, the DECA Advisor must bring this form to each district, state and national function. Completion and signing of this document indicates the student, parent or guardian, and school administrator have read this form and approve its contents. Completion and signing of this document provides consent for:
1. Student travel to and from and attendance at 3. Student abiding by Conduct Code
conferences/activities specified below 4. Student abiding by Dress Code
2. Emergency medical treatment 5. Waiver of Liability
Philosophy: It is a privilege and honor for a student to attend local, district, state and international DECA functions. As such, each student represents his/her school, community and family as a young, business professional. Students are expected to follow all Rules and Regulations stated herein. In cases of uncertainty, the student should confer with his/her advisor or chaperone prior to acting, since ignorance of our rules is not an acceptable excuse. Teachers, chaperones, state staff, and the Leadership Council assume the responsibility of enforcing Rules and Regulations to ensure, to the greatest degree possible, the safety and well-being of the student.
Conferences: Consent and approval indicated by the signing parties are applicable to the following activities:
1. DECA Marketing Leadership Conference 6. International DECA CDC
2. DECA Officer Leadership Training 7. State Officer Leadership Training (SOLD Con)
3. DECA Marketing Competitive Events Conference 8. State Officer Training Meetings
4. NC DECA Career Development Conference 9. Other Workshops and Activities financed by NC
5. DECA Southern Region Conference DECA
*****I, as indicated by my signature below,
Name of Parent or Guardian Relationship
Medical of
Consent: Student Age
(Please Print) ( )
Complete Home Address with Zip Home Phone
( ) hereby authorize in advance any necessary medical treatment required by
Cell Phone
while traveling to, from, and while attending all DECA functions.
Student Name
Travel and I, as indicated by my signature below, give my son/daughter permission to travel to/from and attend the
Attendance: conferences/activities referenced on this form.
Conduct We, as indicated by our signatures, have read and will abide by the Dress and Conduct Code appearing on
Code: the conduct form.
Waiver of We, as indicated by our signatures below, agree to waive the liability of NC DECA, and its staff, the North Carolina Liability: Department of Public Instruction, the Marketing Education Instructor/Advisor and chaperones accident or illness occurring during transit or while participating in DECA functions listed on this form.