Guide Students to Learn Over 50 Different Latin and Greek Roots and Over 50 Homograph Pairs
Have Fun in the Process: Each game teaches 3-5 roots. There are definitions of words using these roots along with a picture representing each word. The picture really helps ELL students and struggling readers to succeed. There is usually only one answer word with the root included in the definition, so if the meanings of the roots are displayed for students to see, all students can experience success by using their deductive reasoning skills. If there are two words with the correct root, one is connected with another weekly root that would make the answer incorrect.Homograph games are created in a similar fashion and also have companion Socrative quiz codes in their description.
For teachers: Socrative quizzes for pretesting and postesting knowledge of these roots are available. Codes are part of the Kahoot description. Socrative quizzes that will ask students to apply their knowledge of these roots will be added to my Socrative site soon. Their codes will also appear in their respective Kahoot titles.
To access the games, go to and sign up for a teacher account. Search for the username Jake1994, and all of my games will appear. Click play and a game number will on your screen.
Using a different ipad or computer, have your children search for Theywill then enter the code on your screen. Once they have entered the code and their name, you may start the game. Display the meaning of the roots for children to reference. The games take between 20 and 30 minutes.Possible grade level divisions follow, but have not been determined for sure. For 2016, play any of the games.
Roots Possibly Focused on in Third Grade: 1-4
1“mono/uni” both mean one
“bi” means two
“tri” means three
2“quad/quar” both mean four
“quint/pent” both mean five
“oct” means eight
“dec” means ten
“cent” means 100
3“micro” means very small,
1/1,000,000 in the metric system
“mega” means very large, 1,000,000 in the metric system
“super” means extra good, large,
better, or above and beyond
“hyper”means over, beyond, above,
excessive, a lot
4“tele” means far away or distant
“phon” means sound
“photo” means light
“graph” means to write
Roots Possibly Focused on in Fourth Grade: 5-8
5 “geo” means earth
“therm” means heat
“scope” means to see
“meter” means to measure
“logy” means study of
6“spect” means to look
“port” means to carry
“form” means shape
7“dic” means to say or speak
“aud” means to hear
“vis” means to see
8“gress” means to go
“tract” means to draw or pull
“rupt” means to break
“mot” means to move
Roots Possibly Focused on in Fifth Grade 9-12
9“fract” means to break
“flect/flex” means to bend
“ject” means to throw
“mit/mis” means to send
10“manu” means hand
“script/scrip” means to write
“cred” means to believe
“fac” means to make
11“duc/duct” means to lead
“sequ/sec” means to follow
“flu” means to flow
“ver” means truth
“vert” means turn
12“bene” means good
“mal” means bad
“ante” is a prefix meaning before
“post” is a prefix means after