Guidelines and Formatting Instructions for Final Papers

Please upload your final paper to the RDW website before 11:59 PM on May 31, 2017 (CET – Central European Time). Please note that inclusion of accepted papers in the final conference program is conditional on timely conference registration and the uploading of full paper.All uploaded papers should correspond to the following format:


Please use the coversheet template on page 2 to provide the following information: title of the paper, author(s), affiliation, email, abstract, keywords and copyright policy.

Please prepare an abstract of no more than 400 words. The abstract should summarise your paper and give a clear idea of the line of reasoning and the main conclusions. Abstracts should not include equations, diagrams, footnotes, or parenthetical references, but may include numbers.

Key words

Please list maximum of 5 key words in alphabetical order. Consider standard words or terms that describe your methodology and conclusions.

Paper format

Page size: A4 (21cm x 29.7cm)

Margins: 2.54cm(top/bottom/left/right)

Font: 11 point standard font (e.g. Calibri, Times New Roman, Arial, etc.)

Spacing: 1.5

(usebold for vectors and matrices, italics for variables, superscript, subscript).

Language and length

Papers must be in English and should not exceed 7,000 words, not including diagrams, figures, and tables.

Citations and bibliographical references

The preferred form of citation is the Harvard style, i.e. the inclusion in the text, within parentheses, of the author’s last name, year of publication and, if applicable, page number(s). A reference list – in alphabetical order by the author’s last name – should be provided at the end of the paper.

File format

Please upload only PDF or WORD files of no more than 10 MB. Name the file according to the following format: FirstAuthorFamilyName_SubmissionID.pdf

Copyright and access

Abstracts and full papers are made available to registered participants only before the conference so that discussants and chairs can prepare their sessions. The RDW Organizing Committee believes that this is important for research dissemination. The copyright policy can be adjusted on the cover page. However, if you oppose the publication of your paper on our internal portal, you may select the respective option in the submission portal. In this case, you are required toemail a copy of your paper to your panel members (chair, participants, and discussants) as listed in the programme.



Authors affiliation [Department, University, Country]

Email corresponding author

Paper prepared for presentation at the

“5th Conference of the Regulating for Decent Work Network”

At the International Labour Office Geneva, Switzerland

3-5 July 2017


[Please provide an abstract of no more than 400 words. The abstract should give a clear idea of the line of reasoning in the paper and the main conclusions. Abstracts should not include equations, diagrams, footnotes or parenthetical references, but may include numbers]

Keywords: Please list a maximum of 5 key words in alphabetical order, separated by commas.

Copyright 2017 by author(s). All rights reserved.

Choose a copyright policy.