Guide for ContributorsUsing Editorial Manager for Books
Table of Contents
Getting Started
Logging in
Changing Your Password
Accepting an Invitation to Submit
Submitting a Chapter
Enter Title
Adding Co-Contributors
Enter Comments
Attach or Download Files
Completing and Approving Your Chapter
Contributor PDF Approval
Tracking the Progress of Your Chapter Submission
Submitting a Revised Chapter
Initiating the Revised Chapter Submission
Books content is handled on Editorial Manager. Contributors, Reviewers, Editors, and the Publisher use the system to collect and manage chapters. Before using the system, your Editorial Coordinator should reach out to you about an upcoming book project, and then contact you via Editorial Manager to submit your chapter(s). Chapters shouldbe submitted on Editorial Manager.
Getting Started
Once you have received a notification e-mail from the Editorial Coordinator containing your username and password, you can start to use the system. The email will contain your proposed chapter(s), the URL of the Editorial Manager site, the due date for submission of your chapter(s), the contact information of your Editorial Coordinator,and your login information.
Logging in
Go to the EM website.
Medical Practice:
Nursing and Advanced Practice:
Nursing Education:
Health Professions:
Medical Education:
From the main navigation menu at the top of the screen you will see a set of menu options. Click on ‘LOGIN’- as shown below:
The Editorial Manager Log-In screen will be displayed. Enter your username and password in the appropriate fields. Click on the tab labeled ‘Contributor Login’. This will display the ‘Contributor Main Menu’ which will contain a list of functions that you have been given permission to perform in the system.
Once you have successfully logged in, the Contributor Main Menu will display ‘New Invitations,’ ‘Incomplete Components,’ ‘Components Waiting for Contributor’s Approval,’ or ‘ComponentsBeing Processed’ links. These links are also referred to as ‘Folders’. The number of Chapters you have in process in each folder will be displayed by the side of the entry.
Changing Your Password
You may at any time change your password, but you must first be logged in to the system. From the main navigation menu at the top of the screen (see below) select ‘Update My Information’.
The ‘Update My Information’ page dialog boxes will be displayed:
You will then be redirected to the Registration screens where you may look at all of the information currently available to the editorial teamabout you and update where applicable.
Once you have made your changes, click on the button labeled ‘Submit’. EM will check to see if you have filled in all of the required fields – if you haven’t, the following warning will be displayed:
You have an option to return to your information pages (click on the ‘Previous Page’ button) or you can just click on the button labeled ‘Continue’.
Accepting an Invitation to Submit
A contributor is notified of an invitation to submit a chapter via an email from Editorial Manager. Once the email is received, the contributorshould logon to the Editorial Manager site. From the Contributor Main Menu, the “My New Invitations” folder will contain the proposed chapter.
The “My New Invitations” folder contains chapter request(s)which the contributorhas not yet accepted. Upon acceptance, the chapter will move from “My New Invitations” folder to the “New Projects” folder.
- To begin, click the “My New Invitations” folder.
- The “Action” column on the left provides the following options:
- View Project – This link will download a PDF that contains all materials for your proposed chapter. These materials may include instructions, permission forms, previous versions of the chapter, or tables of contents. NOTE: Individual files (Word, e.g.) mustbe downloaded via links within the PDF.
- View Invitation Information – This link opens a window that contains any notes for the contributorcontained within the system.
- View Invitation Letter – This link opens a copy of the invitation letter you received via email.
- Agree to Submit – This link allows you to confirm that you will submit the proposed chapter.
- Choose “Agree to Submit” from the “Action” column.
Upon agreeing, the chapter will be moved to the “My Projects” folder.
Submitting a Chapter
Note: Editorial Manager is not a word or image processing tool. All Chapter preparation must be done prior to accessing the Editorial Manager site and saved on your computer.
- Choose “My Projects” from the “Contributor Main Menu.”
- Click “Submit Accepted Project.”
The “Submit Accepted Project” link opens the submission form. Each step of the form is listed in the column on the left hand side of the screen. Use this list to navigate through the form. You may also click “Next” when you complete each step to move to the next step. Each step prompts you to submit data associated with your chapter submission. Each submission step is outlined below.
NOTE: If you begin to submit a manuscript and are unable to complete the submission process because you run out of time or if you lose internet connection, your data will not be lost! You can log back into Editorial Manager and access your unfinished submission in the ‘Incomplete Components’ list on your Contributor Main Menu.
Enter Title
The title of your chapter will be chosen by your Editor and communicated by your Editorial Coordinator. Changes are not allowed within the system. If the title needs to be changed, please contact your Editorial Coordinator.
Adding Co-Contributors
The contributorsubmitting the manuscript will be listed as the Corresponding Contributor by default. Only the Corresponding Contributorwill receive any e-mail notifications from the system.
- To add Co-Contributors, click “Add Another Contributor.”
- The pop-up displays the Add Co-Contributor console. Required contact information displays in red text with an asterisk (*). Once the required information is entered, click the disk icon in the upper left hand corner of the console (circled below) to add the contributor. Click the other disk icon to save the contributor to the chapter submission and add another contributor.
- When you have entered your co-contributors into the system, click “Next.”
Enter Comments
You may include with your chapter comments about the submission. These comments can be read by any Book editor and Editorial staff of the publisher processing your chapter.
- Type your comments into the text field.
- Click “Next” to proceed to the next step.
Attach or Download Files
You will be asked to upload your chapter files. For each Item you want to upload into the system:
- Choose the Item from a drop-down box. Manuscript, figures or tables may all be separate Items in the drop-down box. Make sure to choose the correct one.
- Required items are listed in the “Items” drop-down menu with an asterisk.
- Enter a Description in the text box (i.e., Figure 1, Table 2, etc.)
- Contributors may also attach files to their submission that have been ‘compressed’ (i.e. zip files). This allows Contributors to upload several files at once, rather than having to upload one file at a time. It also enables a faster upload of a large single file. The system will automatically ‘un-zip’ the file, so that the individual file(s) can be attached to the submission. Contributorsmay choose the file type and submission item for the “zipped” files when uploading a zip file.
- Repeat this process until all Items in your submission have been specified. You can see everything you’ve attached in the list at the bottom.
- You may reorder your files by altering the listed numbers in the “Order” column (1), and clicking the “Update Order” button (2). Add descriptions for your files (e.g., Main Chapter Body, Figure 1, etc.) in the text boxes in the “Description” column (3). To delete files, place a check next to the listed files under “select” (4) and click “Remove” (5). Figures and tables may require additional data entry. To enter or change information about a figure or table file, click Edit Data (6).
- When all Items have been attached, click ‘Next’ at the bottom of the page.
Completing and Approving Your Chapter
Once all your files are attached and you have clicked “Next”, you will see the summary of the files you are sending to the Editorial Coordinator, and can make sure that everything you want to include is listed. The following page will display any missing data from your submission. Click Previous to return and complete any missing sections. When all tasks are complete, this page will provide a Build PDF for My Approval box.
- Choose “Previous” to make changes to your chapter submission.
- If everything is included, click “Build PDF for my Approval.”
- Your manuscript will now be found in the ‘Submissions Waiting for Contributor’s Approval’ in your ContributorMain Menu. To complete the submission process you’ll need to make one final approval before the Editorial Coordinator receives your submission (See ContributorPDF Approval-in the following section). Once you click “Build PDF for my Approval”, an email will automatically be sent to you reminding you to log in to Editorial Manager and approve your submission. You can navigate to the Submissions Waiting for Contributor’s approval now or use the link in the email to approve and complete the upload.
NOTE: Your submission is not complete and it willnot been sent to the Editorial Coordinator until you approve the PDF.
ContributorPDF Approval
You must approve your submission before it is sent to the Editorial Coordinator. Click ‘Submissions Waiting for Contributor’s Approval’ to bring up a table containing all of your chapters that are waiting to be viewed and approved (see below). Once the PDF version of your manuscript has been created by the system, you will see a set of links in the Action column of the table (far left).
Note: the actual building of your PDF may take a few minutes once you’ve uploaded your files or as long as 30-60 minutes depending on the size of files.
Use links within the action column to view your chapter, approve, see the information associated with your chapter invitation, or view correspondence about your chapter.
- The following links appear in the “Action” column:
- View Manuscript Component – Allows you to view the PDF of your chapter submissions, which is compiled from your uploaded files. This is not a representation of how the chapter will look in its final form.
- Edit Manuscript Component –Brings you to the same interface you used when you began the chapter submission.
- Approve Manuscript Component – Once you have viewed the PDF, and are happy with the results, use this link to submit your chapter.
- View Project – This link will download a PDF that contains all materials for your proposed chapter. These materials may include instructions, permission forms, previous versions of the chapter, or tables of contents. NOTE: Individual files (Word, e.g.) can be downloaded via links within the PDF.
- View Invitation Information – This link opens a window that contains any notes for the contributorcontained within the system.
- Correspondence – Contains all correspondence regarding your chapter.
- Choose “View Manuscript Component” to see the site-generated PDF of your chapter submission.
- Click “Approve Manuscript Component” to submit your chapter.
Tracking the Progress of Your Chapter Submission
Once your chapter has been submitted, you can track its progress by viewing your submission in the ‘Components Being Processed’ list (see below).
Submitting a Revised Chapter
You may receive an email request from your Editor or Editorial Coordinator requesting some revisions to your chapter. To do this, please log onto Editorial Manager from the link in the email message which should take you to the Revisions tab. When asked to ‘Revise your Chapter’, the submission moves into the folder called “Components Needing Revision” under the Revisions heading on your Contributor Main Menu page.
- From this folder the following key options are listed:
- View Manuscript Component – This link allows you to see the PDF of the most recent version of the submission.
- File Inventory – Allows you to download any of the source files that make up your chapter submission. You can downloadyour files and work on them before you submit your revised chapter.
- Revise Manuscript Component – Starts the submission process for your revised chapter.
Initiating the Revised Chapter Submission
The process for submitting a revised chapter is similar to the interface for submitting a new chapter.
- Click “Revise Manuscript Component” from the Action column.
- When you get to the “Attach Files” step in the process, you are presented with the list of source files from the previous version. You mustchoose whether or not to carry over files from the previous version to the new Revision.
- When presented with the list of source files, there is a checkbox displayed to the right of each file. The checkbox must be checked to carry the file over to the new version of the submission. (see below)
- Click ‘Next’ to proceed to the next page where you’ll be given the option to upload your revised files to attach to the revised chapter.
- Click ‘Next’ to Build PDF for your Approval. Then the same steps apply as for your original submission earlier in this guide.
NOTE: Your submission is not complete and it willnot been sent to the Editorial Coordinator until you approve the PDF. Once your chapter is accepted as final you will be notified.