This guide introduces you to the George Green Library of Science and Engineering.
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September 2005
The George Green Library is an integral part of Information Services. It was opened in 1964 and brought together a number of departmental libraries in science and engineering. Its basic aim is to provide the full range of library and information services appropriate to a University and it is deliberately sited close to the academic departments it serves.
1.Hours of opening – library facilities
Monday – Friday08.00 – 21.45
08.00 – 9.00 am (Reference only)
Saturday09.00 – 16.45
Sunday09.30 – 16.45
Monday – Friday09.00 – 20.45
Saturday09.00 – 16.45
(except in August)
Note: After 17.00 on weekdays and 12.30 on Saturdays the library collection is open for reference use only during vacation.
The library is CLOSED on Saturdays during August.
2.Information Services Computer Resource Area (ISCRA)
A 24-hour ISCRA facility is located on the ground floor of George Green Library. This facility provides access to various electronic information sources and programmes. During normal working hours, access can be gained through the library. Outside these hours, access is by University Smart Card via the rear entrance (where a ramp is located). A 34place training room within the ISCRA is bookable via GroupWise.
The library collection is organised on a subject divisional basis, with divisions for both Engineering and Science (the latter including both Biological and Pure Sciences). Each division has its own qualified librarian with support from professional and non-professional colleagues. The aim is to provide within each subject division a high level of subject support, including enquiries and user training.
The library stock covers all subjects taught in the Faculties of Science and Engineering.
There are approximately 105,100 books and pamphlets and 70,000 periodical volumes in stock. Over 1,300 periodical titles are currently taken, with many more titles available electronically. The Porter Collection of ornithological books is kept in the Rare Book Room.
5.Study places
There is a variety of seating spaces within the library, including 2 group study carrels, 32 individual study spaces, desk seating and workstations in the ISCRA.
The immediate population served by the George Green Library is ‘the undergraduate and postgraduate students in the Faculties of Science and Engineering, as well as the academic, academic-related and technical staff.’ However, members of the University from other schools are also entitled to use the library.
Eating, drinking and smoking are not permitted in the Library. Talking should be kept to acceptable levels. There is a ‘phone zone’ in the foyer where mobiles may be used. To avoid disturbance to other library users, mobiles should be switched off elsewhere in the Library.
We welcome suggestions for improving our services. There are two student representatives on the Library Advisory Board, which also includes representatives of each Faculty. There are also Faculty User Groups whose departmental representatives liaise with their Staff-Student Consultative Committees. There is a Suggestions Box in the George Green Library where you may note your comments. You may also send your comments by email to
The library staff will be glad to hear any suggestions which might help us to improve our service to you.
9.Staff of the George Green Library
General Enquiries and
opening times
(recorded message)14570
Lending Desk Supervisor14581
(Adam Pickard-Brace)
Engineering Division
Engineering enquiries14577
Engineering Librarian67463
(Chris Middleton)
Science Division
Science enquiries14576
Science Librarian14574
(Dinah Northall)
Inter-Library Loans
Sue Bingham14571
Tracey O’Sullivan
Tracey O’Sullivan12121
Library Assistants
Christine Alcock
Helen Sykes
Barbara Cooksley*
Elizabeth Hunt*(A)
Jackie Lindsay (A)
Lee Houghton
Penny Hassall*
Ian Johnson*
Sholeh Sadgehi
Yuen Yan Cheung
Anne Webster*
Pauline Wheeler
Building Supervisor
John Miller*(84)66226
Porters (all part-time)
Dennis Bywater,
Roy Elston,
Graham Etherington,
David Jacques,
Joe Evans
Mike Smith,
John Woodward (84)66537
A=Access Assistants (part-time
– evenings/weekends)
10.Borrowing a book
Take the book you wish to borrow, together with your borrower’s card, to the Self-issue machines, where you may issue the book to yourself and receive a receipt with the due date. Books are subject to recall if requested by another borrower.
If you have problems with this service, please enquire at the lending desk.
An electronic detection system is in operation at the exit. All books not issued at George Green Library should be passed to the Porter on duty.
11. Returning a book
Returned books should be returned via the self-check machines. Please wait until the loan record has been cancelled. Follow the instructions as to where to place the returned book. Remember that you are responsible for books issued in your name if the loan record remains un-cancelled.
The ‘book return’ boxes outside the Library may be used to return books when the Library is closed.
12. Loan entitlements
These are as follows:
Undergraduates 8 books
MSc/MA/PGDip students10 books
PhD/MPhil students15 books
Academic staff30 books
Non-academic staff 8 books
External borrowers 6 books
The period of loan for undergraduates, masters’ students and non-academic staff is up to the end of the semester in which the book is issued.
The period of loan for PhD/MPhil students and for academic staff is up to the end of the academic year in which the book is issued.
(These periods apply to ordinary loan items only and not to one week loans.)
Books may be recalled before the above dates if required by another reader.
In addition to the above entitlements, two books may be borrowed from the short loan collection.
Periodicals may be borrowed by University staff and PhD students only.
13. Self-issue service
From October 2004 there will be self-issue machines located on the ground floor of the library. These can be used by borrowers in good standing with the library. These machines will increase the services available during reference only hours, and help reduce the queues at the lending desk. Certain items will still need to be issued via the lending desk staff.
14.Reference books
Certain books are for reference use only and these are identified by a coloured band.
15. Reservations
Use the library online catalogue (UNLOC) to reserve any items which are out on loan. Identify the item using the standard search and then ‘request’.
You can check your own library record to find out when the book becomes available. Please supply us with your University email address if you wish to be notified immediately.
Please note that you need your borrower number and pin number to make a reservation.
16. Recalls
If a book is recalled from you, you must return it by the date given on the notice. Failure to bring the book back on time means that another reader is kept waiting and you will be fined. Fines will be levied for the late return of books at other times also.
17. One Week Loan copies
When titles are known to be in particular demand, some copies are designated One Week Loan to provide maximum access for readers.
18. Short Loan Collection
The Short Loan Collection is located next to the Lending Desk and consists of books, course notes and periodical articles which are in heavy demand. Items may be issued using the Self-Issue machine in this area. To enable maximum use of these items, they are issued for a 24-hour or weekend loan period. Some items are restricted to Library Use Only. High Fines are charged for late return. Short loan items may be reserved in advance. For full details read the information sheet Short Loan Collection in the George Green Library (guide IS2314).
19. Inter-Library Loans
The inter-library loan system may be used to obtain material from other libraries. For further details please see other relevant guides. Requests can be made electronically using UNLOC.
20. Photocopying
There are self-service photocopiers on each floor of the Library. See the leaflet on Photocopying in theGeorge Green Library (guide IS2311) for further details.
21. Carrels
There are two group study carrels in the Library where groups of up to four students may work together. There is also an AV carrel equipped with a tv/vcr and headphones. These carrels are allocated on a ‘first come, first-served’ basis. A £5.00 refundable deposit is required on collection of the key. There are also a few individual study carrels. Priority is given to students with special requirements.
This is a general guide to the George Green Library and its services.
More detailed guides on specific resources and services are available from
– select Support & Contacts
then Guides & Publications.
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September 2005