Guided Lecture Notes

Chapter 23: The School-Age Child With a Major Illness

Learning Objective1. Describe (a) simple partial seizures, (b) simple partial sensory seizures, and (c) complex partial (psychomotor) seizures.

  • Discuss types of partial seizures. (Refer to PowerPointslide 2).

Learning Objective 2. Describe (a) tonic-clonic seizures, (b) absence seizures, (c) atonic or akinetic seizures, (d) myoclonic seizures, and (e) infantile spasms.

  • List and briefly discuss types of generalized seizures. (Refer to PowerPointslide


  • Discuss emergency treatment of status epilepticus. (Refer to PowerPointslide


  • Identify common diagnostics that aid in the diagnosis of seizures. (Refer to

PowerPointslide 5).

  • Discuss treatment for seizures. (Refer to PowerPointslide 6).
  • Identify components of seizure precautions. (Refer to PowerPointslide 7).

Learning Objective 3. List factors than can trigger an asthma attack.

  • Discuss the clinical manifestations, treatment, and nursing care of the child with

hay fever. (Refer to PowerPointslide 8).

  • Identify common treatments for the child with asthma. (Refer to PowerPoint

slide 9).

Learning Objective 4. Describe the physiologic response that occurs in the respiratory tract during an asthma attack.

  • Describe the nursing process of asthma. (Refer to PowerPointslides 10and


Learning Objective 5. Name the bacterium usually responsible for the infection that leads to the development of rheumatic fever.

  • Discuss the infection associated with rheumatic fever. (Refer to PowerPoint

slide 12).

Learning Objective 6. List the major manifestations of rheumatic fever.

  • List and briefly describe the clinical manifestations of rheumatic fever. (Refer to

PowerPointslide 13).

  • Discuss how rheumatic fever is diagnosed and treated. (Refer to PowerPointslide 14).
  • Describe nursing management for the child with rheumatic fever. (Refer to

PowerPointslides 15-16).

  • Describe minor and major manifestations of rheumatic fever. (Refer to

PowerPointslide 17).

Learning Objective 7. List the symptoms of appendicitis; differentiate symptoms of the

older and the younger child.

  • Describe symptoms of appendicitis in the young. Compare them with those of the older child. (Refer to PowerPointslide 18).

Learning Objective 8. Identify three intestinal parasites common to children and state

the route of entry for each.

  • Describe how intestinal parasites enter the human body. (Refer to PowerPoint

slide 18).

Learning Objective 9. Discuss the importance of good skin care, correct insulin

administration, and exercise in the diabetic child.

  • Briefly describe type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus. (Refer to PowerPointslide


  • (Refer to PowerPointslide 20).
  • Discuss insulin therapy in children with type 1 diabetes mellitus. (Refer to

PowerPointslide 21).

  • Describe the nursing process of a child with type 1 diabetes mellitus. (Refer to

PowerPointslide 22).

  • Identify clinical manifestations and treatment for the child with type 2 diabetes

mellitus. (Refer to PowerPointslide 23).

  • Describe the location for subcutaneous injection sites. (Refer to Figure 23.7).

Learning Objective 10. Identify the physiologic causes of enuresis.

  • Discuss physiologic causes of enuresis. (Refer to PowerPointslide 24).

Learning Objective 11. Discuss four types of fractures seen in children.

  • Compare a complete fracture with that of an incomplete fracture. (Refer to

PowerPointslide 25).

  • Describe types of fractures seen in the child. (Refer to Figure 23.8).

Learning Objective 12. Describe the purpose of doing neurovascular checks in a child

with a musculoskeletal disorder.

  • Discuss CMS as a method for monitoring neurovascular status.

Learning Objective 13. List and define the five Ps to observe, record, and report when

caring for a child in a cast.

  • Describe what parameters need to be in included in monitoring neurovascular


Learning Objective 14. Name the bacterium that usually causes osteomyelitis.

  • Discuss possible primary infectionsthat proceed osteomyelitis. (Refer to

PowerPointslide 26).

Learning Objective 15. Identify the most common form of muscular dystrophy and

describe its characteristics.

  • Describe clinical manifestations of muscular dystrophy. (Refer to PowerPoint

slides 26-27).

  • Discuss the nursing process of child with an integumentary disorder. (Refer to

PowerPoint slides 28-30).

  • Describe types of fungal infections.
  • Explain the characteristics of a child with attention deficit disorder. (Refer to

PowerPointslide 31).