1. Application Form – all blanks filled in, signed and dated by the applicant or agent, if Ocean Hazard AEC, a completed AEC Hazard form signed by the property owner
  1. Application Fee - $100.00
  1. Documentation of notification of adjacent property owners (copies of letters/ mail receipts if applicable)
  1. A copy of a Zoning Certification and/or the Improvements Permit, for installation of your septic system, if applicable
  1. A copy of the property survey, if applicable
  1. Project Drawings
  2. All drawings should include the following information

- Name and project address (title box).

- Property dimensions and names of adjacent property owners indicated.

- Dimensions and location of all existing and proposed structures, driveways, and sewage disposal system and improvements permit if applicable. Decks labeled as covered or uncovered and dimensions shown.

- Adjacent water body labeled and Normal High Water (NHW) or Normal Water Level (NWL) contour shown.

- Marsh and/or wetland areas labeled (wetland delineation documentation from USACOE Army Corps of Engineers included with application, if applicable)

- All areas of ground disturbance and/or landscaping shown.

  1. Additional information for project drawings in the Ocean Hazard Area AECs

- All dunes and dune system contours, labeling the dune crest and both the landward and oceanward dune toes. Also, spot elevations on the highest portion of the dunes

-The first line of stable, natural vegetation and applicable setback from the vegetation line

NOTE: Additional drawing(s) for each floor plan and a side view or elevation drawings may be necessary for projects in the Ocean Hazard Area.

  1. Additional information for project drawings in the Coastal Shoreline AECs

- Dimensions of the footprint/roofline (outside walls + roof overhang) of the structure(s).

-Dimensions of all decks labeled either covered or open (all elevated decks with concrete below them at ground level are considered covered, roof or not ).

-Normal High Water (NHW) or Normal Water Level (NWL) contour.

-Area of Environmental Concern (AEC) located; 75 feet landward of NHW/NWL for Estuarine Shoreline AEC (Coastal or Joint Waters); or 575 feet landward of NHW/NWL for Estuarine Shoreline AEC, if adjacent to Outstanding Resource Waters; or 30 feet landward of NHW/NWL for adjacent to Public Trust Shoreline (Inland Waters).

- 30 ft. buffer line shown


  1. Accept Minor Permit application as complete (25 day clock starts). Copy to DCM within 5 days
  2. Send public notice for publication. Copy to DCM within 5 days. Allow 8-15 days from the date of publication for public comments.
  3. Conduct a site visit to verify that all the dimensions and information in the application are accurate and post sign.
  4. Contact applicant if the site visit results in the need for additional information (Incomplete Application Letter) or additional time for review (Extension Letter). Copy to DCM within 5 days.
  5. Copy DCM on any other correspondence that is generated or received during the CAMA Minor Permit application review process (i.e. letters of objection from neighbors or public). Copy to DCM within 5 days.
  6. Ensure that the proposed development is consistent with the local Land Use Plan, applicable CAMA rules and any other local ordinances or requirements: then draft a CAMA Minor Permit with standard and site specific permit conditions and review draft with your DCM Field Representative, if applicable.
  7. Issue CAMA Minor Permit. Copy to DCM within 5 days. Notify any objecting party of the permit action. This letter(s) should be sent the same day that the permit is issued. Copy to DCM within 5 days.
  8. Stake the erosion setback line prior to the setting/driving of pilings for project in the Ocean Hazard Area AECs. Stake/inspect buffer compliance for projects in the Coastal Shoreline AECs. Monitor all projects for compliance with permit conditions.
  9. Conduct final inspection.


  1. Accept applicable project notification from applicant to include: name, mailing address and telephone number of the landowner; and the location of the proposed work to include: the project site address, county, nearest community and name of the waterbody closest to the project; and an accurate drawing showing the proposed project, and if applicable, cost analysis and materials list (7K.0103), signed AEC Hazard Notice (7K.0213), or signatures of no objection from adjacent property owners (7K.0208).
  2. Conduct a site visit
  3. Issue a letter of Exemption to applicant in accordance with 7K.0103, 7K.0207, 7K.0208, 7K.0209, 7K.0212 or 7K.0213. Include any site specific conditions that are necessary.
  4. Provide a copy of the applicable rules to the applicant.
  5. Copy to DCM within 5 days.