Hazard / Who might be harmed / Existing controls / Relevant standards / Risk assessment / Future actions
General / Occupiers, visitors, contractors, students, out-of-hours cleaners / All hazardous tasks to be risk assessed and documented, and control measure properly implemented / Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations / Supervisors to ensure compliance.
Regular safety inspections by SA’s
Fire lab / workshop / Occupiers, visitors, contractors, out-of-hours cleaners / UOM policies and practices for
fire detection system
evacuation procedures
fire action notices
Centre building representative
no smoking policy
provision & maintenance of fire extinguishers
collection of flammable
waste materials
electrical maintenance
fire risk assessment for building
minimal storage of solvents / degreasers
exit routes kept clear of obstructions
maintenance of flammable cylinders and equipment
correct storage of chemicals and flammable materials
correct labelling of chemicals and reagents / Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations for emergency procedures, as amended by Fire Precautions (Workplace) Regs
Fire risk assessments carried out by Safety Office and Estates
UOM and departmental policies and procedures re safe laboratory practices
BOC / BCGA Codes / Low x Low / Medium = Low / Medium / Supervisor to inspect exit routes regularly and report any problems to SA
SA to implement checks
regular leak tests on cylinders, connections and pipework for flammable or toxic gases. Records to be kept
correct warning notices
Electrical – shock & fire / All users, visitors, contractors, cleaners / Portable appliances checked annually (records to be kept)
Fixed electrical equipment annually checked visually by Centre.
Installation electrically tested for safety by Estates on 8 year basis / Electricity at Work Regulations 1989
UOM policy on portable appliances and non-portable appliances / Low x medium = medium / Check PAT up-to-date. Check all new appliances have been included on database
Supervisors to institute visual checks by users to identify damaged cables, overloaded sockets (and identify any training need)
Manual handling (lab/workshop) / All staff and students - Movement of gas cylinders, work pieces, deliveries, equipment, etc / Trolleys used to transport materials, including cylinders, from delivery point to lab.
Manual handling minimised by using mechanical aids
See Manual handling assessments
Trained Manual handlers available for advice and help
Detailed assessments for non-routine handling / Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992
Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 / Medium x low = medium / Supervisor to identify all lifting tasks, and check if further use can be made of mechanical aids.
Where manual lifting still required, Supervisor to identify training needs (with advice from SA or Occ Health staff) and arrange for formal assessment.
Supervisor to maintain records of all written risk assessments for manual handling tasks
Display screen work
(visual display units) / All who use DSE regularly and are classed as “users”. / UOM guidance on DSE work (formal policy in preparation)
Use of HSE self-assessment form for each individual, with follow up by SSA. Provision of information on risks by distribution of advisory leaflet “Working with VDUs”.
Provision of information and training on use of adjustments to workstation and need for regular breaks.
Advice from SA or Occ Health on ergonomic issues.
Referral of anyone complaining of symptoms associated with use of DSE to SSA or Occ Health
UOM Policy on eye tests / Health & Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992 / Low x low = low / SA and Supervisor to review records of self- assessment, ensure records up-to-date and reflect any changes.
SA to follow up any problem areas with individuals, and consult SSA or Occ Health if solution is not obvious. Records to be kept.
Slips, trips and falls / All staff, students and visitors / UOM policy on reporting defects contact SA extension 63596.
Supervisor to tour area regularly to check for defects to floor coverings, tripping hazards, obstructions, lighting defects, etc.
Staff instructed to keep filing cabinet drawers closed when not in use.
All staff instructed to remove obstructions, waste materials, trailing cables & clear up spillages promptly, and encouraged to report defects / Workplace (Health, Safety & Welfare) Regs 1992 / Low x medium = medium / Supervisor to carry out (or delegate) regular inspections of office areas and keep a record.
Hygiene & welfare / All staff and visitors / Toilets nearby provided with hot and cold water, soap and towels.
Drinking water provided at dispenser.
Shortages and defects reported to Unit TSM. / Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regs 1992 / Low x low = low
Housekeeping & Storage / All staff, students and visitors / Always keep walkways free from obstruction
Always clean work area after use
Always keep the area safe and tidy
Safely dispose of all unwanted material / Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regs 1992 / Low x Low = Low / Supervisors to regularly check work areas.
Report any problems to SA
Environment / All staff, students and visitors / UOM Estates provide heating, lighting and ventilation in accordance with Workplace Regulations
Space – all occupiers have sufficient space to carry out work without difficulty / Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regs 1992,
UOM practices on fitting out office accommodation / Low x low = low / Supervisor would take up complaints about provision of these basic environmental needs with Unit TSM.
Falling objects / Staff, students and visitors / Light materials stored on higher level shelving; heavier items on shelves at waist height.
No dangerous reagents / chemicals to be stored above shoulder height
Step ladder or kick stool provided to reach upper shelves.
No staff to stand on chairs. / Workplace (Health, Safety & Welfare) Regs 1992 / Low x low = low / Senior manager to inspect occasionally to ensure storage and use of shelves as stated.
Report any problems to SA
Filing cabinets / All Occupants / Cabinets fitted with device to limit no of drawers open at any time to one only (or cabinet fitted with alternative anti-tilt device) / General good office practice / Low x low = low / None
Chemicals, dusts and biohazards / All users, and others entering lab.
Those particularly at risk may include asthmatics if respiratory sensitisers are used. / See separate detailed COSHH assessments for each chemical used / stored in Red Safety folder
Minimum quantities to be stored.
Containers properly labelled.
Containers properly sealed.
Selection and use of appropriate personal protective equipment, where other controls are not reasonably practicable
Safety glasses mandatory
Training, information and supervision given where required. (records kept in Red safety folder)
Reagents correctly stored (i.e. Acids /solvents cabinets)
If required monitoring inspections or health surveillance carried out - records to be kept
Use of fume cupboards as local exhaust ventilation
LEV performance monitored continuously by alarms, and examined in detail every year (records kept)
Use of more hazardous materials eliminated where possible at experimental design stage.
Shelf storage has upturn or other restriction to prevent bottles falling off.
Assessments explained to by Supervisor
Training in safe lab techniques by Supervisor or Technician.
Supervision levels specified in COSHH and risk assessments
All chemicals / solutions / compounds must be properly labelled
correct disposal procedures in place
Sensitisers, Carcinogens and HF to be used in designated areas
Users of carcinogens must be monitored
registered users only and health monitoring for sensitisers
registered users and vaccinations / health monitoring for bio-hazard users, where appropriate / COSHH regulations 2002 and Approved Codes of Practice on COSHH, carcinogens, biological agents (and forthcoming, on respiratory sensitisers) require assessment, control, maintenance of control measures, monitoring and health surveillance in certain cases, and information, instruction and training for persons exposed.
Personal Protective Equipment Regulations 1992
UOM procedures for biohazards and respiratory sensitisers. / Variable depending on substance – see COSHH assessment.
Generally, risk low as small quantities only used. / Supervisor to ensure that all COSHH assessments are in order, up-to-date, and information given to those exposed.
Supervisor to identify any outstanding training needs.
Supervisor to review personal protective equipment to ensure every item provides intended protection, is being worn correctly, and is properly maintained and stored.
Power operated machinery Cutting, crushing, jabbing, shearing, entanglement, etc from power driven machinery
(workshop) / User (technician, or person authorised by Supervisor) / Detailed risk assessments for each machine, referring to :
identification of risks
maintenance procedures
training for users
assessment of competence of each user / authorisation
guarding of dangerous parts in accordance with PUWER
guard interlocks tested annually and records kept
provision of stop, emergency stop and isolation controls
local display of HSE poster (for abrasive wheels and woodworking equipment)
removal of swarf / waste material / dust
maintenance of any local exhaust ventilation detailed examination of LEV every 12-14 months (records to be kept)
selection of the right equipment for the job via assessment and allocation of work
hot surfaces protected by
warning signs provided
lighting levels around equipment and workpieceadequate
sufficient space to work in safety without colliding with others or with fixtures.
Signs and provision of relevant personal protective equipment including eye protection, aprons, gloves, etc / Provision & Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 (PUWER) / Will vary for each machine / Ensure records of training, servicing and maintenance kept.
Various from use of hand tools
(Workshop) / Staff, Students and visitors / Hand tools issued must be maintained a safe condition
Regular monitoring by Workshop Supervisor (records to be kept) / Good workshop practice / Various / None
Use of Sharp hand tools (eg needles, razor blades) / User and cleaner / Guideline for safe use and disposal
● Dispose of sharps in sharps box
Asbestos dust – from structural elements (eg ceiling / wall boards and tiles), and in equipment (gaskets, rope) / Technicians, and visitors to workshop / No new equipment, items containing asbestos to be brought into the Centre
Prohibition on any work to structure without consulting Estates Area Managers
UOM register of asbestos survey, and control of contractors by Estates Dept.
Departmental knowledge of presence of asbestos in equipment, and compliance with UOM Code on Asbestos in Equipment / Control of Asbestos at Work Regulations 1987
Estates Codeof Practice E10 on “Management of Asbestos”
UOM Code on Asbestos in equipment, and guidance on inadvertent exposure / Low / low medium = medium / Supervisor to remind technicians not to drill into or otherwise work on any structural element without consulting Estates.
Report all incidents to SA
Noise / Staff, Students and visitors / Noise survey carried out by SA (details to be kept)
No-one exposed to over first action level of 85 dB(A) averaged over 8 hour working day. But, noise from a machine exceeds 90dB(A) ear protection to be provided for users and those present when in use.
Operators trained in wearing protection.
Equipment maintained regularly and kept in good order. / Noise at Work Regulations 1989
Personal Protective
Equipment Regulations 1992 / Low x low = low / Keep under review, as legislation will tighten controls in near future.
Specify noise levels in any new equipment.
Pressure systems (compressor / air receiver) / Technicians, maintenance / examination engineers, others present / Pressure system selected and suitable for load / use.
Air receiver subject to examination in accordance with written scheme (arranged through UOM insurers, records to be kept) – unless exempt under the Regulations.
Technicians trained in use of pressure system (records to be kept) / Pressure Systems Safety Regulations 2000 / Variable depending on equipment and use / Supervisor to keep all records up-to-date, and under review.
New hazards introduced by new work / Staff, Student or visitor / Each piece of work subject to risk assessment by Supervisor, or by academic designing / specifying work, unless already covered by risk assessments for routine work. / UOM Code of Practice on risk assessment / Variable / Variable
Out-of Hours working / User / Out-of-hours work permit required for non staff
All Out-of-hour practical work to be Risk assessed
Pairs rule applies unless authorised / School safety guidelines
Out-of –hours and Lone working must be covered by risk assessment / Low / Out-of –hours and Lone working risk assessment for all labs
Lone Working / User / Assessment of allowable practical work
All hazardous lone working to be Risk assessed / Departmental safety policy
Out-of –hours and Lone working risk assessment
UOM lone working policy / Low / Out-of –hours and Lone working risk assessment for all labs
Hot surfaces and furnaces / User / Warning notices on very hot surfaces
PPE available / Low / PPE available and hot surfaces labelled
Compressed gas usage / Anyone in room / Training / SOM014 – The transport and use of compressed gas cylinders. / Inspection of Gauge heads – SOM018
Risk assessment completed by ………………………..………… …Dated ……………… ………………
(School Senior Safety Advisor) room D2b, MaterialsScienceBuilding, Ext. 63596